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��15�4�17 <br /> aEED C]F TRUST <br /> Loan No: 'I�'��87'I 5U ��ontinued� Page � <br /> Th� R�al Property �r its addr�ss is commonly kn�wn as RU�AL RC7UTE , NE 688�3. <br /> CR�SS�C�LLATERALIZATf�N. �n addition to fhe Na�ke, this Deed of Trust secures all obligations, debts and �ia�ilities, <br /> plus in�erest �herean. �� eith�r Trustor ar Bnrrower �o Lender, �r any �ne or mor� flf �hem, as well as al� claims by <br /> Lender against g�rrawer and Trustor ar any one ar mor� af them, whether naw ex�s�ing ❑r hereafter arising, whether <br /> �elated ar un�elated to �he purpase of �h� Note, whether �olun�ary or ntherwise, wheth�r due vr n�� due, direct ar <br /> �ndirecfi, deterrnined ar undetermined, absolute ar Gon�ingent, liquidate� or unliquida�ed, whether Barrower ❑r Trustvr <br /> may be liable individualiy or j�intly with others, whether ohli�ated as guaran�ar, surety, accommodativn party or <br /> o�h�rwis�, and whether recavery upvn such am�unts may b� ar h�reaf�er may become barred by any statute vf <br /> limitations, and whethe� the ahliga�ion �� repay such amaunts may ba or hereafter may become o�herwise <br /> un�nfarceabl�. <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. In addi�ivn �❑ the Nate, this ❑eed ❑f Trust secures all �uture ad�ances made by Lender tv <br /> Borrower or Trust�r whe�her or not the advances are ma�e pursuant to a commitment, Specifical�y, without limi�ation� <br /> this De�d of Trust secures, in addition to the amounfis specified in th� Note, all future amaunts Lender in its discretifln <br /> may ivan t� Borrower ar Trus�or, tog�ther with all interes��herean. <br /> Trustvr presently assigns to Lender tals❑ knawn as Ben�ficiary in fihis De�d af Trust} al� af Trustor's righ�, titie. and <br /> interest in and to a[I present and fu�ure leases of fihe Property and all Rents �ram the Property. In addition, Trustor <br /> grants to L�nder a 11ni�Form Commerciaf Code s�curity in�kerest in the Persanal Property and Rents, <br /> THIS DEED aF TRUST, INCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT�F RENTS AND THE SE�URITY INTEREST [N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�N,►4L PR�PERTY, IS �IVEN T� SECURE {A� Pa4YMENT (�F THE INDEBTEDNESS AND {B� PERF�RMANCE �F <br /> ANY AND ALL �BLI�ATi�IVS UNDER THE N�TE, THE RELATED D�CUMENTS, AND TH�S DEED �F TRUST. THIS <br /> DEE❑ �F TRUST IS �1VEN AND A�CEPTED�N THE FULLDWING TERi111S: <br /> TRUST�R'S REPRESENTATIDNS AND 1NARRANT�ES. Trustor warrants #hat: �ay this ❑�ed of Trust is execu�ed at <br /> B�rrower's r�qu�st and not at the request o� Lender; �I�} Trustar has the �Full power, right, and au�hority to �nter int❑ <br /> this Deed of Trust and tc� hyp�thecate ths Praperty; �c� �he prov�sions af this Deed af Trust do not conflict with, or <br /> result in a defaul� under any agreemen� ❑r other instrument binding upon Trust�r and do not result in a �iolation of any <br /> lavu, regula�rion, ��urt decree ar order app�icabls to Trustor; {d} Trustvr has es�rabl�shed adequate means �f o�taining <br /> �rom Borrower on a con�inuing basis in�ormatian abaut Barrower's financial c�nditian; and �e� L�nder has made na <br /> r�presentatian��Trus�ar about Barrower{including wifhoufi limf�ation the creditw�r�hiness af 6arrawer}. <br /> TRUST�R'S WAlVERS. Trus�or wai�es all rights or defenses arising by reasan of any "on� action" or "an�i-de�ic�ency" <br /> lavu, ar any o�her lavu which may pre�ent Lender fram bringin� any ac�rion against Trustor, inciuding a claim �nr <br /> defi�iency to the ext�nt Lender is atherwise enti#led �v a claim for deficien�y, before or a�ter Lender's cammenc�m�nt <br /> or compfetivn of any foreclosure ac�ion, either judicially or by exercise of a power❑f sale. <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFqRMANGE. Ex�ept as ��herwise pravided in this �eed af Trust, 6orrower and Trustor shall pay to <br /> Len�der all Indebtedness secured hy th�s De�d o�F Trus� as i� hecames due, and Borrower and Trus�ar shall strictly <br /> per�Forrn afl th�ir respective abligati�ns under the Note, this C]eed of Trust, and the Related Do�umen�s. <br /> P�SSESSI�N AND 1111AINTENANCE �F THE PR�PERTY. B�rrower and Trus�or agree that 6orrawer's and Trustor's <br /> pvssess�on and use vf the Pr�per�y shalI be goWerned by th� following p�o�isions: <br /> Possession and Use. Until the �ccurren�e �f an E�ent af De�ault, Trust�r may �1} remain in passe�sivn and <br /> contr�l of�he Praper�y; ��y use. opera�e or manage th� Property; and {3} ca�lec�the Ren�ts frvm the Proper�y. <br /> �3uty �o Main�a�n. Trus�r�r shall maintain the Pr�perty in �enantable condition and promptly per#�rm all repairs� <br /> � replacements, and maintenance ne�essary ta preserve i�ts�a[ue. <br /> Cornpliance VlJith Enrrironmental Laws. Trust�r represents and warrants t� Lender that: �1 f During the period ❑f <br /> Trus�or's ownership vf th� Praperfiy, th�r� has been na use, g�nera�inn, manufacture, storage, tr�atmen�, disposal, <br /> release or threa�ened release of any Hazardous Substance by any persvn ❑n, under, ahou� ar �From the Praperty; <br /> ��f Trustar has n❑ kn�wledge of, or r�ason �o faelieve �hat there has been, except as pre�ious[y disc{ased ta and <br /> acknaw�ed�ed by Lender in writing, �a} any breach ar viola�ion o�F any EnW�ronmenta� Laws, �h� any use, <br /> generatian, manu'Facture, storage, treatment, dispas��, release or threatened release �f any Hazardous Substance <br /> on, und�r, abaut ❑r from the Prop�rty by any prior ❑wners vr ❑��upants a� the Property, or {�� any ac�ual or <br /> threatened litigatian vr claims af any kind hy any person relating t❑ such ma�r�ers; and �3� Except as previousiy <br /> disclosed t❑ and a�knowledged by Lender in writing, �af r�either Trust�r nar any tenant, contra�t�r, agent ar ❑ther <br /> authvrized us�r ❑f the Property shall use, generat�, manufa�ture, s�or�, treat, dispose af�rr reRease any Hazardvus <br /> Subs�ance on, under, abvut or fr�m the Property, and {b� any such ac�i�ity shal[ be �onducted in cvmplianc� wi�h <br /> all app[icable federal, stat�, and local laws, regula�ions and ordinan�es, including withvut limita�ion all <br /> Environmen�al Laws. Trustor au�harizes Lender and its agents to en�er upan �he Proper�y t❑ make such <br /> inspecti�ns and tests, a� Trustor's �xp�nse, as Lender may deem appropriate to determine compliance �f �the <br /> Prvperty with this sectian af �he ❑eed of Trust. Any inspectians or t�sts made by Lend�r shall be for Lender's <br /> purposes only and shal[ nat be c�nstrued t❑ create any responsibility vr liability on �he part vf Lender ta Trustor vr <br /> to any ather person. Th� representat�ons and warranties contained herein are base� an Trustor's due diligence in <br /> in�es�igating #he Praper�y f�r Hazardaus Substances. Trustor hereby ��} reieases and wai�es any future claims <br /> against Lender for indemni�y �r c�ntribu�i�n in th� e�rent Trustor becames �iab�e fior �leanup or �ther c�sts under <br /> any such laws; and �2} agrees �o indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lender against any and all c�aims, fosses, <br />