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��15�4�14 <br /> 2. App�ication �f Paymsnts vr Prv�eeds. Ex�e�t as�thervvise described in this 5ec�ion�, all pa}�men�s <br /> a�cepted and appli�d by Lend�r shall b�applied in the fo�Iowing vrder of privrity: �a}interes�due und�r the <br /> Nvte; �b�principal due under the Nv�e; �c� amounts due under 5ection 3. Such pa.yments shall be appli�d to <br /> each Periodi�Pa�ment in�he order in which i�became due. Any remain�ng amoun�s shal��e ap�li�d first to <br /> 1a��charges, sec�nd t�any oth�r am�unts due under this Se�urity Instrumen�, and�hen�o redu�e�he <br /> princi�al ba�ance of the Nfl�e. <br /> If Lender receiv�s a paym�nt frona Borro�er far a delinquent P�riodic Payment which inc�ud�s a suff'�cient <br /> amount t�pay any late�harge due, the paym�nt may be appl�ed�o the deliriquent payment and�he late <br /> charge. If m�re�han one Periodi�Payment is au�standing, Lender ma�r app�y any paymen�received fram <br /> Borrower to the repayment af�he Periodic Pa�men�s if, an.d t��h�extent that, ea�h payment can be paid in <br /> full. To the extent that any ��cess exists aft�r�he paymen��s applied to the full payment�f one or mare <br /> Peri�dic Paymen�s, such ex��ss ma�be applied t�any l�te charges du�. Vo�watar�pr�paymen�s sha11 be <br /> applied firs��o an}�prepayment�harges and then as described in the Note. <br /> Any app���a�ion of payments, insurance proceeds, ar M�scellan�ous Proceeds t�prin�ipal due under the N�te <br /> sha�l nat extend or p�stpone the due da�e, or change the amount, of the P�riodic Payments. <br /> 3. Funds fvr Es�raw Items. Borrov�er sha11 pay t�L�nder on the day Periodic Pa�men�s are du�under the <br /> Note, un�i1 th�Note is paid in fu�l, a sum�the "Funds"�to provide for paymen�of am�un�s due for. �a}taxes <br /> and ass�ssments and other it�ms wh��h can at�ain prior�ty over this Se�ur�ty Instrument as a lien vr <br /> en�umbran�e�n th-e Property; �h� leas�hvld paymen�s ar ground ren�s on th�Property, xf any; �c}premiums <br /> for ax�y and a��insurance required by Lender under Sectian 5; and�d�Mflrtgage Insurance.premiums, if any, <br /> or an}�sums payable hy B�rrawer to Lender in lieu af the payment af Mvrtgage Insuran�e premiums in <br /> ac�ordance with the prnvisi�ns of S�ction 1�. Th�se�tems dre called"Escrov�Items." At�rigina�ion flr at <br /> any time during the�erm af the Loan, Lender may require�hat�ammunity Assa�iat�on Dues, Fees, and <br /> Assessmen�s, if any, be escrvwed by Bvrrower, and su�h dues, fees and assessments sha11 be an Es�row <br /> Item. Borro�ver shall prompt�y furnish t�Lender a11 notices flf amoun�s to be paid und�r th�s Section. <br /> Borrow�r sha1�pay Lend�r th�Funds f�r Es�raw Items�un�ess Lender wai�es Borrower's obl�ga�ion to pay <br /> �he Funds fflr any ar a��Escrvw Items. I�ender may vvaive Borro�er's abligation t�pay to L�nd�r Funds for <br /> any or a�l Es�row Items at any txme. Any su�h wa�ver may only be in writing. In��e event of such wa�ver, <br /> Borro�er sha11 pa� dire�tly, v�hen and where payable, �he am�unts d�ze fvr any Escrov��tems for v�hich <br /> payment of Funds has been waived by Lend�r and, if Lend�r requires, sha��furnish�o Lender rec�ipts <br /> evidencing such payment wi�hin such tvn�period as Lender may requ�re. Borrower's�bliga�xvn to mal�e <br /> � such payments and to pravid�receipts shall far aII purpas�s be deemed tv be a cov�nant and agreement <br /> cvn�ained in�his Security Instrument, as�he phrase "covenan�and agreemen�" 15 i15�C�Iri S�CtI.UIl�. If <br /> Borr�wer is obligated tv pay Escrow Items d�rectly, pursuant to a waiver, and Bvrro�er fails to pay the <br /> a.mount du�for an Escrovv Item, Lender may exercise its righ�s under Se�tion 9 and pay such amount and <br /> Barrovt�er sha11�hen be�bli�ated under Sectian 9 to repay to Lender any such amourit. Lend�r may revoke <br /> �he wa�ver as ta any or a11 Escrav�Items at any��me by a nutY�e given in accordance with Section 15 and, <br /> upon such re�o�ation, Borrovver shall pay to Lender a11 Fu.nds, and in such amo�n�s;�hat are then requ�red <br /> under�his Sect�vn 3. <br /> Lender may, at any time, c�ll�ct and hold Fu.nds�.n an amount�a� permit Lender to apply the <br /> Funds at the time sp�cified under RESPA, and�b}not to exceed�he maximum am�unt a lender can r�quire <br /> under RESPA. Lender shall esti.mat�tlie amaunt of Funds due on the basis�f curren�da��.and reasonable <br /> estimates of expenditures vf futur�Escrov�I�ems or othervvise in a��ardanc���th Appli�able Law. <br /> . . ; <br /> 2�15�2fi79427 '��00497000'1244793❑ � ❑9�3 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Ma�L1NIF�RM IN5TRLIMETIT WITH'MERS , � Form 3028'1I0� <br /> VM P Q , VM P6A�NE�['I 302) <br /> Wolters Kluw�r Fnancial Services , 6l8f2fl"l 5 . , �2:33 PM Page 5 af�? <br /> _ <br /> L ' <br />