<br /> in the Pr�p�rty and rights under�h�s Security InStrument; and �d}�akes sueh ac�ion as Lender ma�
<br /> reasona�ly require�o assure tha�Ilender's interes�in the Proper�y and r�gh�s und�r�his Securit��nstrument,
<br /> and Barro�ver's abl�ga�ion to pay the sums secured b� �his Security Instrument, shall con�inue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may requir�that Borrower pay such reins�atemen�sums and�xpenses in�ne�r mare of�he followin�
<br /> farms, as se�ec�ed by Lender: (a} cash; ��}money ord�r; �c} cert�f�ed check, bank check, tr�asurer's ch�c�or
<br /> cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an ins���u�ion wh�s�d�posits ar� �nsured by a
<br /> federal agen�y, instrum�n�a�ity or en��t�; flr td} E���tron�c Funds Transfer. Upon re�ns�a�ement by Borrower,
<br /> th�s Security �ns�rumen�and obiigations s��ured hereby shall remain ful�y effec��ve as if no ac�eiera�ion had
<br /> occurred. However, �his right t�reinstate shall n�t app�� in the case of accelera�ion un�er Sec�ian 18,
<br /> 2�. Sale of Note; Ghange vf Laan Servicer; Natice nf Grie�ance. The Note or a par�ial �nterest in�he
<br /> Note��og�ther wi�h th�s Securi�y Instrumen��can�e sa��.one or more�imes without prior no�ice to
<br /> Borr�wer. A saie m�ght resu��in a change�n the enti��r�knov�rn as�he "�ar� Servicer"}�hat�ollects Peri�d�c
<br /> Paymen�s due under the Note and this Securi�y �ns�rum�nt and perfornls other martgage�aan ser��cing
<br /> obligations under the No�e, �his Securi�y Instrumen�, and Appli�able Law. There also migh�be one or more
<br /> changes of�h�Laan Serv�cer unre�ated ta a sa�e of�he Note. �f�here�s a change of the Loan Serv�c�r,
<br /> Borrower w�ll �e g��en v�rri��en nat�ce of�he change which�v�rill s�ate�he name and address of�he new Loan
<br /> 5er�ic�r, the address to which paymen�s shau�d be mad�and ar���ther informa�ion R�SPA r�quires in
<br /> connection wi�h a noti�e of�ransfer of serv��ing. �f�he�tote�s sald and thereafter the L�an is ser�ice�.by a
<br /> Loan Servicer oth�r than the purchaser of the Nate, �he mar�gage�oan s�rv�cing obl�ga�ions to Barrower will
<br /> rem�ain with�he Loan Serv���r or be�ransferred to a successor Loan 5e�-`r�cer and are not assumed by the
<br /> No�e purchaser un�ess otherwise provided by the No�e purchaser.
<br /> Ne��her B�rrower n�r Lender ma� cammence,j ain, o�r be j ained to an��udicia�act�an�as ei�her an
<br /> indi�idual ��t�gant or�he member of a ciass� �hat ar�ses from the o�her par�y's act�ons pursuant�o�his
<br /> Securi�� Ins�rumen�or�hat aileges that th�o�her par��has breached any pro�ris�on of, or an�du�y ov�ed by
<br /> reason of, this Security�ns�rumen�, un�il such Borr�wer�r Lender has no�ified the o�her party �with such
<br /> no��ce gi�en in comp�iance wi�h the requ�rez�nen�s of Sec�i�n 15}�f such a��eged�r�ach and afforded the
<br /> other partiy h�reta a reasona�le period after the g�ving of such n�tice ta ta.ke cor�rec�ive act�an. �f Applicable
<br /> Law pro��des a�ime period v�hi�h mus�elapse befare cer�ain action can be take�, �hat time period w�il be
<br /> d��m�d to be reasonab�e for purpos�s of th�s paragraph. The not�c�of acc�iera��an and�ppor�un�ty�o cure
<br /> given to Borr�wer pursuan��o Sectian 22 and �he no�ic�of a�celera�ion gi�en�fl Borrower pursuant to
<br /> Sec��on I S sha��b�deemed�o satisfy the no�ice and appnr�uni��to take correc��ve act�on pro�ision�of this
<br /> S�c��on��.
<br /> �'[. Hazard�us Substances. As used in�h�s Section�1: �a} "Ha�ardaus�Subs�ances"are th�se substances
<br /> d�fin�d as toxic or hazard�us subs�ances, po�lu�ants, or vvast�s by En��r�nmen�a� Law and the following
<br /> subs�ances: gasoline, kerosene, other flam�x�abie or tox��pe�roleum products, tox�c pes�icides and her�icides,
<br /> �olat��e sol�r�n�s, ma�er�a�s cnn�aining asbes�os or forrnald�hyde, and rad�oactiv�materia�s; �b}
<br /> "�J�2VI1'pJ�2�fi2QIZ�CZ�L�'�V�r rneans f�deral �aws and laws af�he�urisdic��on w�ere the Propert�r �s Iocated�ha�
<br /> relate to heal�h, safe��nr�n��rflnmenta� pratec�ion; �c} ".��zvirartrne���a� C��at�up"�ncludes any response
<br /> act�on, remed�a� ac��on, or rernoval action, as d��ned in Enviranmenta� Law; and �d} an "Er�v�ronj��et�ta�
<br /> Condi�ion"means a condi�ion�hat can�ause, con�ri�u�e�o, or otherwise trigger an�n�ironmen�al Cleanup.
<br /> Borrawer shal�not caus�or permi��he presence, use, di�posa�, starag�, ar releas�of any Hazardous
<br /> Substances, or�hrea�en�o release any Hazardous Subs�ances, on or in�he Praper��. Borrower shal� not do,
<br /> nar allow anyone else�o do, any�hing affe�ting the Pr�per�y�a} tha� is in�iolation of any Environmental
<br /> La�►r, �b} which creates an En�rironmentai Cond��ion, or�c} which, due to the presenc�, use, �r release of a
<br /> �azardous Substance, creates a�ondition that ad�rersely aff�cts Yh��valu��f the Proper�y. The pr��ed�ng two
<br /> NEgRASKA-5ing[e Fami�y-�a�tnie Mael�reddie Mac LJNIF�RM INSTRUM�NT �orm 3ti28�ld1
<br /> VMP[] VMP6{NEf��302J
<br /> Wo�ters Kl�wer Financial 5er�ices Page 13❑f�7
<br />