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Z�15���5� <br /> Transfer af the Prnperty nr a Ben��ciai �n�eres�in Barrower. �f ail�r an}r part��f�he Property or an��nter�st <br /> �n it is s�id ar transferred ��r if a benef cial inte�est �n Barrov�7er is s�id �r transferred and Borrovver is nat a <br /> natural persfln� with�u� Lender's pr�or wri�ten consen�, L�nder may, a� its �ption, reyuire�ate pa�m�n� �n <br /> fu�� af al� sums secured by �his SeCuri�y �zastrurnen�. However, this aption shall n�t be exercised by Lend�r if <br /> e�erGise is prohi�ited by federal�aw as of the date of�h��Security�ns�rument. <br /> If Lende�- exercises �his op��on, Lender shal� giWe B�rrower �atice of a��elera��on. The no��c� shall prav�de a <br /> pe�-iod af not less �han the rninimum number of days es�ablished by Applicable Law from the dat� the notice is <br /> delz�ered ar mailed vvi�hin vvhich Bflr�-awer mus� pay a�1 sums secur�d by this S�curity �ns�rumen�. If Barro�ver <br /> fails to pay these sums pri�r to the expirati�ri of�h�s period, Lender ma� in�oke any remed�es permitted by�his <br /> Securi��nstrunnent wi�hout�ur�her n�tice or demand a��B�nro�uer. <br /> Snrr�wer's R�ght to Reinsta�e. �f Borrower meets certain cond�t��ns, Sorrower shal� ha�e �he r�gh� to ha�e <br /> enforcemen�af�his Secur��y �nstru�nent d�scontinued at any �irne pr�a�tn�he earlier of: �a� 5 days�ar such a�her <br /> peri�d as Appl�cable Law may spe�ify for reinsta�ement� before sale of the Pr�perty pursuan�to any power�f sale <br /> contained in th�s Security �nslrument; or �b� entr� af a judgmen� enforcing th�s�Security �nstrum�nt. Those <br /> �on�iitions are that Borrawer: �a� pay� Lender a�l sums �hich then wou�d be due under this Se�urx�In��rumen� <br /> ar�d the Can�rac�as if no accel�ra�ion had occurred;[b}cures any default of any other e��enan�s or agreements;�c} <br /> pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrumen�,including,bu�n�t limited�a,reasonable attarneys' <br /> fees to�he extent perm�tted by Iav�; and�d}takes such act�an as Lender may reasanab�y require to assure tha�the <br /> ti�n�f this Securi�y Ins�rumen�, Lender's rights in the Property and Borra�ver's obliga�ion to pay�he sums s�cu�-ed <br /> by�his Security Instrumen� �hall con�inue unchanged. Upan reinsta�emen�by Borrower, �his S�curi�r Instrument <br /> and�h� obliga�i�ns s�cured here�y shal� remain fuliy effec�ive �.s if no accel�ra�ion had ac�urred. ��ov��ever,this <br /> right to r�ins�a�e sha1l no�app�y�n�he case of acceleration under the se���on�itled Transfer of the Praperty or a <br /> Ben�fciai Interes�in Borrawer. <br /> Hazard�us Substances. Bo�-�-o�er shail not cause or�ermit the pre�enc�,use, d�spasal, s�ora�e,ar re�ease of any <br /> Hazardaus Subs�a��ces on or it�the Prape�-i�y.Borrawer shal�r�at da,nvr allow anyone else�o da,any�hing affec��ng <br /> the P�r�p�r�y that �s in vio�ation of any En���ranm�ntal Law. Th� pre�eding t�o sen�en�es �hal� no� apply ta the <br /> presence,use,or storage fl����e Pr�p�rty af smail nuan�i�ies�f Hazardous Suhstances th�.t are generall�recagn�zed <br /> �o be apprapriate�o normal residen�ial uses and�a�naia��enance of�h�Propert�. <br /> Bo�r�vver sha11 pr�mptl�give Lender wri�ten notice tif any inves�igation,claim,demand,�awsu��ar�ther acti�n b� <br /> any gavernme�tal �r reguiatory ag�n�y nr private part� �n�olving the Property and any Ha�ardous Substance or <br /> Envir�ta��en�ai Law af vvhich �on-o�er has actua� knowl�dge. If Borrower ��arns, or is n��i�ed by any <br /> governmentai or regula�or�authority, �hat an��rem�Wal or ather remediation❑f any Ha2ard�us Su�s�ance affect�ng <br /> the Pr�perty �s n�cessary, Borrower shall pramptly �ake a�� necessary remediai �actians �n accardance vvzth <br /> En�rironmental Law. <br /> As used i��this paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are �hose subs�ances defined as�axic or ha2ardaus substances <br /> by En��ronmenta� La�v and �he �ol�av��ng su�stances: gasoline, kerasene, other f�ammabie or �o�i� petroleurn <br /> pr�ducts, taxi� p�st�c�des and herb�cides, voiati�e sal�ents, mater�als �antaining asbesto� or f�rmaldehyde, and <br /> radioac�ive mater�ais. As used in this paragraph; "Enviranm�ntal Law"means federal Iaws ar�d�avvs of tl�e s�ate of <br /> NehrasXca tha�relate to hea�th,saf�ty�r en�ir�nmen�al pr��ection. <br /> Acce�era�ion; Remedies. L�nder shall gi�e r�o�ice t❑ Bnrrower prior to a��elera���n fallow�ng Borrower's <br /> br�ach vf any c��enant or agreernent in�his Security Ins�rument nr�he C�r�tract under which acceleratian <br /> is p�rmitt�d�but no� prior to acceleration u��d�r the sec�ion�itled Transfer of the Praper�y�r a Benef�cial <br /> Int�rest �n Barrower, un�es�Applicab�e Law pravides atherw�se�. The no�ice shal�specify: (a}the default; <br /> �b) �he activn requxred to cure the default; (�} a date, not less than the minimum number ��` days <br /> establ�shed b�Appiic�bie Law fram the da�e�he notice is gi�en��Bnrrower, by wh�ch the dQfau�t mu�t be <br /> cured; �nd �d3 that failur� �o cur� the defau�t on �r before �he date specified in the notice may resu�t in <br /> acce�eratian vf the sums securecl by �his Secur-ity In�trumen� and sa�e of the Property. To the extent <br /> permitt�d by �aw, the notice shai� further inform Borrower af the right to �e�nsta�e after acceleration and <br /> �he right t❑bring a court actian�o asser�the nan�exi�tene�nf a d�fault or any�tfier defense af Sorrawer to <br /> acce�era��on and saie. If the defauit�s no� c��red an nr befnr�the date�pecified in the noti�e, Lender at its <br /> �ptian may r�quire immedia�e payment in full �f a�� sums secured by this Securi�y �nstrument vvi�hou� <br /> further clemand and may inr�oke i:t�e pv�ver of sa�e and any u�her rem�dies perm��ted by Appl�cable Law. <br /> To the ex�en� p�rmitted by �a�v, Lender shal[ be �n�itl�d t� collect a�� expenses �ncurred in pursuing the <br /> rer�edie� pro�ided in this Secti�n,inc�uding, hut n�t l�mited �a,reas�na�ie attorneys' fees and �osts af��t�e <br /> �Widence. <br /> � If th� power af sale is in��k�d,Trus�e�sha�� record a nutice of��fau�t in each cQun�y in.whi�h any part of <br /> �he Pr�per�y�s lncated an� shall mai�copies❑f such notice�n the manner prescribed hy App�ic�.ble Law�o <br /> Borrow�r and �o �he o�h�r ��rsnns prescribed by App�ica��e La�v. After the time required by App�i�able <br /> .Law, Trus�ee shall give pubZi� ��otice �f sal� �a �lie persnns a�d in the manner prescribed by App�icable <br /> Lav►�.Trustee,�vithout der�and�n Borrower,shall seli�he Proper�y at pub�i�auction to the h�ghest bidder <br /> at�h�tirne and place and under the�erms des�gnated in the notice of saae�n vne or more parcels and�n an3r <br /> order Trustee de��rmine�. TrusteQ may pos���nQ sal� ❑f a�l �r any parce� of the Pr�perty by publ�c <br /> announcemen�at th��ime and p�ac�of any pre�iausiy sch�duled sale.Lender Qr�ts designee may pur�hase <br /> the Praperty at any sa�e. <br /> Upon r�ceipt of payment�f the pr�ce b�d,Trus�ee shal�de���er to the purchaser Trustee's deec� conWeying <br /> the Prvperty. The recyta�s x�� �he Truste�'s deed shal� be pr�m� facie ev�den�e vf the�ruth of the stat�ments <br /> C�2�04-20 i 4�a�npIiarsce Systertas,�nc.FDG�-3595-ZD I3 L2.I0.1.895 <br /> Consumer.Rcai Estate-Security Instrument DL2035 Pa�e 4 0�5 <br />