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201504333 <br /> of any TIazardous Substauce affecting the Pro�e�'ty is necessary, Borrower shall prair�ptly talce a11 <br /> necessary re�nedial actions in accordance with Envirorunental Law. Nothing herein shall create any <br /> obligation o��Lender far an Eiiviromnental Cleanup. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lendcr furthcr covcnant and agree as follows: <br /> �22. Acceleration; F�emedies. Lender sliall give notice to Borrower prior to acceler�tion following <br /> BorroweE•'s bre�ch of auy co�e�ant ox•agreement in tliis Securily Ii�s[rumenl(bu[i�ut priur to <br /> acceleration uy�der Section 17 unless Applicable L�w provides otherwise). The notice shall specify; <br /> (fl)tE�e c[efault; (b) the action required to cure the default; (c} a date, not less tl��aa 30 days from the <br /> date the notice is given to Borrower, by whic�t the default�nust�e cured; ancI(d)that failure to <br /> cure the defairlC oYi ar before tlie clate specified in the notice xnTy result in acceler�tion of the sums <br /> securecl6y tl�is Security Instrument�nd sale of the Yroperty. '1'he natice sliall furtlier i�tforin <br /> Dorrower of the right to reinstate after�ccele�•ation and tlie right ta bring� court Nc[iou ta ussert <br /> the non-existence of a de1'�ult or any otlier defense of Sorrower to acceleration aud sale. If tlie <br /> def�ulE is�xot cured on or before the date spacified in tlie notice, Lender at its option may reynire <br /> immedipte payment in full af all sums secured by tl�is Security InsErument withoY�t further demniad <br /> �nd may invoke thc power of s�le and�ny�otlier reinedies permittecE by Applicable Law. Lender <br /> shall be e�xtitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuir�g the remedies provided in tlus Section <br /> 22, including, but not limited to, reasan�ble at�o�•neys' fees and costs of tille ev3c�e��ce. <br /> If tl�e power of sale is iuvoked, Trustee�liall record a notice of default in eacli county in which any <br /> part of tlie Property is located and shall mail copies of suc�i notice in the mamier prescribed by <br /> ApPlicnble Lnw to Boj�rowcr and to thc other persons prescribed by AppEicable Law, After the time <br /> reqaired hy Applicahle i,�w, Trustee ahs�ll�;ive pnblic notice of sAle to the persons xnd in the <br /> manner prescribed by Applicable Law. Trustee, witliout dean��d o�x Borrower, shall sell the <br /> Property at pnblic x�iction to the highest bidder� �t the time and place and under the tea•ms <br /> designaEed in fhe uotice of sale in oite or more parcels and in any orcler Trirstee determines. Tri�stee <br /> may postpone s�le of all or any parcel of tlie Property by pnblic annoiencement at thc tinie and <br /> plucc of any prcviansly schcdulcd sala Lenclei•or its designee may purcliase the�'roperty at any <br /> sale. <br /> Upou receipt of payxxae�at of tlae pz•ice bid, Trustee sl�all cleliver lo lLe purchx�er Trustee"s deed <br /> conveying the Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be primu f�cie evidence of tlie truth <br /> of the state�nenfs mt�de therciii. '1"r�rstee sliall apply the procecds of the sale in the foliowing order: <br /> (a)to all costs and expenses of exercising the power of sale, and the sale, inclading the payme�at of <br /> the Trustee's fees actuall,y incurred�nd reasonable attorneys' fees as permittec� by Applicable�,aw; <br /> (b) to all sr�ms secured u��th'rs Security lnstrument; and(c) any excess to the person or persoe�s <br /> legally e��titled to it. <br /> 23. iieConveyanee. Upon payinent of all smns secured by this Security Instrwnent, L�ndcr shall request <br /> Trustee to recouvey the Proparly and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing <br /> debt secured by this Security Instrutncnt to Trustcc. Trustcc shall reconvey the Property wilhout v��arrflnty <br /> to ti�e person or persnns iegally entitled to it. Srrch person or persons shall pay any recordatian cosCs. <br /> Lender inay charge such persan or persons a�ee far reconveying the Property, but onl,y if the fee is paid <br /> ' to a third party(such as the 7 rust�e) for services rendered and the charging of the fee is perinitted under <br /> Applicable Law. <br /> D45150295fi <br /> FHA Deetl of Trust-NE 913Di2014 <br /> RankersSysiemsTM VFApC� VMP4R(NE){15o2�.01 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Flnancial Services Pace 1A o 1S <br />