� ��15�4�5�
<br /> Instrument.MERS is organ�zed and existing under the�aws of Delaware,and has an addr�ss and�elephone number of
<br /> P.C].Bo��U2G,Flint,MI 485U1-�U26,te1.�858)G79-MER�. �
<br /> �F�"Note"means the pramissory no�e s�gn�d by Borrovver and dated June 8,�U15.The Note stat�s�hat Barrov�er ovves
<br /> Lender SI�TY TIIQ�L]�SAND AND N�11 UD I�al�axs�U.S.$G�,�U�.�U}plus�nterest.Borro,wer has pr�mised ta pay this
<br /> debt�n regular Periodic Payments and t�pay the debt zn.fu1�n�t later�han Ju�y 1,ZU35,
<br /> �G}�yProper�y"means the propert�y�hat is descr�bed belovsr under�he headi.ng"Transfer of Rights�n the Property."
<br /> �H3�`Laan"means the debt evidenced by the Nvte,plus interest,any prepaymen�charges and la��charges due under th.e
<br /> No�e,and a��sums due under�h�s Security Instrumen�,p�u��.nteres�.
<br /> �I}��R�ders"means a11 Riders�o�.iis S�cur��y Ins�rument�hat ar�exe�u�ed by Borrov�er.The fo�law�ng Riders are�o
<br /> be executed by Borrov�er�check box as appii�able]:
<br /> ❑ Adjustab�e Rate Rider []X �andomin�um Rider ❑ Second Hon1e Rider
<br /> ❑ Balloon Rider ❑ P1a�u�ed Unit Development Rider ❑ VA F�d�r
<br /> ❑ 1-4 Fami�y�.i.der ❑ Biweekly Payme�t Rid�r
<br /> [,� �ther[Spec�fy�
<br /> �J�"App�icable Law" means a�l control��ng applicable federal, s�ate and local statutes,regula��ons, ordinances and
<br /> administrat�v� rules and orders �tha�have the effect �f lavc�� as we1l as a11 appli�able f�na1, non-appealable judic�a�
<br /> op�nions.
<br /> �K}"Commun�ty Assoc�ation Dues,Fees,and Asse�sments"means all dues,fees,assessments and�ther charg�s tha�
<br /> are�.posed on Bflrrower or the Praper�y by a c�ndominxum association,hom��v�ners associa�ion or sunilar organ�2at�on.
<br /> �L���E�ectronic�'unds Transfer"means any�ransfer of funds,o�her�han a transac�ion originated by check,draft,�r
<br /> sim��ar paper Ynstrument,v�hich is i.nitiated throu�h an ele�tr�n�c terminal,�elephonic�nstrument,cflmpu�er,�r magnetic
<br /> tape so as tfl arder,instru�t,ar authorize a financia�institut�an to�ebit ar credit an account.Such�erm inc�udes,but�s nat
<br /> �a.m�ted t�,point-of-sa�e transfers,au�omated te�ler machin��ransactzans,tra.r�sf�rs in�tiated by t��ephane,v�ire�ransfers,
<br /> and automa�ed clear�nahnuse transfers, �
<br /> �M�"Escrow I�ems"m�ans those x�en�.s�.ia�are descr��ed in Sectian 3.
<br /> (N}`�Miscel�aneous Prace�d�"mear�s any compensa�ion,set��emen�,award of da�x�a�es,ar proceeds paid�y any�h.ird
<br /> part�y�ather than insurance proceeds pa�d under the co�era�;es described i.n Sec��on S}for:�i�damage�o,or destructian ,
<br /> of, �he Proper�y; �ii�condemnati�n or o�her �aking af a�1 vr any par� �f th� Property; �iii�conveyance in lxeu of
<br /> candemna�ion;ar�i�r}misrepre�entatians of,or omiss�ans as to,the value andlor conditian of�he Proper�y.
<br /> ���"Mortgage Insurance"means insurance pro�ectinb Lend�r against th�nonpaymen�of,or defau�t on,�h�Loan.
<br /> �P}"Period�c Payment"m.�a.ns�h.e regular�y schedul�d.amaun�due f�r���pri.nc�pal and interest un�er the Na�e,plus
<br /> �i�}any amoun�s�nder Section 3 of this Security Instrum�n�.
<br /> (�)"RESPA" means the Real Estate S�ttlement Procedures A�� �1� U.S.�. § 2��1 e�seq.� and �ts imp�ement�ng
<br /> r�gu�a��on, Reau�at�on� ��� �.F.R. Par� ���4�, as they might be amended from ��m.e �o time, or any add��ional ar
<br /> successor�ebislati�n or regu.Iation that g�verns the same su.bjec�matter,As used in this Security I�strument,"RESPA"
<br /> refers�o a��r�qu�rem�nts and restrictions that are unp�sed�.x�r�gard t�a"fe�.era��y related m�r�gage�oan"e�en if�h.e
<br /> Laan does not qualify as a"federall�r��a�ed m�r��ag�1�an"u.nd�r RESPA.
<br /> �R}"Suc�Qssar i�Interest of Borrnvver"means any party�hat has�aken tit�e�o�the Proper�y,whe�h�r ar not tha�par�y
<br /> has assumed BorroWer's��b��gations under the N��e andlor this Security Inslxumen�. °
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sin��e Family�Fannie MaelFredd're Mac UNiFDRM 1NSTRUMENT with�ERS Form �28 '�IU�t
<br /> Page�of 13 � �
<br /> �os,���. Borrower�s}initials �
<br /> ,
<br />