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��15�4541 <br /> sa�isfa�t�on, provid�d that su�h inspec�ian shall be un�er�al�en prornp�l�. Lend�r ma�pay for the repair� <br /> and restoratian in a s�ng�e disbursemen�or�n a series af progress payments as the worl�is c�mp�eted. <br /> Unless�n agreement�s�ade in v�rriting or Applicable Lau�requires interest to be paid on such <br /> Mzscellaneous Proceeds, L�nder shail not be r�quir�d�o pay Borrow�r any interest or�arnings an su�h <br /> Mxsc�l�ane�us Pr�ce�ds. �f�he re�taration or repa�r is not ecanomically feaSible or Lender's Se�:ur�t�wauld <br /> be�essened, the MisceilaneQus ProGe�ds sha�� be appl��d�o�he sums secured b3�this Securi�y�nstrumen�, <br /> wheth�r or not�hen due, �vxth the e�cess, if any, paid to Borrower. SuGh�iscel�aneaus Pro�e��s�hall he <br /> app�ied�n�he order pr�vided for in Se�tian 2. <br /> In the even�of a tata�taking, des�ruct�an, or tass in value of th�Prop�rt�, th�Mxs�e�laneaus Pra�eeds sha�� <br /> be app�ied ta the sums secured by th�s Securi�y�nstrurnent, v�hether or no�then due, w�th�he e�cess, if an�, <br /> paid to Borravver. <br /> �r����ev�n�o�a pa�t��l ���ng, des�ruc��oz�, ar�ass��valu���th��'��p��ty�n�vhic�t��fair rr�arke�valu��f <br /> �he Property irnmediate�y befor�the par�ial taking, �.�s�ructzon, or�oss in va�ue i� equal to ar greater than t�e <br /> amoun�af the sums se�ur�d�y this Securi�y Instrument imm�dza�e�y before the par�ia�tak�ng, destruct�on, or <br /> loss in va�ue, un�ess Bflrrflwer and Lender o�herwise agree in�ri�ing, the�ums secur���y th�s SeGur�ty <br /> Instrument�ha��be reduced by�h�amaunt af�h�Miscei�ane�us Proc��ds xnu�tip����.by th�fo��o�v�ng <br /> fraction: �a}the tota�amount of�he sums s�cured �mmediate�y bef�re the par�ia�ta�ing, d�s�ruction, ar tass <br /> in value di�ided b��b}the fa�r mark�t va�ue�f the Prap�rt�imm�d�at�ly b�fare the par�ia�taking, <br /> destructzon, or��ss in�a�u�. Any balanc�sha��be paid�o Borrawer. <br /> �n the e��nt of a par�ia�takzng, des�ruction, ar loss in value of�he Pr�per�y zn�hich th�fair market va�u�af <br /> the Proper��xmmediat���r befare�he partiai�aking, destruction, or�o�s�n va�ue�s�ess than�he amount of the <br /> surns secured immedia���y before�he par�ial taking, des�ructi�n, or los�in va�ue, un�ess Barrou�er and <br /> Lender othervvi�e agree in v�rriti�g, �he Mxs�ellaneous Pr�ceeds shall be applied�o the sums secured by th�s <br /> Secur��y�ns�rumen�whether�r not the sums are�hen due. <br /> �f the Praper�y�s abandoned by Sorrawer, ar if, after natice by Lender to Barrawer tha�th��ppas�ng Par�y <br /> �as def�ne�.�n the next senten�e��ffers�o make an award t�set�le a cla�m for damages, Borro�rer fails to <br /> respond�o L�n�.er w��hin 34 days after�he date the nn�ice is gi�en, Len�er is authorized ta col�ect and appiy <br /> the Mxsce�Ianeous Pr���eds�i�her t��rest�ra��on or repa�r of�he Prop�r��ar to the�ums s�cured�y this <br /> Securit�r�ns�rum�n�, vvh�ther�r nat th�n due. "Q�posing Par�y" means the�hird par�y that awes Borrov5rer <br /> Miscelia.n�aus Proceeds or the par�y against whom Barrow�r has a right of ac�ion�n regard to Miscel�aneous <br /> Pr�c�eds. <br /> Borrawer sha��h�in defaul�if an�r a��ian�r proceeding, whe�her civil ar crirr�inal, is begun that, in L�nder's <br /> judgmen�, coui�result in forfezture of the Pr�per�y or ather ma�eria�impairment of Lender's inter�st�n the <br /> Pr�per�y�r r�ghts under th�s Se�ur�ty Ins�rument. B�rr�w�r can cure�uch a defauit and, if acce��ratian has <br /> fl��urred, r�instate as proWided in Section �.9, by causing the action ar praceed�ng to be d�sm�ssed w�th a <br /> rul�ng�hat, in Lender's judgm�nt, pr���udes forfe�tur�of the Property or other mater�al impairment�f <br /> Lender's int�rest in the Praperty or righ�s under th�s Secur�ty Instrurnen�. The prace�ds�f any awar�or <br /> c�a�m far damages that are attr�butable ta�h�impairm�n�of L�nder's�nterest in th� Pr�per�y ar�hereby <br /> assign�d and s�ail be pa�d to Lender. <br /> A�� M�sce��aneou� Praceeds�hat are not applied��r�storat�on❑r repair of the Proper�y shall be applzed in�he <br /> order provided for in Secti�n�. <br /> N�SRASFGA-Si�gle Family-�anni�MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRLJM�NT Form 3�2$7101 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi{NE�(13n2f <br /> Walters Kiuwer Financiaf Ser�ices �age 1 Q af i 7 <br />