<br /> i
<br /> made in one or more af the follawing forms,as selected by Lender: �a�cash;�b}money vrder;(c}certified checl�,
<br /> bank check, treasurer's chec� or cashier's check, provided any such check is d..rawn upvn an ins#itution whose
<br /> depvsits are insured by a federal agency,instn�m�ntality,or entity;ar(d�Electronic Funds Transfer. .
<br /> Payments are deem�d recei�ed by Lender when recei�ed at the Iocation designated in th�Nate or at such
<br /> other�ocation as rnay�e designated by Lender in acc�rdanc�with the notice pro�isions in Se�tion I5. Lender may
<br /> return any payment�r partial payment if the payment ar partial payments are insufficient to bring the Loan current.
<br /> L�nder may accept any payment or partial payment insufficient tv bring the Loan current,without waiver of any
<br /> rights hereunder vr prejudice to its rights to refuse such payment or partial payments in the future,�ut Lend�r is nvt
<br /> obligated to apply such payrnents at the time su�h payments are accepted. If each Periodic Payrnent is app�ied as❑f
<br /> its scheduled du� date, then Lender n�ed nat pay interest on unappiied funds. Lend�r may hold su�h unapplied
<br /> funds until Barraw�r mak�s payment t� hring�he Loan current. If Borrvwer dves n�t d� so within a reasonable
<br /> perivd of time,Lender shall either apply such funds or retum them to B�rrower. If not applied earlier,such funds
<br /> will be applied to the outstanding principal balance under the Note immediately priar t� fareclosure. No ofFset�r
<br /> claim which B�rrower might ha�e now ar in the future against L�nder shall relie�e B�rrawer from making payments
<br /> du� under the Note and this Security Instrurnent�or performing the co�enants and agreements secured by this
<br /> Security Instrurnent.
<br /> �. App�ication of Payments ar Praceeds. Except as otherwise descri�ed in this Sectian 2,al�payments
<br /> accepted and applied by Lender sha11 be applied in the following vrder of priority: �a}interest due under the Note;
<br /> �b}principal du�under the Note;�c�am�unts due under Section 3. Such payments shall he applied t�each Period�c
<br /> Payment in the arder in which it became due. Any remaining arnaunts shall be applied f�.rst to lat�charges,secand
<br /> ta any ath�r amaunts due under this 5ecurity Instrument,and�hen to redu�e the prin�ipal balanc�of the Note.
<br /> If Lender recei�es a payment frvm Borrawer for a d�linquent P�riodic Payment which includ�s a sufficient
<br /> amount ta pay any late charge due,the payment may be applied to.the delinquent payment and the�ate charge. If
<br /> more than ane Periodic Payment is outstanding, L�nd�r may app�y any payment rec�i�ed fram Barrower to the
<br /> repayment of the Periodic Payments if, an�ta#he extent that,each payment can b�paid in full:. To the extent that
<br /> any excess exists after the payment is applied to the full payment of ane vr m�re Perivdic Payments, such excess
<br /> may be applied to any Iat�charges due. �o�untary prepayments shall be applied first tv any prepayment�harges and
<br /> then as described in the Note.
<br /> Any application of payments, insurance proceeds, or Miscel�aneaus Prace�ds #a princ�pa� due und�r the
<br /> Nate shall not�xtend ar p�stpone the du�date,or change the amaunt,�f the Periadic Payments.
<br /> 3. Funds for Es�row ItemS. Borrower shail pay ta Lender on the day Periadic Payments are due under
<br /> the Note,untii the I�Tote is paid in fu1l,a sum�ihe"Funds"�to pra�ide for payment of amounts due for: (a)taxes and
<br /> ass�ssments and other items which can attain priority o�er this Securit�Instrument as a lien or encumbrance on the
<br /> Property; �b) leaseh�Id payments or ground rents an the Property, if any; (c} premiums for any and all insuranc�
<br /> required by Lender under Section 5; and �d} Martgag� Insuran�e premiums, if any, or any sums paya�le by
<br /> Borr�wer to Lender in lieu vf th�payment af Mortgage Insurance premiums in a�cardance with the provisions af
<br /> 5ection 1�. These it�rns ar� called `�Escraw Items." At �riginatian or at any time during the term of the Loan,
<br /> Lender may re��ire that C�mmwnifiy Association Dues, Fees, and�ssessments, if any, he escr�w�d by B4rrawer,
<br /> at�d such dues,fees and ass�ssments shall he at�Escraw Item. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all n�ti�es
<br /> vf amounts t�be paid und�r#his Sectifln. Borrawer sha11 pay Lend�r the Funds far Escrow Items un��ss Lender
<br /> wai�es Borrower's obligativn to pay the Funds for any or all Escraw Iterns. Lender may waive Borrower's
<br /> ohligation to pay to Lender Funds for any ar aIl Escrow Items at any time. Any such wai�er may only be in writing.
<br /> In flae event of su�h wai�er,Barrower shall pay directly,when and where payable,the�m8unts due for any Escrow
<br /> Items far which payment oF Funds has been waived by Lender and, if Lender requires, shal� fumish to Lender
<br /> receipts e�idencing such payment within such time period as Lender may require. Barrawer's obli�ation to make
<br /> su�h payments and to pro�ide receipts shall far all purposes be deemed tn be a ca�enant and agreement contained in
<br /> this S�curity Instrum�nt,as the phrase"co�enant and a�reement"is used in Section�. If Borrower is obligated tv
<br /> pay Es�mw Items directly, pursuant to a wai�e�t, and Borrawer fai�s to pay the am�unt du� f�r an Escraw Item,
<br /> Lender may exercise its rights under Sectinn 9 and pay such amount and Borrower shall then be obligated under
<br /> Nebra�ka DG�d o�Trust�ingte Family—Fannie MatlFredd�e Mae Uniform Instrument ,, Fvrm 30�81101
<br /> MERS ModiCed '• .•
<br /> The�vmpliance Sourcr,In�. � Page 4 of ld Modifi�d by Complianec Source 14301�TE�81U�Re�.�4113
<br /> wvrw.compliancesourte.�vm � ���4D-Z�I3,The�ompl�anee Saurce,Inc.
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