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DEDICATION APPROVALS <br />KNOW ALL YEN BY RIESE PIILSENIS, Mot GRAND WAND AREA ECONOMIC DEYLLOPYHIr CORPORADOIL a Nebraska non-profit corporation, Deng Me <br />owner of he had desesbd bona, hoes caused saws to be soh:hided. plotted and designated as CA.AP. EASE RAILROAD SIbIOWSHM ; Mal County, <br />Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plat thereof, and do hereby dedicate the rood as shown thereon, 1, Me nubile for Mdr we forever, and the <br />eaumads, N any, for 1Ae loca#sn conshu 94n ad ma&ofaam• of pats & senior utilities forms, together WO the debt of ingress and egress fhenfe, and <br />hereby proMNMg he planting of frees, busks and throbs, or pladng other obstructions upon, over, along or underneath 1A• surface of such easements, <br />oat that he Lorsgo g s001/oo a more particularly described kr the description hereon as agars on tidy plot. Is made WO he few consent and to <br />accordance wMM he dodoes of the undersigned owner and proprietor. / J r <br />MM IN ,lyjTNES o WHERROE.1 have affixed my grafure hereto of 4EZV i lad , Nebraska, <br />![ GRAND ISLAND AREA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORAHONGRAND ISLAND D AREA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION <br />a Nebraska ran- prolit corporation <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />Davd Taylor, President <br />State or Nebraska <br />ss <br />County of e_a_ <br />On I <br />Ms y of 2015, before me, , <br />a Notary Puhda within and for sold County, prmmly, appeared Dam Taylor, Pnslenf of GRAND ISLIND ECONOMIC mamma CORAORANO, a <br />Nebraska non-profll erporoNr, to me personalty known to k the Identical person whose signature is dared hnrafh, and he did ocknooIdge the axaugon <br />hereof to be he scholar) ad and dad os suss (Waldo?, and he voluntary ad and dad of said Naknko Ns -profit corporation, and Mkt he was <br />empowered to mok. the ohms dedkdk,, for and in behalf of said Nebraska non -poet corporation. / I <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, t have hereunto subscribed my name and <Nkxed my *Ml etal seal at C d ! ! 'Ah <br />Nebraska, on Me date Iasi 1 obore written. <br />My commission expires �D nrls0.11 3:1 , <br />11KiknrlA� IIAkAAs J <br />Notary Publk (SEAL) <br />Submitted to and approved by the Regional Planning Commission of Hall County, Grand Island and Wood River, and the <br />Villages of Aldo, Cairo and Donlphan, Nebraska. <br />Chairman <br />C o frman o the Board <br />C.A.A.P. EAST RAILROAD SUBDIVISION <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />BENJAMIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. - ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS - GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />Approved and am -• by Ms Hall Cau Board of Supervisors, MN__ day of O 2045. <br />SHEET 2 O 2 <br />