<br /> this Se���on 5 sha��become ad�.itional deb�of Borrotiver sec�red by this Security Instrum�nt.These amoun�s sha1�bear
<br /> in�erest at�he No�e ra�e frflm the da�e of d�s�ursemen�and sha�I be payahle,with such in�erest,upon no�ice from Lender
<br /> ,
<br /> to Barra�wer requesting payment,
<br /> A�1 �.nsuranc� poli�ies required by Lender and renewals of such palicies sha�� be subj�c� �o Lender's r�ght to
<br /> disapprave such po�icies,shall inc�ude a standard mor�gage clause,and shall name Lender as m�rtgagee andlor as an
<br /> addi�i�nal �oss payee. Lender sha�l ha�e �h� r�gh�t� hold �he policies and r�newal cer��ficates. If Lender requ�res,
<br /> �orrower sha�l pr�mp��y g��e ta Lender aIl receip�s of paid prem�ums and renevsral nati�es.IfB�rrovsrer abtains any form
<br /> of�nsurance coverage,na��therv��se rec�u�red by Lender,for damage�o,or destru�tian af,the Proper�y,such pol�cy sha1�
<br /> �xzc�ude a standard mor�gage clause and sha�l name Lender as m.ortgag��andl�r as an addi��onal loss payee.
<br /> In the e�ent�f�ass,Borro�er sha�l g�ve prompt not�ce tfl the�nsurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proaf
<br /> of��ss �f not made pramp�ly by B�rrower. Unless Lender and Borrflw�r��herv�ise agre� in writing} any insurance �
<br /> proceeds,vvhethe�or no�the underlying insurance was required by Lender,shall be app��ed�a r�storation or repa�r of the
<br /> Proper�y,xf the res�ora�ion or repair�s economically feas�ble and Lender's securxty xs no�lessened.During such repair and
<br /> res��ra��on per�od,Lender sha�1 have�he righ���ho�d such insurance proceeds un�il Lender has had an appor�unity ta
<br /> inspect such Prflper�y ta ensure the work has been comp��ted t�Lender's sa�isfac�ian,provided�ha�such i.x�spect�on sha�l
<br /> be undertaken prampt�y.Lend�r may disburse proceeds for�he repa�ars and r�storat�on in a single payment or in a series of
<br /> progr�ss pa�men�s as�he�ark is comp�ete�.Unl�ss an agreemen�is�nade i.n writ�ng or App���a��e Lavv requ�res�ra.�eres�
<br /> to be paid on such insurance proceeds,Lender shall no�be requ�red to pay B�rrower any i.n.teres�ar earnings on such
<br /> �roceeds.Fees for pub��c adjus�ers,or other�h�rd pa.r�ies,r�tained by Borrower shall not be paid aut of�he insurance
<br /> proceeds and shal�b�the sole obligatian of B�rrower.If�he res�orat�o�.�r repai.r�s no�ecanamically feasible or Lender's
<br /> secur�ty would be lessened,�he irrsurance proceeds shall be appl�ed ta the sums secured by�his Security rns�ru.ment,
<br /> Whether or nat�hen due,wxt�i the e�cess,if any,paid ta Borrflwer.Such Ynsurance prQceeds shal�be app��ed in the order
<br /> provided for in Sec�ion�.
<br /> If Borrower abandons�h.e Pr�perfiy,Lender may fi�e,nego��ate and set��e any ava��able�nsurance c�aim and rela�ed
<br /> matters.�f Borro��r does n�t respond w�than 3D days�a a na��ce from.Lender�hat the insurance carrier has�ffered to .
<br /> sett�e a c�ai_m,�hen L�nder may nego��at�and sett�e�he claim.The 3�-day per�od�v�r�l�beg�.n when�he notice is given.rn
<br /> e�ther event, ar i�Lender a�quir�s the Prflpert�y under S���ion�2 or otherwis�, B�rrower hereby assigns ta Lender
<br /> �a�Borrawer's rights ta any insuran�e proceeds in an amount na�to exceed the am�un�s unpaid und�r the Na�e or thzs
<br /> Security�ns�rument,and�b�any o�her�f Borrower's righ�s�o�her�han the right to any ref�.ua.d of uxaearned premiums pa�d
<br /> by Borrower�under a.11 insurance policie�covering�he Properfiy,�nsofar as such r�ghts are applicabl�to th�c��erage of
<br /> the Froperfiy.Lender may use�he i.nsurance proceeds�ither to repair or res�ore�he Proper�y or to pay amoun�s unpaid
<br /> un�er the Note ar this Security Instrumen�,whe�h�r or not�hen due.
<br /> �.4ecupancy.B�rr�vver sha��occupy,estab��sh,and use the Proper�y as Borrawer's�rincipal residence w��hin 5�
<br /> days after�he execu�ion of�his Security�ns�.rumen�and sha1�con�inue to��cupy the Proper�y as Borravver's principa�
<br /> residence for at least one year aft�r the da�e of accupancy,unless Lender o�herwise agrees in wr���ng,which consent sha�I
<br /> nat be unreasonably vvi�hhe�dy�r un�ess ex�enua�ing circumstances exis��hich are beyand B�rr�wer's�ontro�. �
<br /> 7.Pres�r�at�.on,Maxntenance and Prot�ctian of the Pr�perty;Inspectians.Borrflv�rer shall not destroy,damage
<br /> �r impair the Pr�perry,a��ow the Praperty�o deteriora�e�r c�mm���vas�e an the Praperty.Whether or no�Borrflv�er is
<br /> residing in�he Prap�rty, Barrovver shal�maintain the Property in order�o preven�the Property from deteriarating or
<br /> decreas�ng in�a�ue due�o�ts�ond�txan.Unless it�s determ�ned pursuan��o S�cti�n 5 that repa�r or restora�ion is not '
<br /> economica�ly feasib�e,Borrower sha�l promp��y repai.r�he Property if damaged to avoid further d�teriaration or d.amage.
<br /> �f insurance or condemnation proceeds a�re pa�d in conn�cti�n vvxth damage to,or the talcing of,�he Property,Borrav�er �,
<br /> sha�l�e r�spons�bl�f�r repa�ring or res�or�ng the Property on�y if Lender has r��eased praceeds for such purpases.Lender
<br /> may d�sburse�roceeds far�h.e repairs and res�ora�tion in a s�ngle payment flr in a series af probress paymen�s as the warl�
<br /> is completed.If�he insurance or condemna�i�n proceeds�axe not suff�c�en�to repa�r or res�ore�he Property,B�rrower is
<br /> no�re�ieved af B�rrower's ob�igation for�he completian of such repair or restorat�on.
<br /> f
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fann're lUIaelFreddie Mac UNIFqRM 1NSTRU14�lIENT with 1411ERS F r �28 '[ID'i
<br /> Page 6 of�3 �
<br /> �os,���. Borrower�s}Initials
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