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<br /> Return To:
<br /> H�me Federa�,Sa�i n�s&Laan
<br /> P�Bax 1 D49
<br /> Grand�sland,NE 688�2
<br /> �EED[)F TRUST
<br /> PARTIES: This Deed af Trus� is mad� on .�uly 48, ��15 aman� �he Grantor, Edgar F �]Vri�ht AND .�anef K �right,
<br /> HUSBAND ,��ID '�VIFE {"Borra�v�rer"}, !�RE1�D R BAA�K, ATT�RN�Y, whos� residence address is P. �. Box 79�,
<br /> Grand �s�and, Ha�l �aunt��, Nebraska ("Trus�ee"}, and the Beneficiary, HOME FEDE�AL SAVINGS ANa L4AN
<br /> A55Q�IATIQ�I �F GI�AI�iD ISLA�D, a carpo�rat�on ar�anized and exis�ing under �he �aws of NEBRASKA whos�
<br /> address�s��� SQUTH L��UST STREET,GRAND ISLAND,�EBRA�KA�S$4� �"L�ndez-"}.
<br /> CC]�''�EYANCE: For�alu� recei�ed, Borr�wer�rre�a�ably gran�s and c�n�eys �� Txust�e, �n trust,w�th p�wer of sale,
<br /> �he reaI proper�y,of�hich B�r�rn�er is�awful�y seized,de�cr�bed below and all buiIdin�s,fixtur�s,and�xis�i��and futu�re
<br /> impz-avemen�s�here�n and ai�ri�h�sWaf v�ay,easemen�s,rents,issuesy pro�ts,income,�enements,heredi#aments,pri�iie�es
<br /> and any appurtenances thereun�o belonging(al�called�he"p��perty"�.
<br /> PRUPERTY ADDRESS:3�19 grcntwood P�,Grand�s�and,NE bS8�1
<br /> Lot Ele�en�l�},Block Four(4},Brentwoad Subdi�isian,to the�ity af�rand�sland,Hall County,Nebraska.
<br /> Loca�ed in�all Counfiy,�Nebraska.
<br /> T�TLE:Borrower convenants and�azrants tit�e to�he proper�y,excep�far
<br /> SE�:'i]�RED DFBT: Th�s deed of trust secures �o Lender repaymen� �f the secured d�b� and the perf�rmance of�he
<br /> con�enan�s and a�reemen�s conta�n�d in�his de�d of trus�and in any a�her document inc�rporated herein. Se�ured d�bt,
<br /> as used in this deed af trus�, includ�s any amounts B�rrovver o��es ta Lender under this deed of�rus� or unde�r any
<br /> instrum�nt secured by th�s deed af trust,and ai�rnadif catians,extensions and renewals�hereof.
<br /> The secu�red deb��s e�idenced by(Lis�al� ins�rumenfs and agre�ments secured by this deed af tru�#and�he dates thereof.}:
<br /> ❑ Future advances: The aboue am�unt �s secured e�en though aIi or part o�`i� may not yet be advanced.
<br /> Future advances a�-e con�emp�ated and wil� be secured to�he same exten�as if mad�an fihe date of�his deed of
<br /> �rust is executed.
<br /> AZX am�unts�wed under thi�a�reemenf are secured eWen thou�h all amounts may n�t yet b�ad�anced. Future ad�ances
<br /> und�r fihe agreemenf are cot�templated and will be secured �o the same �xten�as if mad�nn the da�e�his deed of�rust is
<br /> executed.
<br /> The a��we abIiga�ion is due and payabie on Februazy 4�,��16,if not paid earlier.
<br /> The�o�a� unpaid balapce secuxed �y�his deed of trust at any one time shall not ex�eed a max�mum prin�ipa� amount of
<br /> �4��,0��.0�,plus interesf,plus any amaunts disbursed under�he�errns of this deed af trust ta pratect the security af this
<br /> d�ed of trus�ar tn perform�ny of the covenan�s can�ained�n this deed of�rust,with�nteres�on such disbursemen�s.
<br /> ❑ Var�ab�e Ra�e: The in�erest rate on the oh�iga�ian s�cured b�this deed of�rust may vary accarding to the
<br /> �errns of that obli�a�ian. A Rider con�ain�n��he#erms unde�wh�ch the interest rate may va�-y is attached to �his deed of
<br /> �rust arid mad�a part hereof.
<br /> Riders:
<br /> ❑ PUD ❑�andomin�um ❑ARM ❑�ther
<br />