<br /> � ��15�4�5�
<br /> ,
<br /> shaX�apply�he Funds ta pay the Escrovv Y�ems no la�er�han the t�m�specif ed und�r RESFA,Lender sha�l no�charge
<br /> B�rrower for ho�din�and applying the Funds,annual�y ana�yzing the escrow acc�un�,or�erifying the Escrow��ems,
<br /> unless Lender pays Borrower in�eres�an�he Funds andApp�icab�e Lav�r permi�s Lender t�make such a charge.Unless an
<br /> agre�rnen��s made in writing 4r Applicable Law requires in�erest�o be paid on the Funds,Lender sha�I not be required��
<br /> pay�3orrovver any interes�or earnings on�he Funds.B�rr�u�er and L.ender can agree in Writi.ng,hovvever,tha�interest �
<br /> sha�l be paid on the Funds.Lender shal�give�a Borrower,without�harge,an annua�account�ng of�he Funds as required
<br /> by RESPA.
<br /> �f there�s a surplus �f Funds held in es�rovv, as def�ned under RESFA,Lender shall a�count to Borrower f�r th�
<br /> excess funds�n accordax�ce w��h RESPA.If�here is a shor��.ge of Funds h�l�in escrow,as def�.n.ed under RESPA,Lender �
<br /> sha�l no�ify Barr�wer as required by RESPA,and Borr�wer sha��pay�fl Lender the amount necessa�y ta make up�he
<br /> shor�age in accordance with RESPA,bu��.n.no mare than l�man�hly payments.Ifthere is a def c�en�y of Funds he�d in
<br /> escr�w,as defined under RESPA,Lend�r sha��na��fy Bor�ow�r as required by RESPA,and Borr�wer shal�pay to Lender
<br /> �he amoun�necessary�o make up�he d�f�ciency in accordance wi�h FtESFA,bu�i.n.na more�han 1�monthly payments.
<br /> Upon payme�t z.n full of a�1 sums secured by this S�curi�y�nstrument,Lender shal�promp��y r�fund�o Barrower any '
<br /> Funds held by Lender.
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower sha11 pay a�I taxes, assessmen�s, charges, fYn�s, an�.imposi�ions attrYbu�ab�e��the
<br /> Pr�per�vvh�ch�an at�ain priority o�er this Se�urity�ristrUment,leasehold paymen�s�r grou.nd rents on the Pr�perty,�f
<br /> any,and�ammunity Asso�iat�an I]ues,Fees,and Assessments,if any.To�he ext�nt�ha�these it�m�are Escrow I�ems,
<br /> Barrower sha�1 pay them in the mann�r provided�n Sect�an 3.
<br /> Borrovv�r shal�promp��y d�scharge any l�en which has pr�ority over�his S�curity Ins�rument unless Borrower:
<br /> �a)agrees in wr��ing�o�he payment of the ab�igation secured�y�he l�en in a manner acceptab�e to Lender,but only so f
<br /> �nng as Borrower is perfarm�.n.g such agreement;�b�con�ests�h.e iien in gaod faith�y,or defends against enforcement of
<br /> the �ien in, 1ega�proceedings which�n Lender's �pini�n opera�e �o pr���nt�Yie enfarc�ment�f the l�en while those
<br /> proceedings axe pending,but anly until such praceedings are cancluded;ar�c�secur�s from the hold�r af�he 1�en an
<br /> abreement sa�isfac�ory�o Lender subor�ina�ing�ie l�en t�this Security Instrument.Yf Lender determines�ha�any part of
<br /> the Property is sub�ec��o a lien whxch can a�taan pr�ority over this Security Instrumen�,Lender may g��re Borr�wer a
<br /> notice id�n�ifying�he 1ien.�Vithin�4 da�rs of�he date on which tha�not�ce is gi�en,Borrov��r shall sa�isfy th�lien or take
<br /> one or m�re af the act�ons set for�h abo�e in this Section 4.
<br /> Lerider may re�u�re B�rrower to pay a onew�ime charge f�r a�eal estate�ax verifcation andlor repor�ing service used
<br /> �y Le�der in connection wi�h this Loan.
<br /> 5.Pr�perty Insurance.Borrawer sha�l keep the impro�em.�n�s now�x�s�in�or hereafter erected on the Praperry
<br /> �nsur�d agains��oss by fire,hazards includ�d withzn�he�erm"extended�overage,"and any o�.er hazards i.ncluding,but
<br /> no�lim��ed�a,ea�-�hquakes and floods,for which Lender requir�s insurance.This insurance shal��e main�ained in the
<br /> amounts�znc�udz.n�deduct�bl� levels�and f�r the per�ods that Lender requires.�V�iat Lender requires pursuant t�the .
<br /> preced�ng sentences can change durin.g�he�er�m of th� Laan. The insuxance carri�r providing the insurance sha�l l�e
<br /> chosen by Barrov��r subject to Lender's right�o disapprove Borrov��r's cho��e, v�h�ch right sha�l not �e exer�ised
<br /> unreasona��y.Lender may r�quire Borrv��r t�pay,in connectian w��h this Laan,either:�a�a�ne-time charge fflr flood
<br /> zflne de�ermination, cer�ifica�ion and track�.ng serv��es; or �b�a ane-t�.me charge for flo�d zon� determination and
<br /> cer�ificati�n ser��ces and subsequent charges ea�h t�.me rem�.appings or sim�Iax changes occur wh�ch reasanably might
<br /> affec�such d�terminat�on�r c�rtification.Borrower shal�also b�responsib�e f�r�he payment of any fees imposed by the
<br /> Federal Emergen�y Managemen�Agency in conn�c�ion vvith the review of any flo�d zan�determination resul�ing from
<br /> an.obj ec��on by Borrower.
<br /> If B�rr�v�er fai�s ta mai�tai.n any of the co��rages described abave, Lender may ab�ain insurance caverage, a�
<br /> Lender's�p��on�n�Borrower's expense.Lender�s under�.o oblxgation�o purchase any par�i�ulax typ��r amount�f
<br /> coverage.Ther�fare,such coverage sha��cover Lender,�ut m�ght or�night no�protect Borrower,Borrov�rer's�quity i.n
<br /> the Proper�y, or�he contents of the Property, agaz.nst any r�sk,hazard or 1�ability and m�gh�pro�ide greater or�esser
<br /> coverab�than v�as previously in effe��.Barrov�er a�knowledges�ha��he c�s�af�he insurance cavera�e so obtained migh� �
<br /> s��nificant�y exceed�he cast of insurance�hat Barrovsrer cou�d ha�e ob�ained.Any am�unts disburs�d by Lender und�r
<br /> NEgRASKA�Single Fami�y-Fannie Niae�Freddie 111[ac�N�F�Rl1�1 INSTRUMENT wifh MERS F�rm D28 �1���1
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<br /> �as,�n�. Borrower�s}�ni�ials �
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