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��15�3917 <br /> sentence� sha11 no�apply to th�presence, use, �r starag�on the Property of sma�� quan����es of Hazardous <br /> Substances tha�are generally recagnized to be appropriate t�narmal residen�ia� uses and t�main�enance af <br /> the Praper�y �including, but not 1�mited�o, hazardous subs�ances in c�nsumer products}. <br /> Borrower shall prarnptly giv�L�n�er�r�t�en nQ��ce af�a} any �nve���gat��n, ��ai�m, dexnand, Iawsuit�r other <br /> act�on by any go��rnmen�al �r r�gu�atory agen�y or pri�ate par�y �nvol�ing the Prape�.y and an� Hazardous <br /> SubstanGe or�nv�r�nmenta� La� af which Barrower has actua�knowledge, �b} any Environmental <br /> �onditi�n, including bu�not l�mi�ed�a, any spil�ing, leal�ing, discharge, release�r threat of re�ease of an� <br /> Hazardous Subs�ance, and�c} any canditi�n caused by the pres�nc�, use ar release of a Hazardous Substance <br /> �vhich adverse�y affec�s�he value of�he Proper�y. �f Barrower�earns, or�s not�f�ed by any governmental or <br /> regulatory au�hority, or any pr�vate par�ys that any r�mo�ra�or other r�me�iiatian af any Hazardous Subs�anc� <br /> affec��ng the Proper�y is necessary, Borr�v��r shal� promptly take all nec�ssary remedial a���ons �n <br /> accQrdanc�with Env�ronmental Law. Noth�ng here�n shall create any�b���at��n on Lender for an <br /> Environmental ��ear�up. <br /> Non-Uniform �v�enants. Borr�wer and Lender�ovenant and agree as fo�lows: <br /> 2�, AGce[erati�n; Remedies. Lender sha��give notice to Borr��ver prior tv acc��era��on fo�lowing <br /> Borrower's breach of any c��enan�or agreementi�n�h�s Security Instrun�en� �bu�not pr�or to <br /> aC�elera��on under Sec��on 1$un�ess Applica��e Law pra��des otherw�se}. The na�ice shali 5pe��fy: �a} <br /> �he defau�t; ��} tihe ac��on required��cure the defau�t; �c} a da�e, not less�han 34 days from the date <br /> the n�tice is gi�en�o Barrower, by which the defau�t must be cured; and�d} that fai�ure�v cure�he <br /> defau�t on or befare the date sp�c�f��d in�he no��ce nlay resu���n acce�eration of the 5ums secured by <br /> �h�s�ecur�ty Instrum�ent and sa�e of�he Property. Th�nat�ce sha�� further infarm Borrvwer of the <br /> r�ght to reins�ate af�er accelera�ion and�he r�gh�to bring a cour�actian�o a5sert the nan-existence of a <br /> defau�t or an�o�her defense of Borrvwer t�acceleration and sale. If�he defau�t�s no�cured on vr <br /> before the da�e specified�n th.e no�ice, Lender a��ts�p�ian may require�mmed�a�e payment in ful�of <br /> alI sums secured b�this Se�urity Instruxnent w��hou�fur�her demand and may invok��he pvwer of sale <br /> and any other remed�es per�rni�ted by Applicable Law. Lender�ha���e ent��led�o colleCt a��e�penses <br /> �ncurred in pursu�ng the rexnedies pro�ided in�h�s Section�Z, inc�uding, but na���m�t�d�a, reasonab�e <br /> attorneys' feQ�and cvs�s of�i�le e�idence. <br /> If the�awer of sale is in�oked, Trustee 5ha��record a not�ce nf defau�t�n each coun�y in which any <br /> part oF�he P�roperty�s Iocated and shail mail copies of such no��ce in�he manner prescr�bed by <br /> App��cable Law�o Barrower and��the ather per�ons pres�ribed by App��Cab��Law. After the�ime <br /> requ�red�y Applicabie Law, Trus�ee�ha��g�ve pub��c nv��c�af sale to the persons and in�he manner <br /> pr�scr�bed by App�icab�e Law. Trustee, wi�hout den�and on Borro�vers sha�i�ell�he Property at pub�ic <br /> au���on�o�he highe�t b�dder a��he�ime and place and under�he�erms designa�ed in�he na�ice of saie <br /> in one or more parcels and�n any order'T'rus�ee determine�. Trus�ee may postpone sa�e af a�l ar any <br /> parcel of the Praperty by pub�ic announcemen�at the�ime and pla�e of any pre��ous�y schedu�ed sa�e. <br /> Lender or i�s designee may purChase the Prvper�y a�any sa�e. <br /> Upon receipt of paymen�flf�he price bid, Trus�ee shall deliver to the purchaser Trus�eQ's deed <br /> con��ying�he Praperty. The rec�ta�s in the Trus�ee's deed shall be prima facie e��den�e of�h��ru�h of <br /> �he s�a�ements made�herein. Tru��ee sha��app�y the proceeds of�he sa�e�n�he f��lowing order: �a} ta <br /> all Cos�s and expenses of exerc�s�ng the power of sale, and the sa��, inc�udin�the paym�n�of�he <br /> Trus�ee's fee�actualiy�ncurred and reasonab�e a�torne�s' F�es as perrnit�ed hy App���ab�e La�v; �b} �o <br /> a�l sums secured by this Security Instrument; and �c} any excess to�he per�on or persons legal�y <br /> ent�tled to i�. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle�ar�r�ily-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNi�QRM INSTRUM�NT �vrm 3�Z8 11�i <br /> VMP[� VMPfi{N�f t�3�2� <br /> Walt�rs Kluwe�Financial 5er�ices Pag�14 of 17 <br />