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�� ��15�4�45 <br /> �3EED �F TRU�T <br /> �C��t��u�d} Page 4 <br /> C�7NDEMNAT[�N. The�vi�awin� pro�isians rela�ing to condemnatian proc�ed�ngs are a pa�-t��this Deed af Trust: <br /> Proceedings. lf a��y pr�ceeding in �ondemna�ian is fil�d, Trusto� sha�! pramptly notify Lender in writing, and <br /> Trus�vr sha[[ prom��tly take such steps as may t�e necessa�y to d���nd the a�tivn and a�tain ths a►nrard. Trustvr <br /> , may be the no��nina[ par�y in such proc��din�. but Lender shall be ent�t�ed�o part�cipa�e in the p��ce�ding and ta be <br /> represented in the praceeding by Gaunsel o� +�s awn choice, and Trustor rrvi�! deli�er or cause ta be de�i�ered �o <br /> Lender suGh iristruments and documen�atian as may be �equested by Lender from time to time ta permit such <br /> par�i�ipa�ion. <br /> � Ap��i�atian o�Net�P�o�eeds. lf a[f or any part of�the Praperty is candemned by eminent dvmain prviceedings or by <br /> any proceedinc��r��urchase in fieu of condemnatian� Lender may at its eiec�ian require that afl or any partian a�the <br /> ne� praceeds z�f the award be applied to fihe Indeb�edness or the repair or restflrat��n of �he Property. The net <br /> praceeds a�the av��ard shafl m�an the award a�t�r paym�nt❑f all �easvnahle ��sts, expenses, and attarneys' fees <br /> incur�ed by Trt�ste�:or Lend�r'rn cannection with the cvndemna�ivn. <br /> l�iP�SiT��N {]F T��xE5�, FEES AND CHARGES BY GC3VERNtVIENT�4L AUTH�R�T�ES. The �allawing pro�isions re�at�ng <br /> t�ga�ernmental�, ��ees and charges are a parfi o�th�s D�ed of Trust: <br /> Cura�en�Taxes;. Fee.s and Charges. Upvn request by Lender, Trustc�r shall execute such documents in addition ta <br /> �his ❑eed o�Trust and take whate�er��her activn is requested by Lender t� per�ect and canfiinue Lender's �ien an <br /> �he R�aI Prop�:rty. Trust�r sha�I reimburse Lender for all �taxes, as described �e�aw, �ogether wi�h all exp�nses <br /> incurred in ret,ording, per�e�ting �r continuing this Deed of Trust, incEuding without I�mitatian all taxes, �ees, <br /> ` documentary�tam��s, and ather charges��r reGording or regist�ring this D�ed of Trus�. <br /> � Taxes. The �c3l��v+r�ing shall c�nst��ute taxes to which �his sectian applies: ��y a sRecific tax upan this type of <br /> Deed of Trust or upan afl or any par� o�th� �ndebtedne�s secu��d by '�his Qeed a�Trust; ��} a specific tax on <br /> Trustor which Trustor is authoriz�d vr r�qu�red to deduc�from paym�nts on th� lndebtedness s�cured by�his type <br /> � o�F Deed o'F Trust; [3y a tax on this�ype of D�ed o�F Trust chargeabl�agains�the Lender or�the ha�der of the Note; <br /> ' and �4y a sp�:ci�ic �ax on all or any porfiion o�the Endebtedness or vn payments of principa� and in�eres� made by <br /> Trustar. <br /> 5ubs�quenfi Taxes�, If any tax �o which th�s sectEon app[ies is �nacted subsequen� �� th� date a� this Deed of <br /> Trust, �his e��:nt s:hal! ha�e the same e�Ff�ct as an E�en� af Default, and Lender �nay �xe�cis� any or all ❑� i�s <br /> a�ailab[e remedies �or an Even�t of ❑efault as p�avid�d below unless Trustvr �tther ��� pays the tax be�Fore it <br /> becomes delin��uent, or ��y cvn�es�s the tax as prov�ded abo�e in the Taxes and Liens se�tion and d�posi�s with <br /> Lender cash vr a s��ffi�ient carpvrate surety bvnd or o�her securi�y sa�isfactory to Lender. <br /> S�CURITY AGREE��EN"I"; FINANGING STATEMENTS. The ��If�wing pro�isions refating to fihis Deed v� Trust as a <br /> security agreemen#are�� part a#this D�ed vf Trust: <br /> Secur'rty Agre��mer�t. This instrumen� shall �ans�titute a Securi�y Agreement �o �he ex�en� any ❑f th� Property <br /> �vnstitutes fix�ture��, and Lender sha[I ha�e all of�he rights a�a secured par�y under�he L]ni�orm �ommerGia� Gvde <br /> as amended fr��m��ime�v xime. <br /> Sacurity Inter��st. Upvn request �y Lender, Trustor shal! �ake whate�er action is reques�ed by Lend�r ta per�ect <br /> and con�inue l.end{�r's securi�y interes# in the Ren�s and Persanal Prvperty. !n addifi�on ta recording this ❑eed af <br /> Trust in the rf:al pr�per�y recards, Lender may, a� any tims and withou�t fur�her authorizat�on from Trustor, file <br /> ex�cuted counterparts, copies ar repraductions of this De�d o� Trust as a financing statement. Trustar shal� <br /> reimburse Lent�er for all �xpenses in�urred in perfecting or c�ntinuing this se�uri�y interes�. �pan defauit, Trusfior <br /> shali nat remave, .�e�er ar detach the Persanal Propert}r �rom �h� Praperty. Upon defau�t, Trustor shall assemhle <br /> any Pe�svnal F'roper�y na'�affixed �o the Praperty in a manne�and at a place re�sonably can�enien��a Trustar and <br /> Lender and m��ke it a�ai[able �rfl Lender with'rn three �3} days after receipt af wri�ten demand fram L�nder �a the <br /> exten�perm�tts:d b}i app[icable lae�v. <br /> Address�s. "�h� ma��ing addresses �� Trustor 4de�tor� and Lender 4se�ured par�yy f�rom which infvrmativn <br />� concern`rng �h�� securi�ty in�terest granted by this Deed of Trust may be abtained �eacf� as �equired by fih� Uniform <br /> �timmercial Cc�dey are as stat�d vn the�irst page o�this Deed of Trust. <br /> FURTHER ASSURE�NCI�S. ATT�RNEY-�NWFA�T. The foEivwing prv�isivns reiating ta fur�her assurances and <br /> a�torneyMinwfact are a p��r�o�this De�d of Trust: <br /> Further Assur�an�e.>. At any time, and fram time xa time, upon reques�of Lend�r, Trus�or wil� maker execute and <br /> � de��ver, vr will cau;�e ta �e made, execu�ed vr deli�ered,to Lender or tv Lender's designee, and when requested hy <br /> Lender, cause ta be �Filed, recorded, re�ifed, or rerecarded, as �he cas� may be� at such times and in such o�F�ices <br /> and p[a�es as Lencler may deem apprapria�e, any and al� such martgages, d��ds o�tr�st, securi�y d�eds, securi�y <br /> agreemen�ts, stafiem�nts, can'�inua�ian sta�emen�s, instruments a� �urfiher assurance, certificates, and <br /> o�her d��um�r�ts as may, in th� sole apinion ❑f Lender, be nec�ssary�r desirabie in order ta e�ff��tuate,.camp�etef <br /> perfect. con�ir�ue, ar preser�e t�� Trustor's oh�igatians under the Na�e, this Dee� af Trust, and the Re�a�ed <br /> Documen�ts� ar3d �2� the liens and security in��r�sts created by thEs Deed of Trust as first and prior liens vn the <br /> Prvperty, whe`:her now owned or hereafter acquired by Trustar. Un[ess prah�bi�ed by law or Lender ag�-ees �a th� <br /> contrary in wfYitinc�, Trustor sha[[ reimburse Lender far a!! c�sts and expenses incurred in cannectian with �the <br /> , matt�rs ref�rr��d�a in this paragraph. <br /> Attorne�-in-Fa���. I�Trustar fails to do any ��the �hings re�erred ta in the preceding paragraph, Lender may do so <br /> ' �or and in the name of Trus�o� and at Trustar's expense. F�r such purposes, Trustor hereby irre�ocably appoints <br /> Lender�s Tru.�tor':� attvrney-in-�act for the purpvse nf mak�ng, executing, deli�eringr f's�ing, recarding, and doing al! <br /> other fihings a�� mGEy be necessary or desirabfe, in Lender's sole opinian. to accompfish the matters referred to in <br /> the preced�ng ;�arar�raph. <br /> FL�LL PERF�3R11JIANE�E. �f Trustar pays a�l the lndebtedness, includ�ng w�th�ut I�mitat�on all �Future advance�, when due, <br /> and a�herwise p�rform�f all �he ❑bligations impased upon Trustor under this Deed vfi Trust, Lender shall execute and <br /> d�li�er �o Trus��� a reques� fvr full r�canrreyance and shaff execute and d�li�er ta Trusta� suitab[e s�atemen�s af <br /> termina�ivn �# any fincEncing s�atement an f�I� evid�ncing Lender's securEty interest in �he Rents and the Persanal <br /> � <br /> Property. Any recc�n�e��ance fee req�ir�d by �aw shal� be paid by Trustor, ��permi��ked by app��cabEe law, <br /> EIIENTS �F 13EFA�ILT. Each of the �ollowing, at Lender's vptian, sha1� constitute an E�ent �� D�#au(t under �this Deed <br /> a�Trust: <br /> Paymen�Defa��lt. 'rrus�ar fails ta make any payment�rvhen due under the lndeb��dness. <br /> �ther ❑e�aul�.�. 7�rustar fails �to cvmpfy wi�h ar to perfvrm any othe� term� �bliga�ion, co�enan� or condition <br /> cantained in �"his C)eed ❑f Trus� ar in any o� the Refated Documents ar ta comp[y with ar to per�arm any tsrm, <br /> ' ob[iga�ian, co�enar�t vr candi�ion con�ained in any vther agreemen�between L�nder and Trustar. <br /> Cvmpiia�ce D4:fault. Failure to cvmply with any other term, obligation, �avenant or condi�ion con�ained in this <br /> ❑e�d ofi Trus�, �he Note a�in any af the Re�ated Documents. <br /> ' Defauit an�tr�er P�ayments. Faifure vf Trustor within�the�Eme required by this �eed o�Trus��o make any payment <br /> for�axes or in.�urar�ce, or any ather payment ne�sssary�a pre��nt f'rling af or ta e��Fe�t discharge of any �ien. <br /> Defaul��n Fav��r of Third Partiesa Should Gran�C�r de�auEt und�r any laan, exfiension o�credit, se�urity agreement, <br /> r <br /> f <br />