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��15�4�14 <br /> Parcel iD Numher: 4a���68't 7 which current�y has�he address of <br /> 550� S ��th Rd (Str�et} <br /> A I da ��'it}��, Nebraska ��8'I� �,�i�a Cade) <br /> �"Property Address"}: <br /> T�GETHER WITH aii the i_mpro�rements now or hereaft�r ere�ted on th�property, and a��easements, <br /> appurtenan�es, and fixtures naw vr hereaft�r a part of the property. A1I rep�acements and additions shall alsv b� <br /> co�ered by th�s Securrty Instrument. A��vf�he foreg�ing is r�ferr�d to 7.n th�s 5ecurity Instrument as the <br /> "Property." Barrower und�rs�ands aud agre�s that MERS holds on�y legal�itle�o the int�rest grant�d by Borrow�r <br /> in this 5ecurity Instrumen�, but, if necessary�� compl}�vv�th�aw or cus�om, MERS�as nominee fvr L�nder and <br /> L�nder's successars and assigns}has�h�right: ta exercise any or aI�of�hose interests, including, bu�not I�mi�ed <br /> �o, �he right to foreclose and sell the Property; and to take any ac�ion required of Lender�.n�luding, �ut not <br /> I�mi�ed to, re�easing and canceling this Security Instrument. <br /> B�RR��ER��VENANTS that Borrower is Iavvfully seised�f the�s�ate hereb}�conv�yed and has�he right ta <br /> gran�and c�nvey�he Property and that the ProperCy is unencumbered, except far encumbran�es �f record. <br /> Borro��r�arran�s and vWi�l defend genera��y�he title t�th�Property agains�a11 claims and demands, subj e�t to <br /> any en�umbrances of record. <br /> THIS SE�URITY INSTRUMEIVT c�mbines uniform covenants for na�ional use and nvn-u.nif�rm <br /> c�venants v�ith li.mited variativns by�urisdic�ion to canstitu�� a u.nif�rm securit�uls�rument covering r�al <br /> prvp�rty. <br /> Unif�rm Ca►�enants. Borrav�er and Lender c�venant and agree as foll�ws: <br /> '�. Payment of Principal, Intere�t, Escrow ltems, Prepayment Char��s, and Late Charges. Borra�rer <br /> sha11 pay wh�n due the principal of, and in�erest on, the de�t e�idenced by�h�No�e and any prepayment <br /> charg�s and late charges due under the No�e. Bvrrower sha11 also pay funds f�r Escro�Items pursuant t� <br /> Se�tian 3. Pa}�ments due under the No�e and th�s Security Instrument sha11 be made�.n U.S. currenc}�. <br /> Ho�ever, if any check or other instrument re�eived by Lender as payment under�he N�te or this 5ecurity <br /> �nstrument is returned tv Lender unpaid, Lender naay require��at any flr a11 subsequ�nt payments due under <br /> the Note and this Secur�ty Instrum�nt be made i.n one vr more of the fflllowing f�rms, as selected by Lender: <br /> �a} cash; �b�money order; �c]certif�ed�heck, bank che�k, treasurer's ch�c�vr cashier's check, prav�ded any <br /> su�h ch�ck is drav�n upon an i.nstitu�ion whose deposi�s ar�i�sured l�y a federal agen�y, instrumen�ality, or <br /> entity; ar�d}E1e�trani�Funds Trax�sfer. , <br /> . <br /> Payments are de�med received by Lend�r when rece�ved at�h�locat�an designated in the Note�r at such <br /> o�her location as may be designa�ed by Lender i�accordanc�w�th�he natic�prvvisions in Sectivn 15. <br /> L�nder may return any pa}�m�nt�r par�ial paymen�if�h�paymen�vr par�ial paymen�s are insuffi�ient to <br /> bring�he Loan current. L�nder may acc�pt any paym�nt or partial payment insuffi�ient to bring the Loan <br /> current, �ithaut waiver af any rights hereund�r vr pre�udice to its r�gh�s to refuse�uCh pa}�ment or part�al <br /> pa}�m�nts in��ie future, but Lender�s not abligated tn apply su�h paymen�s at the time such payments are <br /> ac�ep�ed. If each Periodic Payment is applied as af i�s schedu�ed due date, then Lender need nvt pay in��rest <br /> on unapplied funds. L�nder may haXd such u.napplied funds un�il Borrov�er ma�es paymen���bring�he L�an <br /> curr�nt. If Barrawer d�es not do sa vv��hin a reasanable peri�d of t�me, L�nder sha��ei�her app�y such funds <br /> or return them to Bvrrower. If nat applied earl�er, such funds v�i�l he applied t��he autstanding prin�ipal <br /> balance under the Note immedia��ly prior to foreclosure. Nfl offset ar cla�m which Borrower migh�have <br /> nov� or in the future agains�Lender shall re�ie�e Borrov�er frvm mak�.ng payments du�und�r the Not�and <br /> this 5ecurity Instrum�nt or perfarming�he c���nan�s and agreements secured b�thYs Security Instrunl�nt. <br /> 2015�2679427 100049700�12447930 ❑9�� <br /> NEBRASKA�-Sir�gle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac�NIF�RM�NSTRUMENT VI![TH MERS Farm 30�8'i!�'[ <br /> ViVIP p VMP6A�NE}�1302} <br /> Wolters Kluwer Fnar��ial 5ervices 618120�5 'l�:33 PM Page 4 af'[7 <br />