<br /> c���€� C�� ���i�T
<br /> ����a �ta. �a2���e�o.� ��t���irs���� �a�e �
<br /> leris�er cUs}i nr;,a�i_�fPiuie�t r_.4irpiGfatP surety t�oR9 nr�ther ser.urdty 5atr51art.t�ry tt� L.�:ns�er.
<br /> SEGIJRET`t AGREEEUIENI"; FINARLE!CINI� STA�FMEi1JTS. Th� fctR�iivirsra :�rc�ti�isoc�iis r�lati�ng t:� th�s i�ee:� �f Tru�i ��� �
<br /> secur�r�,r :3yr€=.aarc���nE arn a r�art o#thi� D�ed z�f Tsust:
<br /> ,erurity �i�re�m�nf. Tf�i� iss�trurrt�nt 5lidll rut�a:'slut� a Sticurity f��rrc�r�rrYt to ft�U extt;rC �n>,� �f LI�� Pc'�a�it;riy
<br /> cpns�titutes fixt�_ir�s; �rsr� Lnntk�r sh�ll h�ve�aE! �i ihe �fg7ts cs�� s�curec� ��erty under tF,� Unii�rm �'amrcsz,rcial ���ii;
<br /> f:5 a�'��i�'t�tlt��i irolY�ti�;�e tu lime�.
<br /> .'zBCUkl4�.+��tl'[L�.iB�l���. �SLSII Y�C7;38S'f �7�'..f_@I"Ifjh'.i'; ��llSLQ'���5}l'c]���L3PCE: VJ�l�32EVP.� �f.i�(1F? I�� I'L'L'�UC:$'•,4'c'� ti'y 3_£�'il�f',�Y i<J �.�Ff�EC'F
<br /> �r.ci c�tttinue E�n��er's secvrit�,�ir�terust �ri ih•� f'ar��eri�l f�l`c���rty. lri titldifion l� r�Lesrtlin� t!'iis C�s?i� of T�ust ir': th�?
<br /> rt�! �,ro�erry r�cnrJs, d_c�rler �m�y, aF �ny tim? and 4viFha��d furiher �uthuriratic�r irt;}m srU,tor, Yile exe:;uied
<br /> cc�unt�r;�iris. �u(,ies ar f��u�,cluc:ti�i;�s of this Cie�r, o€ T��i�r a> a fir��nr.ir�c� si�tement. 7�ustor sh�lt reitnl�urse
<br /> �tisnde:r f�ar al� e?�i�er�szs inci�irred irs c�erizctir�y c�r euritintzir�� tl7rs sFcur�iy int�rast, Upon defa��lt, 7rust�ir stidl� izut
<br /> remn��e,,se�3er �r s�ec�ch tt7e Fer;�or�al �r�;�erty Frr�rn ttie Prt��er�y, Upor� detauEt, `s rustor sha31 assemf�9e any
<br /> ��rgc?a�€�I Pro4�erty nflt a'f#ix�d tn thc Fr��erty it� +; mann�;r ein�i ��[ a �lace reason�italy cc,nv�nierrt tdi Trusror ar:d
<br /> L�r�dc:r �1iid rtt�I�e it �u&rlaf�le. tr_i l_�.r�d2r withir7 t.��-5c� i3i �la'�s a4ter rt:ceip4 of written �}errtat7tJ €rain I_eeieer��r� tFi2
<br /> e�tenr��errnittett�ry�ap�>leca��le����w. -
<br /> ,�rJcir�s�es: �'he mailirir� ��c#res�e� �af 7rustc}r icJe�it�r1 �rrd �inrier {��;curerJ E�artyi frUr�r wliich Er�frfrmat�un
<br /> ura��cerr�iri� Lh� s�:ciarhty int�r�,t:�rznierl hy �hi� �J�;eci Qf 1 rust rrtay tre abtainfd deach as re;�uircci by� thr�; Uritc�rrn
<br /> CarmrnErc;ial CQ�ie? are as stal�d or�ih�firut E�a3e o# th�s ps��!�af'EfuSt.
<br /> �ll�d'�HE(i AS�9E�i,c1k�ICES; �tT`fi?I�k1E�Y-1IU-FACT. 7hse folic�4�vii-sr� �rovisic,ns rei<3tirzy t4 iurfher assurances �n�i
<br /> aito�aey in fe3�;t;3rc a taarf�fi this C�ec�3 i�f Trust;
<br /> Fu�thet l�ssurances. /Xt`�ny� timE, arid fruti;tirn� to tirez�, uUuri rcy+a�sF U1'#�eri+�er, Trustc�r LuiEi rnak�, ez��;ute and
<br /> rJ2liver,or v�+il9 cause tt�i h� m,�cl�, exer.uted �,r�i�:l9v�;ret�: i:;�Ler�der r.�r Ca�en�er's r�esi�n��. �nci whcn r�qe+r:.>t�:d hy
<br /> Ler�;ier, iHu�e to t�P iileil: �ecers�etl, s�f;Eatf. nr rr3r€:r;oiriail, �s ,hr� rsc�s�: ����y i�r; �3t seir;h Zimas �nd ira s�cFs uf#ir;es
<br /> a��i�I<as;c:s as �ender ��ay d��3n a��;ropriaFe, anY' �sriu all such r��ortr�ages, de�:ds uf trust, s�curiiv dE�t:ds, s�:c;urity
<br /> ��rFements, fii,anring siztem:.nes, �;onrir�uaticin :statcments; instruments of fUrther as=�r��rce, c�rtifkr.�tFs, and
<br /> ��tl�er ci�cuman;s r�a i�ay, in ihR snle n�,iritxn of Len�#r:r, t�e necess�ry ur r.ie:iraiile in «rcfi:r z�,e#3�ctUatc, cfa�ri�31�t�,
<br /> �s�r$ec�, 4vniiriue, c�r�r?�trve ?'�§ Tr.�stur'a UUlir�ati+�ns unclEr xhe Cr�,:d�t llgre�;nerat; shis Gtec� ef Trust; an� tEi4r
<br /> R�lat��d q�r�Cuenf=.nts. �nd (2? �Ch�lien��and security int�r�Nts ur�:a�e:d by ihi<� Ue��r� �r Tr�st �� forst�ancl prar li�t�s
<br /> r,n 2�ie �'repr-.rty,vvhether nnvu�,wn�d �r hrnreatier�r.��;ir�ti bv �riist��{. ;1nEess ��rnl-,�hite�d by I��i� r�r L�rii�l�s �ar��s
<br /> t.a tf����c;ar7it'ary irz tv¢itu���,Trustt�r�k�i5#(re:imbur�w��L�rZ���ius���ll casYs�an�axWer����s�inc�rres#i�r3 c�?nn�ctiran w'tth t�h�
<br /> m�r.ter�r�fc€rF�i tc�in ihis paragr��h.
<br /> Attarney-pn-Fact. !f Trustc�r fails to eic� <�ny c�f tt�e: th9ric�s rf.i�:rres9 Yts on thc, nr=:r,ecfrng p�ar��7r��}h, l.Fndee m<7y t!n sn
<br /> €nr cinc� it� th� na,ri+��f�i'e't�st�,r 3�id �t Trt�stt�r s �+��5ee,s;, Fnr st�ch ,�iirpcyses; l�r,�st4P hereby irrevoca4iy �a�q�crir�ts
<br /> L�anct:?r as Trustar's afiEur:iey�-in.fact#vi tlie pur�:ns��F inakirig, �x;;cutiri��, de4pY+eririg, filing, riccrdi�y, anti cjoinc��all
<br /> nther r9i€nr�s as m;�y i�� necessarv s3r �lesir�E�Ee, tn E_f�nder's s�le c�a��inian, ic� G3cr.t�m{�fa`sh tne ni3tters r�f�rr�.d tn #n
<br /> *hE.��r•aG�iJs�lc��araGraE;H.
<br /> �6JE,1. P£i�Fi7RMAhlGF.. I�`Crt�s�ar nay��9l the Inrirtrt�clness��fhr;r�ria�e, r.ern�inates ehe rrer.iii line r��;c��snt. �T�ci ntt��rwis�
<br /> �wi'fc�ritis a!I t�ts�ol�lii�ati�r�ti istz}�aseJ��au;-i Trustitir i�r�d�r£his Q�n�� ��f Ttu+t, L�n�i�s shMEl �xec=�.t��:n�i�feliv�r tu Trust�u
<br /> � req�aest far fuEP r�c�nuey�nc�: anEi sh�it e:�ecu[e �rd r3elivF:r ?u T�ustrir su:tab�e staterncnts af ter�r�in�r.ic,n rrf 3r;�
<br /> Pinaiis;inc scat:�nzant �n f�te eui�er�cin� t,�ncier's secctrity is�terest in ihr; Rcnts <���1 th� W�.rsorial f'ro��rtv. 1-l��y
<br /> r2ct�tidayance:F��rec��iii�sci t?y Jaw sizt�ll fa��at�ir�6Y�rus��r, if fiert��S'ttecJ by.a(a}�Eicafal�1ativ,
<br /> €V�RtTS L�F[�EF/Sl3LT. �rus:.ur ivill b� iti d�Eairi[utac€�r itSsS C?��c��a€Tr'ust if�ny:i# thW fullc;+rdin+� yaPPe.1: i�i Trustat
<br /> r:ommEts fra�il or m��es �i m�i�rih! mise�:��resent:afion €tY �3ny dimi�in [:nnner.tior� v�+ith tlze C_rarirt Ltir�r�,��iE;nt: T3�is eatz
<br /> i.��t;#�.i;(�, fnr exe���r��l�, a fals�e st�temert 3ho:�t Tru�t�r`s ia�:i�m€s, �r,sEit�, IialaiPities, nr ar3y oif-,Er �s��ec�s csi ��ru�tor's
<br /> fin��riei�9 i;us�c+itian, IF3� 7rusir;r�r��s nut rizc�t tPi� ref'�yrrg�n[ t�ii�2s ui tli� �:r��it A9��Nm�t�t, {�} `Esustor's�cEis�n :a�
<br /> snt�c;t:Bon �d��:rsf�ly aPfec:ts th� cc3ll�tf:r�1 cir Lc:ndc.r.� ,rg?�ts ira 1:he coEltjiei�l, This e��n inr,I�.rt+e;, ir,r exar�r9e, iailuse tc�
<br /> rnaintain r�;qu<reci insur�;ncc, rv�st�;nr c�cstruccive usc c�t zhe rlwe�ling, f�ii�.�r�:�o �eiy taxes, ciNeth c�f�II g,fj,snr,s Ii�iTle c�n
<br /> [E-�� r�a:c�unt, tran�f�;� r�fi ti[Ee c�r S€,ie �� [i�e iiwe3lirtr�: irw�tir�r7 t�f a ��ril�i- 3i�r• r�n ih� u,,v�iEing lvi:�itau�t L�ntlt3r`s
<br /> �ermts�s3�n,#or�clo<;ur� i�y th�ti�.icl�:r caf aa�e�thear lien,or ihe us�,�f fur�ei=� n�thF+dw�ifinc�f�.r nrr�hfibit�:ii �,{ae�?c,s�s:
<br /> RfGF-kTS dkND REN'IECTIES t7N DEFAl1L7, lf�t� [t!�nt t�f Ctcfauli Gccurs undLr t�ais f�eecl af l rusi, a��ny time tn�rRatt�r,
<br /> Tsustee c�e Lend?s may eze;rc�.�e�sny�nne or �n�re;�f the te,llr„ving rie�ht5 �nrf rFa.�gdi�s:
<br /> Ace�ler�ti�en EJ�rnn f?efauif;Arlditia���!Rernedi�;s.. It 7ny Evet�t«°L)r3t���it�ecurs€�s per ti�e terrr�ui ihe �r��iit
<br /> 4�r�em�nt secur�r3 h�re�y, t_¢ndAr ri5ay dscl�re �II inCiefitydn��� s��ur�c# k�y tftis i.7�:ed ai Tru�t't� ta�; t�ue at�rf
<br /> sa�yaf�le a��i� t�ie same �I�sll th�reu�7c,n k�ec�ra�r���due un�;1 fiay�kaEe ��ithc���S�e�y presenim�nr. ti�m�ncl, hrctest ar
<br /> nr��icf�of�sny kirci: Th�lrea�tt��r, ��:nc��:r may:
<br /> f;j? Eith�r in �ersnn nr f�y agent, vti+itf� or wi?hc�ut hringinc� �ny ac;ir�n .�sr trrt,cr�eding, or hy :� rc�•siver
<br /> �q,2E�r�iiz?�el �y� ce�usT t�n� w3t�iu��t i���r;rti ta tiie 3i?�c��ztcy ofi its securEty, erit�r �rpan aiz�take{�,�sst�ssicri
<br /> cif[�ie I're�:��rt��, c�r a�iy part al���eni, i�� its own�ianze o�ire tf3�� nami; cif Tru�tce, <tnd c�� any f�r,ts wihicl� it
<br /> ��err�s necesss-�ry o�desirahle ta ptesp.rve ihe value,. marlcetab�lity c�r re�zi�l�if:ty c�f tl�e F�ro�erty, car �.art of
<br /> tli� Wr�t,�.�eriy uc�int::re��t 'sn�N�e�ru�a�.rty; +�rre�s�. tF,� incvrri� frurn t17� f�rc���riy or �areienr th���securiYy crf
<br /> tF7� �'roF�er:y; ancl, with v< withc,ut Ca�ing ;a�ssessior3 �ot ,hc� �r�apf:rty, sur; icar c�r �therwfs�; rc�il€;at the
<br /> rnnis, issi�r:s �3n.�f prcafits r,t tt�e Pri�F�Frty, incl.��ir�c� tl-�os� ��a�t rJiae ��nci uri�aaitf, aelil ���ly the s�m�, less
<br /> �nstw d�����xp�nses of u�}�rati2an anrJ cell�cifcan�ttc:rn�ys' f�Fs, to�r�y Frzcl�k�'teijri��;����.u��d bY this Qeesf
<br /> �# Trus[; a9l in such c�rrl�r �ss L.er:der er,ay ileterrnii7�, 71ie c,�te.ri�e� upcn aRd Ls,E�ing pass&ssior� 09 she
<br /> F'rt�;�e.tt}i, ih� cnfl�ciit�ri nfi su�;h renC:>, iss�e:> ,�nti prafi�s; �n� ihc; ��p69cation th�r��f �li�rll es�T ci�r� or
<br /> �vaiv� any c!eiaulc{?r natica Uf cie{ault unc��r thia Q��c#of 1`;wst uf is�vali�fat�: �r�y�aci cJun� in res�cans€: £r�
<br /> such ciefault or �ursu�nt t��uchi nsitie�vf+�e��ufl; �nii, nott�t�th5t�gnciinq tY,e r,ontin�}��nc€� ifl �ansses5i�n of
<br /> i#�e �'rc�p�rrtV c�r#_h� c,hiErctinn, recs:ic7r anc! �c��ziic�titan ot rents, i�si�es or�;rc.:fii�, Tr�:sieP ar l_r�n�Jr�R'shafE
<br /> #�8 en[?tl�sci tt, exr�rcis� every riyht Firavicit:d fc�r ir� th�: ,�.r�.ciif R,yr�etrrent or the Fiel�Ced Dcacumerdts or b}+
<br /> #�tia� u{�un th�tac:curr�nt�af aahy�vent ofi deFa�ir, �r�clu��tiny the righf t_3 ex�rr.ise�the:�osn��.r����:I:�;
<br /> it�l Cor�ir�FncE:an ac:isdn Ct� foreclose. this �eE�ci t�f Trust�is a mnrFgfir�e� a�;y��inr �rcc�e4+nr��r s;�ecitrcally
<br /> fraf7rcc,an�,r c�f t�Ze:cc,�en�nts�eraa3t; a�r�
<br /> 4eY LJe?iver tcr'!'rcist:€��Z�vritteri tfe�f�ratinn �i��Je�a��lt r�e?d d�i-na��,il f�a�sa,l��iri� �i vvri?Ken nottc�at defaudt.
<br /> 8i�cl el�ctiorz tc cause Trustr�r's int�rest:ri tti� f'rc��ierty'Eci }ae s<.�ld, uvhicFi rt+a.jc;e Truste�shali �;„us� EG fac:
<br /> c�ul�� fiieii€e.�r reccarc:in th;:appropriat�w e}fPie.es nf th��;c�untyin wsf�ich ihc�'rc�perty is l:�c�.?cci;anr�
<br /> {cti LrVitt� resE7ecf t�dll u�any�art of t#x� �ersc�nal �'�o�erty; �endet sh::ii hav�: �li zY�P rights anci r�r�ie��ie.s
<br /> af a sFcurr:d natty u��d�r th� EU�3�ra:s�<<; Unit�rm(��7n�rnercia! CoF�g.
<br /> Fore�tnsure by Paw^ee of Sals,. If Lende�i.tl€;ci5 tc� for�U3crse by�:xerr,iGe r�t the Pouver�#5zile heteii7 r.asicais�ad,
<br /> I_wr�tJ?c sl'F�il tn�LiFy �ruSiFw ancJ shall i;l����sit wvitlZ �i'ru5lee �hi� �e�c! c�f rr��si arad thc: CtEc#it Ayr�e.rnent anti
<br /> siich retiei��ts�nd�vic3�n�•e cif t;xp�nclitur�;s rn�tJe ah�securec!cry this CJ�ed �f Trust as Tru�t��; may �cc;vire,
<br /> da� U�sUr,recei�t ef such nt3tiic� frc�m L�niier, Trustee sE1aiE c��,�c;t� t�e r-r,er�r€�ec!, �rui�lisheci �n� cleiivererl
<br /> �o Trct;tc�r sl,ch IV�tir� c,f ��;fr�ult 7nri N�tice af :i�le �:, them� rec�iiireil by I�w ��r�� t_y this C3ePe�f of 7r��st.
<br />