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Z�15���5� <br /> interest from the date of d�sbursernent a� �ne �ame ra�e assessed on ad�ances under �he Con�rac� and shal� be <br /> payab�e,vvi�h in�eres�,upan notice fram Lender ta Borrowver requesting paymen�. <br /> Inspec��on. Lende�r �r i�s a�ent rnay ma�e reasonab�e en�ries up�n and �nspectior�s af the Prop�r�y. Lender shal� <br /> give Borrovv�r n��i�e a�the�irne of o�prior ta an inspec�ion s�ecifying reasanable caus�for the inspec�i�n. <br /> C�ndemnat�nn. The proceeds of any avvard or claim far darnages,direGt ar coflsequen�ial, in cannectian��ith any <br /> candemnat�on or ather taking�f any par�of the Property, ar f�r con��yance in iieu�f condemnation, are hereb� <br /> assigned and shal�l�e paid to Lender. <br /> �n �he even�of a total �akin� of the Prope��ty, t�ae praceeds shall be appl�ed �a �he sums s��ured �y �his S�curity <br /> Zns�rument, v���e�her or na� then due, wi�h any e�cess pazd t� Barrfl�s�ver. �n �he e�ent of a par�ia� tak�ng af the <br /> Praperty �n which �he fa�r mar�et value af�he P�-oper�y ��nmedia�ely before the �akin� is equal to �r grea�er than <br /> �he amoun� of the surns secur�d by this Secu��i�y �ns�rumen� �mmediately �efore the �a�ing, unless Borr�vver and <br /> Lender o�herwise agree�n�n�rit�ng,�he surns secured by�his Security lns�ru�nen�s}�a��be rec�u�ed by the arn�unt�f <br /> �l�e proceeds rnul�ipl�ed by tne fallowing f�-actiQn: �a��he to�al amoun�of the su�ns secur�d �mmediate�y befo�e the <br /> �a��ng, di�r�ded b� �b] the fair mark���alue nf�he Prflper�y ���nmed�ately befare ��e �ak����. Any balance s�al� be <br /> paid �a Borrov�rer. In the ev�nt of a partial �ak�ng �f the Pr�perty in �h�ch �he fair ��nark�� �a�ue af�he Proper�� <br /> immed�a��ly befare the �akin� �s Iess �han �he arnount af�he sums se�ured immediate�y before �he taking, u��less <br /> B�rra��r and Lender otherw�se a�ree �X� ��vri�ing or unless Appl�cable I...�.v�otherv��s� proUides, �he praGeeds shal� <br /> be applied�a�he�ums secured by�h�s Security�nstrument whe���er or nat t��e surns are then due. <br /> �f�he P�roper�y �s a�andaned by F3�rrower, �r if, after notice by Lende�r t� Bar�ovver�ha��he condemnor affers�a <br /> make an award ar sett�e a c�a�m for damages, Borrower fai�s to respond to Lendcr��th�n the minimum nu�nber af <br /> dayrs e�ta.blished bv Applicable Lavv after�he date t�e noti�e is�i�en, Lender is authori?ed��c���ec�and�pply the <br /> pro�eeds, at i�s aption, either �o restorat�an or repair af�he Pr�perty or ta �h� sums secured by �h�s Secur��y <br /> �nstrumer�t,�vh��her or n��then du�. <br /> Unl�ss L�nder and Barrovver otherv��se agree �n wri�ing, any appl�ca�ion of pxo�ceds to principal shal� not extend <br /> ar pas�pone�he due date af�he pa����en�s due under the Con��ra��or change�he amount af su�h paymen��. <br /> Borro,►Tver Na� Released; For�earance �3y L�nder Not a ��Va�ver. Extension of �he tim� f�r pa���ne��t or <br /> modification of amartiza�i�n of�he surns secured by this S�curity Ins�rurnen� granted by Lender to Borr-ower or <br /> any succe�s��- i� �n�eres� af Borro�rer shal� not opera�e �o reiease the Iiabi��� of �he origina� Barro�er or <br /> Ba�-�-o�ve�-'s successars ir� in��res�. Le��der�l�a�� na�he re�uire�to c�mmenG�proceedings ag��nst any s��ccess�r in <br /> interest�r refuse to extend t�rne f�r paymen�or atherw�se mod�fy amor�i�a�ian�f�he sums secured by��h�s Secur��y <br /> �nstrurnen� by reasan af any demand rnade hy the oxiginal Bo��-owe�- or Borr�wer's suc�essors �n �nterest. Any <br /> fUrbearapce by Lender �n exer�is�nb any rig���ar r�med�r shal� nat be a�vaiver af�r pre�lude�he exerc�se of any <br /> right ar remedy. <br /> Successvr� and A�s�gns Bound; Jo�n� and Several Lia��iity; A�c�mmada�ian S�gn�r�. The ��venan�s and <br /> agreem�nts�f�his Securi�y Instrument shall bipd and benef��I�e suGcessors and assigns af Lender and Borra�er, <br /> sub�ect �o the pra�f�ions of s�c��on �itled Transfer of the Pr�perty nr a Beneficia� �ntQrest �n BorrawQr. <br /> Borrower'�covenan�s and agreernen�s s1�a11 be�a�nt and se�era�.,�1.ny person vvho co-si�ris this Securi�y�ns�ru�r�ent <br /> but has na personaI Ii�bi�it�� under �he Con�ract �"Accammoda�ia�n 5�gner"�: �a} is co--signing �his Security <br /> �nstrumen� �r��y �o mor�gage, gran� and �an�ey ���at A�commoda��an S�gner's �n��res� in �he Pr�perty under the <br /> �erms of the Securi�y �nst�-ument; �b) is not pers�na��� ob�iga�e�.�o pay the surns secured hy �his �e�ur��y <br /> Ins�rument;and��) agrees�hat Lender and any o�her Borrowe�may abree to ex�end, rnodify, forbear�r make any <br /> accomm�da��ons with regard to�he terins of�h�s Se�u�r�ty Instrumen�o��he �on��rac�vvithau�tha�Ac�ommo�ation <br /> Signer's consen�. J <br /> Laan �harges. If�l�e l�an secured �y th�s Secur�ty �nstrumept i�� subjec� �� a �av� ���ich sets maximurn �oan <br /> charges, and�hat �aw is f interpreted so�hat the in�e�-est or ather loan cl�arges col�ec�ed �r�n be callec�ed in <br /> connectxan �i�h the Xoan exceed �he per�nit�ed limits, tl�en: �a} any suc� loan �harge shall be reduced by �he <br /> amaun�necessary to reduce�he charge�a the permi�ted lim��s and �b} any sums alreadyr collec��d ft om Borrower <br /> which exceeded permitt�d l�mi�s �vi�l be refunded �o Borrower. Lender may chaase t� make �h�s refu�d by <br /> reducing �he pr�ncipa� a�ved under the �ontrac�or by ma�ing a direct paymen��o Barro�ver. If a refund r�duces <br /> principal,the reduc��on v���ll be�reat�d as a partia�pr�paymen�under the��ntrac�. <br /> Natices. Any nat�ce �o Bor�ovver pro��ded for in this Securi�y Ins�rument shaIl be giWen by deIi��ering it ar by <br /> rnail�ng�t by frs�c�ass mail un�ess Appl�cab�e Law requires use of anather�net)�od.T��e notice s��a�l be d�rected to <br /> �he Praper�y Addr�ss ar any other address Borrov�e� designates by no��ce to Lender. Borrower agrees to prov�de <br /> Lender with Barrower's mosti curre�t rnai�ing address, as �t may chan�e frorn �ime-ta-time. Any no��ce�a Lender <br /> shall be giuen by firs�cIa����na�l tfl t_aender's addr�ss stated here�n ar an�r a�her�ddress Lender des�gna�es by n��ice <br /> �o Barrower. Any n��ice pr�vid�d for�n fih�s S�curity Ins�rument shal�be deemed tfl have been gi�en ta Borravver <br /> �r Lender�vhen given as pro�ided in�h�s paragraph. <br /> �a�ern�ng La�v; Se�erab��i�y.This Security�nstrumen�shal�be go�e�rned by federal �av��and�he lav�s of�he stat� <br /> af Ne�ras�a. ]n �he �v���t that any pra�isior� or ciause af t�is Se�urity Ins�ru�n�n� or�he �`�ntract canflic�s �ith <br /> Appl�cabl� Law, such ��nfl�ct s��all no�affect o��er pro�isians af this Secur��y �ns�rument o�•the Contrac� v��hic� <br /> �an be gi�en effect vvithout tl�e�onflic�ing provisian. Ta this end�he pr�vi��ons�f�his Se�uri�y Instrum�nt and the <br /> Con�rac�are d�ciar�d to be se�erabie. <br /> Barrower'�Capy.B�rrower shall be given on�copy af�his Security Instrumen�. <br /> �2�D4-2Q�4 Corr�pliar�ce Systems,�nc.FI76�-3.59G-2D I 3 L2.t D.i.895 <br /> Cvnsumer Rea1 E�tate-Security�Instrument�L2�36 Pa�e 3�f 5 w��c�.c�m� <br />
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