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��15�4541 <br /> 'I�. Borrower No# Re�eased; Forbearance By Lender Nvt a 1Nai�er. Ex�ensian of'the tirne for paymen�or <br /> modi�catinn of arnor�iza�ion of the sums secured by th�s Securi�y �nstrumen�granted�y Lender to Borra�ver <br /> ar any Successar in Int�rest of Borrawer shall not ap�rate to r�lease the liabili��r af Borro�ver ar any <br /> Successors in�nteres�of Borrawer, Lender sha11 not be required to carnmence praceed�ngs against an�r <br /> �uccessor in�n��rest of Borrflwer�r to r�fuse to ex�end�ime for pa�ment or o�herwise mod�fy amortization <br /> af the sums secured�y t�xs Securi�y Instz�ument by rea�on❑f any demand made b�the o�riginal Barro�v�r or <br /> any Succ��sars in Interes�of B�rrower. Any forbearance by Lender�n�x�rcising any r�ght or remedy <br /> inc�uding, wi�haut�im�ta�ion, Lender's accep�a�lce af paymen�s from thxrd persons, en���i�s flr Successars�n <br /> Yn�er�st�f Borrower or in amoun�s less�han�h�amount then due, shaii n�t b�a�aiver of�r preclude�he <br /> exercise of�ny right or remedy. <br /> �3. �aint and �er►eral L�abiiity; Co�signers; Suc��ssors an�t Ass�gns Bound. Borrow�r covenants and <br /> agrees�hat Borro�er's ab�igat�ons and��al�i�it��sha��be joint and se�eral. Hawever, any Borrower who <br /> �a--s�gns this Securi�y�nstrument but da�s nat e��cu�e�he Note{a "c�-s�gner"}: �a}is co--sign�ng th�s <br /> Securi�y ins�rument on��r�o mor�gage, grant and canvey�he�o-s�gner's inter�st �n�he Proper�y under the <br /> terms of this Securi��Instrument; (t�3 i�n�t persona��y ob�igated��pay th�sums secured by thi�Secur��y <br /> �nstrument; and�c}agrees tha�Lender and an�other Borro�ver can agre�to e�tend, m�d�fy, for�ear or make <br /> a�ay accammoda�i�ns v���h regard to�he�erms af this Secur���In�trument ar the Note wi�h�ut�h�co---signer's <br /> consent. <br /> Subject ta the pr�v��ion�of Sectian �S, any Succ�ssor in In��rest of Borrawer who assurnes Borrawer's <br /> ob�igat�ons under th�s Secur��y Instrurnen�in vvr��ing, and�s approved by I.�nder, sha��ab�ain ali of <br /> Barrower's rights and benefits under this Security Ins�rumen�. Barrower shail na�be re�eas�d fram <br /> Borr�wer's ohligations and��abi��ty under this Secu�ity �nstrument unl�ss L.ender agre�s to such release�n <br /> ❑vr��ing. The cavenan�s and agreem�nts af thi�Se�ur�ty�ns�rumen��haii bind t�xc�pt as pr��r�ded in Se���on <br /> �fl}and benef���he succ�ss�rs and assigns of Lender, <br /> 'I4. Laan Char�es. I,ender may charg�Borravver fee�for servi�es perforrned�n cannec�ion v��th Borrower's <br /> defaul�, for�:h�purp�se of prote��ing Lender's interes�in the Pr�per�y and rights under�ais Security <br /> Instrurnent, inciuding, but not�imi��d��, a��orneys' fees, property inspectxan and va�uation fees. �n regard�o <br /> any ather fees, the absenGe of�xpre�s authari��in this Securit��nstrumen��o charge a spec�fic fe��o <br /> Barrower sha��not be construed as a prohibx�zon an fhe char�in�of such f�e. L.�nd�r ma�not charge fees <br /> �hat are expres�ly prohibited by this Securi�y �nstrurnent or by Applicable Lavv. <br /> �f the I.�an is subj e�t ta a 1av��vh�ch se�s maximum loan charges, and tha��a�v is finally �nterpreted so�hat <br /> �he�nterest or ather��an charges co��ec�ed or t�be co�lected in connec���n with the I.,�an excee��he <br /> permitted Iirnits, then: �a}any such Iaan charge shaii b�reduced b�the amoun�necessary�fl reduce the <br /> charge to the permi�ted�im�.t; and�b}any sums a�read�coll��ted from Barrovver��vh�ch exceeded�ermi�ted <br /> l�rnits�vi�l be refunded to Borrower. Lender may chflase�a mak��his refund hy reducing the principal owed <br /> under the Na�e ar by mal�ing a direct paym�nt to Borrov�er. If a refun�reduces prin��pa�, �h�reduct�on will <br /> be treated as a par�ial prepayment wi�hou�any pr�pa�rnen�Gharge�wh�ther or no�a�r�payrnent charge is <br /> pravided for under the�ate}. Barr�wer's acceptance of any such refun�made by d�rect payrnen�t� <br /> Borrower wil�con�titu�e a v�raiver of an�r right of ac�inn Borrawer migh�have aris�ng au�af such avercharge. <br /> �5. No#�ces. A��no�xces gi��n�y Barrower or Lender in connectian w�th th�s Se�urity Instrum�nt must��in <br /> wri�ing. Any nat�ce ta Barr�w�r in connection w�th th�s S��urity Instrum�n�5ha��be deemed to ha�re b�en <br /> given to Borrower when ma��ed b�first class ma�1 or when a�tua�ly de��vered to Borrower's not�ce addr��s if <br /> sent�y other means. No�ice to an�r�ne Borrow�r shal�canstitu�e n��ice t�al� B�rrowers unless App�icabie <br /> Law express�y requires o�he�-v�ise. The noti�e address shall be the Proper�y Addr�ss unless Borrourer has <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Ma�IFreddie Mac UNI�aRM€NSTRUM�NT �orm 3a28'(1�"# <br /> VMP� VMPfi�N�)t�3a�) <br /> Wo(ters Kfuwer Financial 5er�ices Page 1 1 af 17' <br />