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Z�15��5�3 <br /> Cf3VE��1,.NTS <br /> �. Payments. Barrowcr a�re�s to make all payments on tl��s�curc�d deb�when due. Uniess Larrow�r and Lender��ree o�h�r�v�se, any <br /> pa��ments L�nd�r receives �'rom Barrnv���r or for Borrower's bene���vilt be app�ied frst to any amounts garrQwer nwes on th��ecured d�bt <br /> �xc�usi�e af ir�terest or prin�ipal,second tc�inter�st,and�h�n to principal. If partial prepayment of th�securcd deb�oc�urs far any re�san,it will <br /> no�redi�ce❑r excus�any sched��led p�Wment�rntil tl�e s�cured debt is paid in#��r��. <br /> Z. C�aims�gainst Titl�. Borrower w�i1I pay aIl tax�s.asscssmen�s,and otfaer char�es at�riE�utab�e t��h��roperty�.��hen due and wili dcf�nd <br /> title to t�le prop�rty a�ainst any claims which would�mpair th�lien af tnis deed of�rust. Lcnder may requi�� Borr�wer ta assign any rights, <br /> claims ar defc:ns�s whi�h Bc�z�rov��er may)�ave a�ainst par�ies wha supply Iabar or material�t�imprav�ar maintain�he prop�r�y. <br /> 3. Insuranee. Barrow�er wi��k�ep thc proper�y insured under terms acceptahlc to Lender at Borraw�er'�expens�and�'or L�nd�r's bezaef t. 11�i <br /> [nsurance pfllicxes shall include a s�andard mor��age c�ause in���or q�Lender. Lender wilI be nam�d as toss payee flr as the insured on any such <br /> insurance poticy, nny insurance prnceeds may be applied,within Lender's discretion,tc�c:�tl�er the restora�ion or rcpair of thc dama�ed prc�perty <br /> flr tc�t�a�seeur�d debt. If Lcnder requires ma�tga���ns�i�anc�,Borra���r agrees�o main�a€n suc1�insurancc far as lon�as Lender reQuires, <br /> 4. Prop�rty, Borrower wi11 kcep the prop�rty in go�d condition and make all re�airs reasonably ncc�ssary. <br /> S. Expenses. F3orrawcr a�r�es to pay all L�nder's expens�s, incIudin�reasvnabl�attarn�ys' fe�s, if`Borrawer br�aks an�covenants in this <br /> d��d of trust�r in any obli�ation secu�-�d�y this deed nf�rust. Bo�-rnwer will pay these amnunts to 7.,�nder a�pra�id�d�n�a�enant 9 af this d�ed <br /> af trust. <br /> �. P�-ior Security Znt�rests. U�iless Barrowe��rst obtains Lender's wriitLr�con�esi,Bor�ow�r�vi�l na�make ar permit any ci�an��:s to any <br /> prior security interests.Barrower will perfarm a�I of Barr�wer's obIi�atio��s under a��v pr��r martga�e,deed of trust or ot�l�r s�curity a�reerr�ent, <br /> �nc[uding Barro�ver's ca�enants to make payments w��en due. <br /> 7. Assrt�nmen�o�'Rents and Profts. S�rrow�r assi�ns�a Lender the rents and prafts of th�proper�y. U���ess Sorro�ver and Lender ha�e <br /> a�re�d atherwise in writin�, Borrower may co�Iect and r�tain �he rents as �on�as Bo�-rower is nat ir�defaut�. ��Borrowcr defaults, Lender, <br /> L,�ndcr's a�en�,or a�ou�appointed r�c�i�er may tak�possession and mana�e tl�e property and col�ect t)�e rents. �,c�y rents I.,ender coilects shalI <br /> be app�ied�irst to t�7e costs af managin�the property, inGtudin�caYi�f c4sts and at�omeys' �e�s,commissions to renta� agEnts, ar�d any otl��r <br /> necessary r�lated expenses. `��he remainin�arnaunt a�rents will then appl��to paym�nts�n the secured debt as praWid�d in Co�enant 1. <br /> 8. Leas�halds;��ndaminiums;Plann�d Uni�DeveIopments. Barrowcr a�rees to�omply with th�prov�sians c�f any lease if this de�d c�f <br /> trust is on l�as�t�old. If this dced of nust is on a unit in a cond�miniurn nr a planned unit d��elopment,�on�wcr wi11 perforrn ait of Borrow�er's <br /> d�ti�:s und�r th�cov�nan�s,by Iaws,�r rc:�ulations af kht condominium or planned unit d�:�elopmen�. <br /> I. Au#ho�-ity o�'�aend�r ta P�rform fvr Borrower. If Borrow�er faids�o perform,any af Borrower's du�ies und��-tl-►is deed Qf�rust,Lender <br /> may per�arm the duties or cause them ta he performed. Lendcr may si�n Borrawcr's name or pay any amount if necessary f�r perf�rrmanc�. If <br /> any construc�ion an the praperty is discontinued or not carri�d on in a r�asflnab�e manner, Lender m�y do whater�er is necessary ta protect <br /> Lendcr's securi�y interest in tl�e property. This may inc�ude compl�tin�thc construction. <br /> L�nder's failur�ta p�rform�vil]n�t preCl�ide Lender from exercisin�an�of its at���r ri��tts urzder the Ia��c�r this de�d�f trust. <br /> l�ny amounts paid by Lendcr to pr�tcct Lender's se�urity inter�st will be sccured by t��is deed of trust. Su�h amoun�s��ili be d�e an demand and <br /> will bear interest from th�dat��f the�aym�nt unti[�aaid in�Fu�l a�the in�erest rate in effecti on thc securcd deht. <br /> t�. D�fault and AcceIera#�ian. �f Bor�ower fails ta mak�any payment when due flr breaks any cov�nants under t�ais deed of trust or any <br /> flbIiga�ion s�cur�d by��his d��;d o�'trust ar any prior mort�ag�ar d�:�d vf tru�t,Lender may accelerat�tla�ma�urity of the secured debt and dernand <br /> immedia�e paymen�and may invoke t��e paw�r af s�le and a��y o���er remedies permitted by appl�cahle tav��. <br /> ��. Re9uest far Naticc of Default. It is hereby requested�hat Gopies nf the notice�a�default and sale be sent to each person who is a party <br /> hereto,at th�addr�ss af eac�s�ch p�rson,as set forth herein. <br /> 1�. Power af Sale. If the Lender in�okes the pawer of sale,the Trustee shaIi f rst re�ord in the o�Frce�f tl�e re�ister�f de�ds o��a�h c�unt� <br /> wh�rein thc trust property❑r some part or parcel thereo��s situat�d a notice of`dc�'au�t containin�the information reyuired by�aw. T��e Truste� <br /> s�iall also maii cnpies c�f th� nc�ticc nf defa��it to the Barrower, ta cach persan w�o is a par�y h�r��a, and to ather persor�s as prescribed by <br /> 2�ppIicabl� law. Not Iess than nne m�nth after th� Trustee r�cnrd� t��� nnti��af de�auit, nr tw� mnnths if t��c tr�st praperty is nat in any <br /> incorpnrated G�ty ar�iila�e and is used in farmin�❑pera�ions carri�d on by the trustor,t��e Trust�e shalI�iWc pu�lic n�tice of sale t��h��ersans <br /> anci in t���mann�;r prc:scr�bed by applica�le law. Trustee,with�ut dcmand an Sorrower,sha�I sell th�pro�erEy a�public auction to�h�hi�h�st <br /> bidder. If re�u�red by the Farrn Hamestead Protectian Act,Trust�e�ha�I❑€'f�r the prc�p�rty in two s�parat�:salcs as required by applicab�e law�. <br /> Trustce may pastpane sale c�f aIl or any parceI❑f the property b�public a��nc�uncernent at thc time and place of ai�y previous�y scheduled saIe. <br /> Lender or its dc�si�,ne�may purc��ase the property at any sale. <br /> Upon rc��ip�of payment o�'the pric�bid,Trust�e s]�al�delivcr ta the purchaser Trust�e's d�ed can��ying t1��prQp�rty. T��e recitials contained in <br /> Tru�tee's d�ed shall�e prima faci�evidience af the truth a�the stat�m�nts cfln�ain�d�herein. Trus�ee s1�all apply�hc�proc��ds of�h�sale in�he <br /> �ollowing order: �a} to a11 expens�s af th� saIe, incIuding, but not limited to, reasonable Trustee's fe�s, rea.�anabt� attorney's �e�s and <br /> reinstatement fees;�b}�o ai�sums secur�d by this deed of trust,and�c}�h�ba�a��ce,if any,ta th�persons]egaIly entitled ta receive it. <br /> 13. Fnre�Insurc. At I.,�nder's nptinn, this deed �fi �nist may hc foreclas�d in the m�nn�r praWided by applicable Iau� far forc�closur� of <br /> mort�a�c;s on r�a�praperty. <br /> 14. Inspectiun. Lencier may�ntc:r the property to inspect it i�L�nder gi�es Borro�ver natice b�farehand. T��e na�i��must s�at�tl�e r�asonabl� <br /> caus�for Le�ader's ix�spectio�l. <br /> 15. Candemnat�on. I3�rrc�wer assians to L�nder the pracceds of an�award or claim for dama�es connecYed wi��� a condemnat��n ��-other <br /> ��kin�af��I ar any part of`the prc�perty. Suc��proce�ds�vill he applied as pro�ided in Co�enant I. T��is assi�nmcnt is su�ject ta t�ae terms af ar�y <br /> prior sec�rity a�re�m�nt. <br /> 16. Waiver-. Qy�xerc�sin�an� rem�dy availab[e t� L�nder, Lender does nat�i�e up any ri�hts to lat�r use any oihcr rernedy. By nat <br /> exercising any rcmedy upon�3anrnwcr's defau�t,Lend�r do�s nat tivaiWe any ri�ht ta lat�r cansider�h�ewent a de�aui�if it happ�ns a�ain. <br /> I7. Joint and Se�erai Liahil�ty;CoTsigner�;Succ�ss�rs and Assi�ns Baund. �lI duties under t}�is de�d of tr�st ar�joint and severa�. Any <br /> Sarrower wh� coT�igns this deed �f trust but do�s not ca-s��n tt�e und�r�yin� d�bt instrum�nts�s} does so anly to �rant and ��nv�y that <br /> Borrawer's int�rest in the property ia i�x�:Trust�i under�h�;terms of this deed of trust. In adciition,such a Borro���r a�r��s t}�at the Lender and <br /> any ot��er Ba�-rower und��tl�is d�cd of trust may extend,modify ar make any ofi��er chan�es in the te�-��s o#`thi5 d�cd of trust or t1�e secured deht <br /> wi�haut that Borrov��er's cansent and��rithout relcasin�that Borrawer from the t�rms of this deed of trus�. <br /> The duti�s and ben�fi�s a�this deed of trust shaIl bind and b�nefit the s�icccssc�rs and assigns of I.�ender and F3orrower. <br /> IS. Nv�icc. UnIess ot���nvis� r�quired by 1aw, any naticc to Bonawer shall b� �,���n by de�iverin� it or by mailin� it �y certified maal <br /> addressed to Bonor,ver at th�propert}��address or any v�her address that Borrower has���en ta Lender. Barrow�er��ill giy�any notice t�Lend�r <br /> hy ce�tified mail ta I_�ende�'s addr�ss on pa�e 1 af this deed af tnist,or ta any other address,w��ich Lend�r has desi�nat�d. Any oth�r natic�ta <br /> Lender shaIl b�sent�n Lender's address as stafed nn�a�e I o�t�is d�ed of trust. <br />