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201504381 <br /> ��E� �� '�Ftl3��" <br /> ���� �aa: 8�?���r�r�� (��r���r�u�d$ t��ge � <br /> Trustcr sh�:lf, avir.h�ut s3ern��Tr1 ur �E�eustc�r, ait�r :;uch time as �7��y ti7en Vr� r�qUirecl u�� l�v,� �r�d �#�c:;r <br /> rFc��rii��ii3n nf�ur;� �Ec�tic� raF C��f�ult ancl tt�t�r d�otic�n# Sz�le l�avi�-,y b��rt csiv�n as r�;s�u�res'� G�� I���t, se#I <br /> ths Frsap�r[y a[ thr, tirete <�nd �i�r.a �fi s�9e i�xed l7y tt iri 5��ch fJ�t�c�: o` SaEc�, �;rst-rr;t ri5 a wh�aEe, z�r tr� <br /> �epari�te iots c�s�arcei�cr item4 �rs Tr��t�a shalE de�:rn eaxp�si�ent, ar�ri �n suc;i-,urd�r as dt mayr�eterrnine, <br /> �t ��ut�lic, �t�c.[i�n tc� th� ha��hr�s;bitJrier for c�sh in I�vutul rncinwy r�$ Ef�c: Uni't�c�SYates �»yao:� <rt tliE#'trtYe <br /> ��f s�i�. Trust�� sh�ll r�eliu�r fr� sti�eh� E3�irci�d��� c�r ,�urctiase�s therrc�f it5. r�rur� �n�3 suffit:ie�zt �eEr# �r <br /> d�eae�s e:t�nve:yin�� tl�� �a�c,�>�rtb� sc� ao;c1, but withr��,t <3ny r.�svenanc ni tv�rr�ntv. �xpres:s �r impliecl., ��hH <br /> i-acit�iti irz :uch �eer� c�f ariy m�t4er� �ir tact; sh�ll ti� cop�cfusivE �rae�f of�P�� ttut4i�ulraeas th�e�nf. r�.ny <br /> �i rsc,n, ins:�ucling withnut li>>�itafin�i�rru�tor, l`rus[c;e,or Lc:nds;r, a�ay��ErrP�asG a?such sal�; <br /> ib) ?�y rn�,y t�� �c:rr�ittr:J h;� I��n�, ait�r�ec9uiting ai9 r.osts; F�es �:��� s.xp�nse;s cri Tru;tc� �and nf r,tiis <br /> Tnist, it�clY�s�iny�GSts Uf�ui��ri�eu�a#tr-4e�n ct�rn7Pciti�� w�th sat�; `i ru�teF sh<�II �r7ply t1-�c:�r�r.r�rts af sdl� <br /> %n �a�yrzi�nt uC ii3 �Il surns cxpen:Je;cP i�ntl€±f rhi; �i�rrris UP th?=s d€>_r:ci t�f lrust or �tr�cJ�.r �he ierr»s e=f thc <br /> ���c;dit t-'�c�rvement no[ trien renaiti; inc�uc3ing taut r3ut licnited tc� ar,erued Entc;te:�[ �t�ci late char�r;s, (ii} e�ll <br /> �nYh�er 3ur7is rh€i'���cur�d i��reL,y, �nc� tuC��ilhe rprtiaincler, if��ny, �t� i>i� pW�sa�1���r p�;rsan:� Se�7ally arltiCi�d <br /> ih�ratC�. <br /> ici T�uste�?n�v i7 tf�r:m�nner F��ciuirJ�i#Ly l�w p+�st�zona<s��le c�f:�ii r,r�ny��c,rtio�z nt th5w (�ra�eety. <br /> l��rn�d€�as IVcat ExclusaUe. -�',r,�srnr: zrr� d.e�;d<�r, anc� ��,i;h ef them, ahall 1�e er,r.itl�r_I xv er�ivrce paym�;�t �rsr� <br /> peric,rm�3nr.�Y af<any in:ic;ht�cliiR,s Ur�_�i�li�3fi�rns secur�ci t�y Yhss ��ed t,'r Ti��est arsd ta��ercesEs all ric�hts:�n�-�}7ne�v�rs <br /> ��r�der tl,,i� C)ee�� o€ 7rust, un,�er t9�e C*etiit A�rc�:mer�t, unelr:�• any raf ri�t �iel�3tEtci Dc�cuttzc�nt5, o�� ur���Fr ;arv c��ti€;r <br /> ayrcerner�� ar :�ny Invvs n�iN� or h€rt:�fter ic� fic�;c�; natuvFthst�n�in�, sr,me pr �II oi sLch incJet�re;l�cs5 and <br /> �ihl�g�ri�:ns s�curec! 1-ry tf�is U��cf oi Trust rrray na4v or i7ereat:tPr I,ic €�il�et;nris�:��cure.l, vv'�c�a:h�r k�y n-i�ri�3�f��, �vs�t1 <br /> ��irust, �3�ctge, Isc�n -,,:�i�jnmerrt or t,to�e;rwi�e. N�ither the acr:�pt�nc�c�t ihi5 �J�.ed c�f T�ust 17ur ils �E�icrrce:ne�r.; <br /> i�,�h�ihc:r t>�x cnurt;action or pur;��a�7t tq t3�e poawer c=f sale c3r cth�r �r, erinta�nEei ir� this pe��d cf Tru�t; sli�Rl <br /> �,re�ur�icE i.,r it� tiar�y r��ar�r��r �if�ct TrusfE:�'G or I_nn�<�r's ric��ai to re�li're upc�ti�ar eniprr.�: �ny t�ther ;�€;cueity rFravy t�i <br /> #���rt��€ter t3eld fa,/ErustcE�c�r t,;.�p,it b�in� a�re�d [Iz�t Trus:�� ard Lenr�E�r, �,nd e�ciz cifi t3iern, �haii er���tl:;ei r.rci <br /> �nfc�rce ihds pet:a at Tr�ust �r��i arby c�tr�r:r sece�rity roov�s �r hereafter hglcJ hv �e��cier ur Trusi�c: in surh �rder antl <br /> rr�ar�:��r' a� iitr�y ur eith�r taf [hism rnay in ti��i�r �l',�r?lutc �isiret�n�� d�i�i'rriine, i'Jti�s ren-incfy ce�fertFc� uPan or' <br /> rc:se��aeii i:a Trustr:� �r Lend�:r, i� in;er�i�c! �o t�; exc,lusiv�: +if anV c�thc;r re��sriy in tYis; C�w�c�t cf Tru<;t nr !�y ?3�,n� <br /> Fas°ovieyFd i�f perrrriitee; hirt e�r.h 51,ai1 ta;; ciimul:ar.i�j�; �r;cl shail �� sr� adr�3�ic�n t� evFrv crth�.r r�n�edy �7ivc.ta �rx :I-iss <br /> �eecJ r�f'i�ru..? ui notim an c� r:xist#nc� �rt E�„v ar in �;quity r�r tjy�zatUte. Every�pavtic:r nr re:�i��r_t�,� c�duren uy She <br /> Crc�dit A�reeme�t nr any n4` th,r� l��E�t�d Dar.usnEsit� Ya 'rrust_a�: or �.enctc;r r,r tr ta•i�iifz ei[li�r c�( tkiem anay he <br /> nthert�f�5e FntlUet�, �na�r FiP c.xet4i�E�i, c��nt�urr�.�tlY ci in�n�,i?nde�ifly, ftor�) ti�i�e tca titn� �ne4 as o€Yen as r�3�y'�ie <br /> dr�:or��ri ex�edi�ni i�y �"rust� ��;r !_nnr#ar, ar�i-i �ith�r r�f ti��rii i7oay puPwue inia�an.,ast:ent r�n7er_1ie5. A�ofifiinr� is� ;his <br /> L��:�� uf Trusi �hali tae :;c�nsFru�ci �s pro�sit3itisic; Len�et irua�s �,�ekin� s d.^.Ficiency juclq�ns�izC Pjair,st th� Ttustor to <br /> ths:eztent si_iGP"i �7cziur3`o� ;>err.iitt�ti (r,r 4�tv. <br /> �Icctinn a# Retne�itles. HIt Gf �eritie�r's rlyE:f4 �nd r�,rr,�r#€Es wii! be currsuiz�tive �r��i rr��tv 1iF exfres��;r� �tlnn� oi <br /> tc�;�etfzer. If LEtid�r c�F�c:idF:s ^o sF;�:nc! mnr,ev c�i• tu Nerf,�rrtz �ny c,f Ts�stt�r':i t��lit�aiir,ns z��,d�:r tii:� C�e�� :;F Trust, <br /> af=.�r Tri�stc�r's faiic�r� tu itc�sn, th�,t decrsir��i t�y L�,nc3er v�iil nat �Y`ecc i_s�r;ile�'s ric�ht t� +�ee:l�re �i ria5tor in cfi:fa.ulx <br /> i3f1C1 LU���iPt'G'iSP_. �f3I?C�L����S"�'t74f?.d�E'��5. <br /> Rer�ues�f�,r�Vvtic�, TruStor, o�b�ha9f c�f 1'r�ost,-zr anrl E r�nrlFr, 1-��ref�y re�u�.sts[hat� c�zpy of�riy-N�atrcc.�7t C�rfdt�l� <br /> �nd a cu�ay c�f any �Ji�Ti�:�:1�f ��te s.�ne�er this€�awi7 c�f T�ust f�� i�iaitecJ tc�tts�:n� at the a-�rlressr3s sat fiartl� in the firsi <br /> �r�3rtzyr<t��h of ih;s nePd�f TrL.SC: <br /> Atf�t�e,y�' �eesa Ex�enses. If L�nr�er if�stit�?��:s ;�ny �,uit r�r �3ctic3n ta e�cti,ru� any ��f tt�v o�;;ins ot this C�er.3 c,i <br /> l-ru5i, (�and�.R-s{ia'I �� e¢�titiec!to rec.ra�f�r such sum �s 117e cou:t�noy drJj�t�c7;; reaycna�lr;<�s t�ttornev�' €��:� at triai <br /> �nd u�rat� ar�y a�a}�c;�al. U'Jhether sar nn� an}� �ourt aetic�;i is inv�alv�d, an+i ti�i ti-�:; exie�? nnt �.rol-siF?ite�3 liy €aw, ali <br /> rr�agt�nal79r: �'epwrZ,Ec Ler.rier ii�curs Lhafi is� L�r�r�et's ��(�init3ri �re raet;cfis�ry 1t any tirna for #:t�;; protectis�n :zf ?ts <br /> ir�ter��t c�Y tl�e�nf�rrc�:rri��z?�t i4s riqhts �h<,Si E�c:i:�ma�3 ;sart c1 11-ie Ira�e��te�}n��s p�y�staiez c�n cema�-iri �ncl sfia#I l�rFar <br /> iritereat �t ihe,r�it Agreernci�t rate Prs�ri-� tYr� �i�te o1 the E-xp�:rdi=t,rn u�r.i1 rc��.3ir�. FxN�r.,Es cuvc¢�,� �,y tn�s <br /> �iraG�'��h ini:E��di., vuithuut Eimitat€c���, h,a�nre��rer,�ubj�:,,t tn 3ny 9imsts ur�r;er y�>��Pie:ablr- t�;vJ, L�rr�i�r's aitcarnf.ys firc�s <br /> �nc! L�r�ri�r's I�c#�I expe.nse�, vti�hetn�r i�� not tt��rr: is a I.j��vsuit, it�clu�in� �tt�srn�;ys` fc;es �n�J %x��tns�s fflr <br /> f�ar,kru��tuy E�tc�cc�t,din�� (,ii�cluclir�� e4`foris tr� �r�o�'!ify car �ac?t� any �utnrnc32:ir.StaX�r injuiici�ur�?, aRp��ls: ari� car�y <br /> antie.i��;�tes�: past-j�ric�mant 4c�IBer_��iu?i s��rv?ies, Ehe: ocst +if ser3r�.hirzc� reccirti's, c}�ak�i:-ilric t�t��� �e�c�rts lin�:ft�dinc� <br /> Fr�reclosurc r�,scrrtsl, surv:�yt>rs`:�::pc}ris, ancl c,���rais�E fdPs, titie ii�swr�nce, ��^d�€;es t�+r Ch, Trusfr;�, tr� CI�� E�cteni <br /> r�ertn�ttFri hy�ai�l�lic:�hl�lat,v, Tr�rsi«r t�3s� will ��ay�riy i;o&�ri casts, in�tl�ii3t�n�:t;all Dch�r siut�s 1�rpvitl�rJ kyj�Ia�vv, <br /> �iighTs o#`i'ru�tee. Tn�s��e s��al(I-��ve ald�f El��rirjhts�nd+�uEies nf terr�er a5 s�t fnrtP�ii� t17fs se�tie�rl. <br /> #'[?W�RS ,46�f3 i�F31�PGR'i-iUNS U�TRU�T�E. `Tl�e f�ilo��ving pravisi�ns re3z?ing tr�tizr�icwwrs aiid r,liligacit�ns r�z'€7rusiE:e <br /> �rf: �l�ei r�f this L)eeci tif IrUS[: <br /> paav�r�af Trustee. Iz�a�t�itic•n t� ali �,ower,of Tr�:stee aris:n�� as a �natt�r af law, Tru�ta� sh�311 hav�ih� �c���vcr to <br /> tafie Ch�tallawir�g ;scti�ns with resNer,£tr� t!-eE Pra;3�rry u�?un ih�e wrifi[c;n rc;qu�;st t�f t_n�cJ¢r and Trustsrr• sa1 j�aia7 in <br /> �,r�:�aring �ntf fitlir7�� �r rr��F3 �r pfat 31 th� Re41 f�rc>facr�y inclurlen� �I7Q r.ieJ:catir�n ci sTrEs_:Ys �r atlier' rights tra ih� <br /> �3ut�fic, i�l j+.:�n in gsarrti�c} sny�nt c�r creating �ny r��£rieti�an an [ft� R�aE P�oFrartY, �ne? Icti j�in in zn�Y <br /> swt�orriin�tiu€�t�r�;£her�tgsct,n�ent�affectina�thiS�?sec!a'f Tru�t Ur th�interes�e�f!_�n��fr�r�irsri�r thes L��w;,�af 1 rus?. <br /> 'P-rustee, T�uste� snal# mee;Y. all qu�lit�cai3n�s rrc��iirecJ ic�r 'rri�sEee ut�u�er aw�alicatz9� iajtiv. ln atirlititsn t� tt��: rigFs?s <br /> �n� ren-s:;r�ies s�;i fnrih �l�n;re, wiNi �e�peet 1c� all �,f ar�Y pasrE fsf the F'ro��ert.y, filic Tnsst�� Sf»!I hau� Et�E r'scf�i tc� <br /> i'tirsclr�se sy r2uti:c;e an�i s�l�:, �rtd Lerider ;,viil 'r,�s��c thc riyht tc� €nrPcic,se f,iy �urJi��I f�zr��c;ipsur�, in�:iPh�r c<.5e in <br /> �r.��or;an�,�e Uf�ih�nc!:t�the fu@I extep�t E�rc,vicied E�y h���ii�:ak�le €��v, <br /> 5�c�essar Trustee. ��ne�er, :�r 3_e��i��ier's r�F��i�ir�, m<iy� frc�rai tirrse tu tim� a��oint<i su�:c;e�sr�r'tr��5t.�e tc�mr 7r4rst�e <br /> <�a�a�aintn<i i!nde:r zf-�is L�ee�� uf �f rust hy�,ri instrumer3t exE�cuteci �:t�d ai,:I�r7c,LMtFri�FrJ t�y �r.n�Er arrd recc�ra�ed ir� th€� <br /> nlPic� c,f th� re4�riier of F�I�,LI 4;uunty: Stzite a' Nchrasli�. The insen:ur�errt sha31 c�nt�dr�. irt ari�iiii�an t�� ali nFher <br /> rn�fter;; r�taui�ec� hV stiee l�w, zh� �7�rnes n= ihe csric�in�3 l.Er��i�:r� �'rus[aE, �ar�ri Trtastrr. rhe; �i,nk �ai� pa�;�s� iar <br /> r.ntn��.�rr systens ref�r�nr:'r.1 where this D��cl r�f Trusf is recnetiecl, a��i thr; ��an�e anc�! �rJ�r�ss o# lhc ut�vieaau; <br /> te�_�stw�: arEr�ti�e in:;feusiz�rit sha?I :�F ex�:c�:tcci an;� �3ci<r�o�vled��".�t lay all th�fa�r�sfici�rie� urcier tFi:s G;ee��i c,P Teusi or <br /> tt��ir 5uccE=ssc�r>a �n int�;r�st. "�he ci�,;��ssar trt�ste�, witl�uut cc�rzvE;yanc? af the F"rc+�lert�; �hZil sirr,rec.:J tc7 <I! the <br /> tizic•, pnw�;•, �,nii c�i�t�ws c;orii'�rre�i up�rz the TrusteF ii-,this 7eec�af�rr�:>t��tt Ly�E��,licatale ia�.n�. 7his �r�ceclure fs�e <br /> 5u�stiti�t�crri raf Tru.:tee sh�li qt��.rern to Yfie exclusinn afi a�l othr-.r pro��isic�ns{;�r sul�s�itutie�n. <br /> C1E�T3C�S. +�ny r�Utf�� r��ufr��i tca b4 c�iv�E.n unci+�r thi� t7t:c;d �7f Trust, ir��sitacl�t�t� wittbtauE lirniEaCi€an sny notir.e Qf �1C�auEt <br /> �ncl ari>d noticE: c,f saEe sh�l# tse givc;n in v��ritioE�, an�� si7all ;��_ �ifuud�ae u�hen n+;tt331iy deiEdr�:�;rJ, vvta�ri �r:tut�lly r�ueiv�ci <br /> h�,�tefetar,sir�ri(e (i_ir-iless�th�r'�a�ise rEyir�ruct by laev), '�,'hen d�;p:�:,it:€i ;rviti� z2 ra�tic�i�.>il��se�nariir_�:� �iverniqhi r.c7ur'sLr;,rr. if <br /> rr}ailecJ, wF�hn�Je�,raSif�d in the �Jni�ec� St�Y.t�S ri-sail, �s f�rst c3�a.�5, rzc.ttifis;c qr reciiste,N�i rnail F;c�stage i>roprra�, tlirr;cFsci tu <br /> the'acidrnsses shown near thc 1�e�innu7� n¢this i�U�:d c�fi Trusc: J1Ii r,op;es �af rtotir.i;:� i�f tnr:>cle:,i�re fsirm thr: f�olUer c,f <br /> a�'sy Eian whicl�r 1��s pricriiy �����1 tt�is �.`e�tl Ui Trusi sfZ�sji t�u sc;n? r.e, Le.nrJnr"s ar��ire�s, as L��vuvrt rA��3r .i-ie ta�c�ir,tti�g ��1 <br /> rhis t�eec; c�f�T'x�st. Any ��erson may ci�at�ge his or 7F:r acicJr�ss f�,r nWt#ces unil�r' tttis D�ec� r;t'�riJs2 k�y givirtrn� formp# <br /> wr�at�;n ri�:fire>to i�e :zthcr pers�n .nr ���rsun5, s#�ecifyirirY Yfz�'t Fhc� purpo�e �f jh� :rntir.�; iG �n u3��ri��� tf�e �.,�r�zas�`s <br /> atidseys. E>i�r antice �urpr�ses, TruStqr a�rt�Cs t� ke�p Ler�t#c.r infarmed at 8tl riirR�3s r�f�€rus[tir's t;utr�?fiat�it�dr�s5. lJ�less <br /> atii�r�Nis�. �.rr�vid�t� c�t tc:yuireu by Eav�r; it it�ert�: is mc�rt;t!�2n unc TrustUr;any �rzatir.:e ��ti�en �iy leracles �.e� �r��k -frt:stcar :s <br />