<br /> �
<br /> The beneficxary af this Secur�ty Instrument�s MERS�solely as nominee for Lender and I�ender's success�rs and assigns�
<br /> and�a�he successors and assxgns of MERS.Th�s S�cux�ty Znst�urrient secures to Lender:�i��he r�payment of the Loan,
<br /> and a11 renewals, ex�ensions and mod�fications �f th� Note; and ��i} the performance af Borrower's cavenants and
<br /> a�reements under�h�s Securi�y�nstrumen�and the No�e.For th�s purpase,Barrov�er�rre�rocab�y grants and�on�eys to �
<br /> Trus�ee,in trus�,wi�h power of sa�e,the fo��owing descr�bed proper�y�acat�d�n�he County�f Hall:
<br /> Su�te Na.Three�3},in the All�ne W�ndsor Square�ondornrnium Property Regime,in the City of Grand
<br /> Island, Hall County, Nebraska, as shown an the p�at and plan Allene Windsor Square Candom�niurn
<br /> Property R�gime and the Dec�ara�ian thereof, and any amendrnents thereta, and subject ta the
<br /> Declarat�an,grant�,covenants,easements,�onditfons and restri�tion�establi�hing a plan for�ondominium
<br /> ownership ofA�lene 'L�L�'�ndsor Square Candominium Prop�rty Reg�m�,as�e�for�h there�n and of record as
<br /> In�trument NQ.SUUU14S5,and any amendments thereto,all as c�nta�ned�n the re��rds❑f the Reg�ster of
<br /> Deeds af HaZ�Caun�y,Nebraska
<br /> Parce�ID N�mber: 4U�14�S53
<br /> which curre��ly has the address of 3�27 W�apital Ave#3 �
<br /> �rand Islanda NEBRASI�A�$803,�"Proper�y Address"�:
<br /> T�GETHEI� WITH a1I the imp�ovem�n�s naw or herea�t�r erec��d on the property, and aI1 eas�ments,
<br /> appurtenan�es,and fixtures naw ar hereafter a par��f the pr�per�y.A11 replacemen�s and additions shal�a�sfl be cover�d
<br /> by this Security�n�trumen�.All of the foregoing�s referr�d ta�n�his Securi�ty Instrumen�as�h�"Prop�rty."Borrov�rer �
<br /> understands and agr�es that MERS holds only�ega1�i�le to the interests granted by Barr�wer in this Securi�r Ins#xumen�,
<br /> bu�,�f necessary t�comp�y with law ar cus�om,MERS�as nominee for Lender anc�Lender's successors and ass�gns�has �,
<br /> the ribht:ta exercise any or al�of th�se interes�s,�.nc�uding,bu�not lirnite�ta,the right to forec�ose and sell the Proper�y;
<br /> and t��ake any actian requ�red of Lender includix�g,but n�t limited to,re�easing and canceling thzs S�cur��y Instrumen�.
<br /> B�RR�WER G�VENANTS that B�rr�wer�s�awfu��y seised�f�he estate hereby�onveyed and has the ri�ht ta
<br /> �rant and canvey the Prape�-ty and�hat the Proper�y is unencumbered, except far encu�m.brances�f re�ord. Borrovver
<br /> �a.rra.n.ts and v�i��defend genera��y th�t�tle to�h.e Proper�y against aI1 cla�ms and��mands,subj ect�o any encumbrances
<br /> of record.
<br /> TH�S SECURITY TNSTRUMENT c�m�i.nes uniform covenan�s for nat�onal use and n�n�uniform covenants v�ith
<br /> Zimit�d variat�ons by jurisdictit�n to cons�i�u�e a uniform security instru.men��overu�g real property.
<br /> �
<br /> UN�F�RM��VENANTS.B orro�ver and Lender cnvenan�and agree as fo���ws:
<br /> l.Payment vf Princ�pal,Interes�,E��row Items,Prepayment Charges,and Late�harges.Borrov�er sha11 pay
<br /> when due the princ�pa�af,and an�erest on,the d��at e�idenced b��he No�e and any pr�paymen�charges and�ate charges
<br /> due und�r th�Nate.B�rrawer shaX�also pay funds for Escrow Items pursuant�o Sec�i�n 3.Payments due und�r the Not�
<br /> and th�s Security �nstrument sha�1 be made in U.S. currency. Hav��ver, if any check or ather i.nstrument received by
<br /> Lender as payment under�he Note or th�s Security Instrumen�is retu�ned to Lend�r unpa�d,Lender may r�quire tha�any
<br /> ar a�l subsequen�paymen��due under�he Note and�his Security�nstrumen�be made in one or more of�he fa�l�w�.n.g
<br /> forms,as select�d�by Lender:�a�cash;�b�money order;�c�cer��fied check,bank�he�k,treast�c-er's check or ca�hier's
<br /> che�k, pro�id�d any such che�k is dravvn up�n an ins�itution wh�se depos�ts are �n.sured by �. federal agency,
<br /> instrum�ntal�ty,ar entity;or�d}E�ectr�nzc Funds Transfer. �
<br /> Payments are deemed re�ei�ed by Lender vvhen rec��ved a��he lacat�on d�s�gnated i�.�he Note or at such flther
<br /> Xaca�ion as may be desibnated]�y Lender in accordance wi�h the n�tice provis��ns ua Se���on 1 S.Lender may return any
<br /> paymen�or partial paymen�if�he payment�r partial paxm�nts are insuff c�ent�o�br�.x�.g�h.e Laan current.Lender may
<br /> accept any payment�r par�ial payment insufF�cien�ta bra�ng�he Loan curren�,without wa�ver of any righ�s hereunder�r
<br /> NEBRASKA-S�ngle Family-Fann�e MaelFreddie 11�ac UNIF4RM iNSTRUMENT w�th MERS Fvr �28 �l10'i
<br /> Page 3 v��3
<br /> �os,�nc, Borrawer�s}InitiaEs
<br /> �
<br />