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��15�4�45 <br /> DEED �F TRLJST <br /> �Contit�ued� Page � � <br /> pur�hase or sales agreemen�t, ar any o�her agreement, in fa�ar af any Q�her creditor or persan that may ma�erialiy <br /> affect any of Grantvr's prvperty �r Gran�or's abi[i�y to repay the Indebtedness or Gran�or's abi��ty ta p�r�arm <br /> Grantar's obl�gatians under this Deed vf Trus�or any o��Che Relat�d ❑ocumen�s. <br /> False Statements. Any warranty, represen�ation or statement made vr �urnished ta Lender by T�ustor or vn <br /> Trus�tor's behal�under this Deed o�Trust or the Rela�ed ❑vcuments is fa�se or misl�ading �n any ma�eriai respect, <br /> either naw or at the time mad�or furnished or becames �alse or mis�eading at any time�hereafter. ' <br /> Defectiv� Go�Eateralization. This Deed v� Trust ar any v� the Re�ated Documen�s ceas�s to be in �u�l f�rce and <br /> e#fect tincluding failure a� any collatera! dvcumen�to create a �a�id and perfected securEty interest or lien� at any <br /> time and far any r�ason. <br /> Dea�h or InsolWency, The death a�Trus�or, �he insvl�ency of Trustv�, the appvin�cm�nt o�r a rec�i�er�o�a�y part o� <br /> Trus�or's property� any assignment for the bene�it af creditors, any �ype ❑f creditvr work�ut, ar �h� <br /> cvmm�ncem�nt o�any proceeding under any bankrup�cy or insv��ency laws by ar agains�Trus�vr. <br /> �redi�vr ar Forfei�ure Prviceedings, Commencement a� �F�rec�asure ❑r fvr�Fe�tur� proceedings, whether by judicial <br /> pro�eeding, se��-help, rep�ssession or any other m�thod, by any creditvr af Trustor or by any ga�ernmen�al agency <br /> against any praper�y securing �he lnd�btedness. Thrs includes a garnishment of any vf Trus�or's a�cvun�s, <br /> in��ud�ng depasit ac�aunts, with Lender. Hvwe�er, this E�en� o� Defaul�t shall no� apply if �here is a good faith <br /> dispute by Trus�or as to the �a[idity ar r�asanableness o�the �laim which is �he basis at the �reditor or f�rfeiture <br /> p��ceeding and if Trustor gi�es Lender writ��n natic� o� the creditvr or �vrfeiture proceeding and deposits wi�h <br /> Lende�mvnies or a surety hand for the credi�or Qr forte�ture proceeding, in an amount de�ermined by Lender, in its <br /> sale dis�re�ian, as �eing an adequa�e reser�e ar bond for the dispute. <br /> Breach of�ther Agreement. Any breach by Trus�or under the�erms o�f any oth�r agreemen� �etween Trustor and <br /> Lender that is no� r�medied wi�thin any gra�e periad prorrided �herein, including wi�hvut limitatian any agre�ment <br /> concerning any indehtedness ar❑ther obliga�i�n��Trus�or to Lender, whe�h�r ex�sting now or later. <br /> E�ents A�fec�ing Guarantor. Any of�he preced�ng e�ents �ccurs w�th respect tv any guarantar, endvrser, sur�tyr <br /> or accommoda�ion par�ry a� any v� the lndebtedness or any guarantvr, endorser� sur�ty, ar accommvda�ivn party <br /> dies or �ecomes in�ampe�en�, or revvkes or disputes �the �alidity af, ❑r Liability under, any Guaranty of the <br /> I ndebtedness. <br /> AdWerse Change. A materiai ad��rse chang� vccurs in Trus�or's �inancial con�ifiion� ar Lender believes the <br /> prvspect o�paymen�or performance�f the lndebtedness is impaired. <br /> Inse�ur��y. Lender in good faith beiie��s itself insecure. . <br /> Right tv Cure. I�any d�#ault, o�her�han a defau�t in paymenfi is curable and if Trustor has no�been gi�en a noti�e <br /> a�a breach❑�the sam� pra�ision vf this De�d af Trus�vuithin the preceding�welve �'i�� months, it may be cur�d if <br /> Trustor, after Lender sends written notice to Trustor demanding cure of such de#auft: t'�� cures the d��ault wi�hin <br /> twenty {2Dy days; or ��} �f the �ure r�quires mare �han �WL1'1��I ���y C�a�15r immediately initiat�s steps which <br /> Lender d�ems in L�nder's safe discre�ion tv be su�r�icEent to cure �he default and ther�a#�er continues and <br /> comp�etes all reasanable and necessary steps sufficient to praduce comp�iance as svan as r�asanab�y p�ac�icaf. <br /> R�GHTS AND REMEDIES t�N DEFAULT. if an E�ent of Ds�aul�accurs under this Deed af Trus�, at any��ms �hereafter, <br /> Trus�ee or L�nd�r may exercise any one ar more of�he following ri�h�s and remedies: <br /> Acce�eration Upon Defaui�k; Additional Remedi�s. If any E�ent af De�au�� o��urs as per�he �erms af th� Nate <br /> se�ured hereby, Lender may de�fare all lndebtedness se�ured by this ❑eed o�Trus��o be due and payabi�and <br /> �he sam�sha��ther�upon be�ome due and payable wi�hflu�any presen�men�, demand, pro�est vr notice o#any <br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender may: <br /> ta� Either in persan ❑r by ag�n�, with vr withaut bring�ng any act�an or pr�c�eding. or by a rec�iver � <br /> appo�nted by a cour�and w��hou� regard ta the adequacy ot its security, enter upon and take possession <br /> of the Proper�y, or any part ther�of, En its own nam�or in th� name of Trust�e, and da any acts which it <br /> deems necessary or desirabie tv preser�e�he �a[ue, marketability�r rentabifity vf the Property, �r part af . <br /> the Property vr interes� in�he Property; incr�ase the incom�fram the Pr�perty ar pratec��he securi�y ❑f <br /> the Property; and� with ar wifihvut taking possessivn of �he Property, su� for flr v�herwise co��ect the ' <br /> rents, issues and pro�its ❑f the Property, including those past due and unpaid, and apply �he same, �ess <br /> casts and expenses of vperativn and collection attorneys' �Fees,ta any indeb�edness secured by�his Deed <br /> of T�-ust, a[[ in such �rder as L�nder may d�t�rmine. The entering upon and ta�ing possession c�f �he <br /> Property. �he co�lec�ion of such rents, issues and profits, and the applicatian ther�of shali n�t �ure or <br /> wa+�� any defau�t ar no�tice o�de�aul� under�his Deed v�Trust ar in�alidat� any act done in respanse tv <br /> su�h de�ault vr pur$uant tv su�h not�ce a#de�auft; and� no�withstanding�he c�ntinuan�e in possessi�n of <br /> �he Property ❑r the �v�leGtion� receip� and applicat�an of rents, issues or pro�i�s. Trustee or Lender shali <br /> �e en�3�[ed ta exercise e�ery righ�prv�ided far in rhe N��e or�he R�la�ed Dacuments or by Ia►nr upon ths <br /> vccurren�e of any e�en�of default. inc�uding the right tv exerci�e the pawer❑#sale; <br /> {b� ��mmence an actian tv�o�eG�ase this Deed v�Trust as a mortgage, appoin�a recei��r ar speci#ically <br /> enforce any o�F the�o�enan�s he�eaf; and � <br /> �c� ❑eli�er ta Trustee a written declarativn af�e�auf�and demand�ar sa�e and a w�it�en no�ice af d�fault <br /> and electian to �ause Trustor's interest in the Prvperty tv be svld, whi�h natice Trustee shall cause�ko be <br /> du[y filed fo�re�ard in the appropriate o��ices v�F the �oun�y in which the Prvperty is �ocated; and <br /> E <br /> �d� Wi�h respect to a�! ar any part af th� Persvnal Prap�rty, Lender shal� ha�e all the rights and remedies <br /> vf a s�cured party under�he Nebraska Uni�arm Cvmmercial Cad�. <br /> Foreclvsure hy Pawer a�5a[e. �f Lender elects ta�areclose by exerGis�o�the Pawer fl�Sa�e herein contained, <br /> Lender shall n�ti�y Trust�� and shall dep�si�wi�h Trustee �his Deed o#Trust and �he Note and such receipts <br /> and e�idence a#expenditures made and secur�d by�his D�ed vf Trust as Truste�may require. <br /> �a} Upon receEpt of such no�ice�rom Lender,Trustee sha�E cause to be reca�ded, publi�hed and deli�ered <br /> �a Trustar such No�ice v� De�Fault and Nntice of 5ale as then r�quired by �aw and by this Qeed of Trus�. <br /> Trustee shall, without demand ❑n Trus�ar, af�er such time as may then be required by law and after <br /> recordation v�such Notice o� Defaul�and a�t�r Notice af Sa�e ha�ing been gi�en as requir�d hy �aw, sell <br /> �he Proper�y at the time and place o� sa�e �Fixed by it in such Nv�i�e o� Sa[e, �ither as a whv[e, �r �n <br /> separate lots or parcels ar it�ms as Trustee sha[I deem expedient, and �n such order as it may determine, <br /> at public auct�on to the highest hidder for cash in law�u� money �f the United S�ta�es payable a�the time <br /> o� sale. Trustee shall d��i�er to such purchaser or purchasers thereof its good and suf�icient d�ed or <br /> deeds con�eying �he properry sa sald, bu� withou� any co�enant or warranty. express v� implied. The <br /> rec�tals �n such d��d of any matters ar �acts shall he �flnc{usive proof o��he �ru�hfulness ther�a�. Any ' <br /> p�rson, including wi�hout�imitativn Trustvr,Trustee, ar Lendsr, may purchase a�t such sa1e. <br /> �by As may be permi�C�Ced by lav►►, after deducting a�i cvsts, �ees and expenses o�F Trustee and a� this <br /> Trust, inciuding cos�s o�e��dence o#title �n cannecti�n w€th sale, Trustee shall app[y the pro�eeds a�sale <br /> �o payment of {iy all sums�xpended under the terms of�th�s D�ed af Trust�r under the�erms of the Nate <br /> nat then repaid, �ncluding bu� n�� limi�ed ta accrued interest and �ate charges, tii� a11 v�her sums �h�n <br /> i � <br /> ,� <br />