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��15�4573 <br /> - 12. Borrower 1Vvt F�e�eas�d; Forb�arance By Lender Nat a V�la�ver. Ex�ension of the tiirne for payment or <br /> rnodi�cation of amartization of�hc sums se�ured b�this Security Instrun�.ent granted b�r Lender�o BarrQwer <br /> or any Successor xn Interest of Borrav�rer sha11 nat operate�o release�he 1iab�Xity❑f Borrower or any <br /> Suc,�essors in Inxerest of B�rrower. Lender shal�not b�requ�red�o cammence praceedings against any <br /> 5uccessor in Xnterest of E�orrov�rer ar t�refuse to extend time for payrnen�or otherwise modzfy amartization <br /> �f the 5ums secured by th�s Securi�y Instrurnent b�reason of any demand made by�he origxnal Barrawer or <br /> any Suecessors xn Intieres�af Borrovver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercrsYng an�r right or remedy <br /> including, v�ri�hout Iimitat�on, Lender'S ac�eptan�e of paym�n�s from third persons,entities or Successors in <br /> In�er�st of B�rrower or in amounts less than the amount�hen due, shall nax be a v�rai�er of or preclude�h� <br /> exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> 13. Jo�nt an�l �e�eral Liability: Co-s�gners; Successars end Assrgns Bound. Borrower co�enants and <br /> agrees that Bvrrower's obliga�ions and liability sha11 be jaint and several.. How��er, any Borrower�vho <br /> Co-signs thxs Se�urity �nstrument but d�es nat e�ecute the Note(a"c�--signer"): (a}is co-signing this <br /> • Security In��rument only�o martgage,grant and convey the co-signer's interest in the Property under�he <br /> terms af th.�s Secur�ty Instru�ment; tb}is not persona�Zy obligaCed to pay the sums secured by xhis Securi.�y <br /> Instrument; and�c} agrees that Lender and any ather Borrower Can agree to extend, madif�r, farbear or make <br /> any ac�ommoda�ions vvith regard to�he terms�f this Secur�ty Instirument or the Not�w�xhout the ca--s�gner's <br /> ' consent. <br /> Subj�t�o the pro��s��ns af Sectxon 1 S, any Successor in Int�rest of Barrower v�ho assumes Borrow�r's <br /> obligations under this 5ecurity Instrument in writing, and�s agpro�ed by Lender, sha11 obtain aII of <br /> Borro�er's rights and benefi�s under this Security Instrument. Barrower nat be released fram <br /> Borrvwer's obligations and liabili�y under thxs Security Instrument unless Lender agrees�v such re�ease in <br /> vcrri�ing. T`h�cavenants and agreements of�his Security�nstrument sha�.l b�nd�ex�ept a.s prv�ided xn S�txon <br /> 2D�and benef t the successors and assxgns of L�nd�r. <br /> 7 4. Loan Charges. Lender ma.y charge B�orrower fees for servxces perfarmed�n connec��on�ri�h Borro��r's <br /> defauX�, for the purpose of pro�ecting Lender's in�eres�in tihe Propert�r and�ights under tihis�curity <br /> Instrument, including, but nat Iixnited to, a�torne�s' fees,properCy inspection and�ralua.tXon fees. In regard to <br /> any otiher f�es, the absence af express authori�y�n this Se�urity Instrument to charge a specific fee�o <br /> Borrovver shall not be consxrued as a prohibiti�n on the chargin.g of such fee, Lender ma.y n�x charg�fees <br /> that are expressly grahzbited by this S�urity Instrument ar hy Applicable La�. <br /> If the Loan is subje.�t tv a law v�rhich s�ts maximum Ioan char�es, and that Iaw is�inally xnterpreted sa#hat <br /> the interest ar other Ioan charges cali�cted ar tio be c�1lec�ed in cannectzon with the Loan ex�eed tihe <br /> permi�ted��mits, th.�n: �a}any�uch Inan charge sha11 be reduced by the amount nec�ssary to redu�e the <br /> charge�o the�d limi�; and�b}any sums already collect�d from Borr�rver whxch e�ceeded permitted <br /> �xmits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose ta ma1�e this refund by reducing the pr�ncipa.l owe�l <br /> under the Nate ar by m�aking a direct payment to Borrower, If a r�fund reduces principal, the r�duc�ion wz�X <br /> be�reated as a partial prepayment without any prepa�ment charge��vh��her or not a prepaymen�charge is <br /> prav�ded fvr under�he Note}. �rrovirer's acc�p�ance�f any such refund made by d�recti payment to <br /> B�rrawer v�riil consti�ute a wai�rer of any righx af actian Borrov�er might ha�e arising au�of such o�ercharge. <br /> '15. Notices. All n�ti�;s giv�n b�r BQrrovver ar I.�nder in ronnectfon wi�h�this S�cur�ty Znsl�rument must be in <br /> v�rrting. Any no�xce to Borrvwer in conn�ct��n with thxs Secur�ty Instrument sha1�be deemed�o ha�re been <br /> gi�en to Borrvwer when ma�.leci by firs�class mail ar v�hen a�tual.Iy deli�ered to �rrower's notice addr�ss if <br /> sen.t by oth�r mean.s. I�oric�t�any one Borrower shal�constitu�e no�ice to a��Borrowers unless Applicable <br /> Law expressly reyuires atherwise. The not�ce addr�ss shall be�he Property Address unl.ess Borrovver has <br /> NEHRASKA-Single Fami�y-Fannie h11ae1Freddie flJl�c UN[FORM[NSTRUM�NT Form 3028 1l01 <br /> V�p� VMP6tN�)t1302f.00 <br /> Walters Kluwer�inanGial S�r�ices Page�1 vf�7 <br />