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��15�4573 <br /> sati�fact�on�,pro�ided that such�nspection shalX be under�aken pramptl�. L,ender ma.y pay for the repa�rs <br /> and res�ora�ion in a single disbursement ar in a series of prflgress payrnen�s as�he v�ork is cornpie�ed. <br /> Unless an agre�ment is made�n writing or Applicable Law requ�res interes�to be paid on such <br /> M�scellan�us Froceeds, Lender sha�l not b�required to pay B�rrower any in�erest or earnings an such ' <br /> Misce�xan�ous Prac.eed.s. If the restoration or repair is n�t econornicaliy feasib�e or Lender's securi�y wau�d <br /> be Ie�sened, �he Miscellan�us Pro�eeds 5ha.1�be applied��the surn�secured by this Security �ns�rumen�., <br /> whether or no�then due, wxth.the ex�ess, �f any, paid to Borrower. Such Miscellaneous Pr�ceeds sha.11 be <br /> app�ied in�a.e ard�r pro�ided for xn S�:ction�. <br /> In�h�e�ent of a t�tal taking, de�truction, or loss�n value of�he Property, t�]e M15Ce11�IIP�ll5 FsT'QC�S 5�1al� <br /> be applYed to the sums se�ur�d by�his S��ur�ty Instrument, whether ar not�hen due, �ri�h�he excess, �f any, <br /> pa�d to Barraur�r. <br /> In th�e�en�of a par�ial taking, des�ructxon, or loss in value of the Prvper�y in v�hi�h the fair market�a1ue of <br /> . <br /> �he Proper�y immediareXy before the par�iai taking, des�ruction, ar lass�n�alue is e�ual to or great�r than the <br /> amount of�he sums secur�d by xhis Se�uri�y Instrumen�zmmedYately before the partial ta.I�ng, destruction, ar <br /> Ioss in value, unless Borrower and Lender otherwxse agree in wr�tiaag, the sums securecl by this Security <br /> Instrumenx shall be reduc.�d by the amount af the Miscellan�us Proce.�ds rnultiplYed by the following <br /> frac�ion: �a}the tata,l arnaunt of the sums secured�mmedxate�y before�he partial tiaking, destructian, or Ioss <br /> in�alue di�ided by{b}the marke��alue af the Property immediately before the gartia.x ta.king, <br /> destruction, or loss in value. Any balance sh�.x be paid to Barrower. <br /> In�he e�ent of a part�al�aking, d�structian, or loss�n value of the Pr�perty in vcrhich the faxr marke�Walue of <br /> the Property�mmedxately before the partial taking, d�strucxi�n, ar lass in�alue is le�s than Che arnoun�of the <br /> sums secured imrn�d.ia�ely before the partia]�al�ing, destruc�ion, vr loss in value, un�ess Borrawer and <br /> Lender other�v�se agree in writing, the M�scellaneous Proceeds sha11 be app�ied�o�he surns s�cured b��hxs <br /> Security�nstrument whether vr nor the 5ums are then due. <br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, aft�r notice by Lender ta Borrower�hat the�pposing Par� <br /> �as defined in th�next sentence}offers to make an award to set�Ie a for damages, Barrov�er fail s ta <br /> respand to Lender within 3D days aft�r the date the not�ce is gi�en, Lender is authorized to coile�t and apply <br /> the M�sc�lianeous Proceeds either tv restora��on ar repair of the Proper�y or�o the sums secured by this <br /> 5�curity Instrum�nt, whether or not�hen due. "�pposing Party" means the thzrd party tha�o�ves Barraurer <br /> Miscellaneous Proce�ds ar�he party against whom B�rrower has a rzght of ac�ion in regard�o Miscellarieaus <br /> Pr�ceeds. <br /> Barrov�er sha�I be in default if any act�on or proceeding, whether civ�l or crixrunal, �s begun that, in I.ender's <br /> �udgment, could resulti rn forfeiture o#the Property or axher materzax impairm�nt of Lender's interest in�he <br /> Property or rights under this Securiry Instrument. Borro�ver can cure such a defaulr and, xf aceeleratian has <br /> occurred, reinstate as pra�ided�n SectYon 19, by causing the action vr proceedxng to be dismissc�d wxth a <br /> rul�ng�ha�, �n Lend�r's judgment, precludes forfexture of th�Prnperty or ather mater�al impairment of <br /> Lender's interest Yn�he Property or right�under th�s Se�urit�r Insxrumen�. The proceeds of any award or <br /> cla�m for damages that are at�ributable�o the�mpa.irmen�of L�ender's�n�erest zn the Property ar�h�r�by <br /> ass�gned and sha1�be paid ta Lender. <br /> AiI Miscel�aneaus Proceeds tha�are no�appiied to restoration or r�pair of the Proper�r shall be applied�n�he <br /> order proWided for in Se�t�on 2. <br /> NEBRASKA-Si�gie Family-Fannie MaelFr�fd�e Mac UNIFORM INSTRUNi�NT Form�028 1I�1 <br /> ��nP� VfVIPfi(NE}{'�3Q��.00 <br /> V1foEtgrs Kluwer Financial Services Page��of?7 <br />