<br /> ��ontin�ed� Page �
<br /> against Lender for indemnity vr con�ribution �n the e�ent Trustvr l�ecomes liable fvr c�eanup or other Gasts under
<br /> any such laws; and {�� agrees ta indemnifiy, defend, and ho[d harmless Lender against any and all Claims, lasses,
<br /> liabilities, damag�s, penalties, and expense�which Lender may directly or indirectly sustain or suffer r�sulfiing frvm
<br /> a brea�h of this section of the �eed vf Trus� ar as a cons�quen�e af any use, gen�r�t�on, manufa�ture, s'torage,
<br /> dispasal, release a�threatened re�eas�a�curring prior�Ca Trustor's awnership vr in�erest in the Proper�y, whe�her or
<br /> not the same v►ras ar should ha�e b��n known to Tru�tor. The pr��isi�ns of �his section of �the Deed of Trust,
<br /> includ�ng the obligation to indemni#y and de�end, shall sur�i�e the payment of the Indehtedness and�h�sa�tisfaction
<br /> and recon�eyance vf the lien o�this Deed v�Trust and shall nvt be a�fecfied by Lende�'s acqu'rsition of any interest
<br /> �n the Property, wheth�r by fareGlosure�r oth�rwise.
<br /> Nuisan��, Waste. T�ust�r shall nvt cause, conduct or permit �ny nuisanc� nor commit, permit, vr suf�er any
<br /> stripping o� �r waste ❑n vr to the Property ❑r any portion of �he Property. VVithout limitin� the genera�ity of the
<br /> �oregaing, Trustor will nat remo�e, vr grant to any other par�y the righ�to remo�e, any timber, minerals �inc[uding
<br /> vil and gasy, c�al, clay, scoria, soil, gra�ei or rock produ�ts withou� Lend�r's pri�r written cans�nt.
<br /> F�emor�al vf Impra�ements. Trus�ar shall nvt dem�iish vr remo�e any [mprv�ements frvm th� R�al Property wi�hout
<br /> Lender's prior written consent. As a condition to�he rem��al of any Impro�ements, L�nder may require T�ustor ta
<br /> make arran�ements sa�isfactory tv Lender t❑ replaGe such Impro�ements with fmpro�ements of at �east �quaf
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Right�o Enter. Lend�r and Lender's agen�s and repr�sentati�es may enter upvn the Rea� Property a� all
<br /> reasanable times to attend tv Lender's interests and to inspect the Real Prvperty for purpases af Trustor's
<br /> compliance with the terms and ��ndi�ions af fihis Deed of Trus�.
<br /> Cvmpliance with G��e�nmental Requirements. Trustar shall promptly comply with all laws, ordinances, and
<br /> regula�ions, naw �r h�reaf�er in e�fe�t. o� all ga�ernmenta! au�hori�i�s appli�abl� fio �h� use or occupancy of the
<br /> Praperty, in�luding withaut limita�ian, the Americans With ❑isabi[�ties AG�. Trus�or may contest in good faith any
<br /> such law, ordinance, or regulation and withhold compliance during any proceeding, incfuding appropriat� appeals,
<br /> so iong as Trustar has no�ifi�d L�nd�r in wr�ting prior to doing so and so long as, in Lender's sole opinion, Lender's
<br /> int���StS in the Prvperty are nat jeapardized. Lender may require Trust�r to p�st adequate security or a sure�y
<br /> bond, reasanably satis�actory tv Lender, t� prv�te�t Lender's interes�.
<br /> Du#y to Prvt�ct. Trustor agrees nei�h�r to abandon or lea�e unattended the Praper�y. Trustar shall do all other
<br /> acts, in addition�o thase aGts se�forth aho�e in fihis se�tion, which fram the Gharacter and use of the P�aperty are
<br /> reasanably necessary to pratect and pres�rue�he Property.
<br /> DUE�N SALE-C�NSENT BY LENDER, Lender may, at Lender's option, declare imm�dia�ely due and payable all �ums
<br /> secured by this Deed of Trust upon the sale or transter, withou� Lender's priar written consen�, a�all or any part of the
<br /> Real Proper�y, or any in��rest in the Real Property. A "sal� vr transfer" means th� con�eyanG�o� Real Prnper�y or any
<br /> r�ght, �itle �r interest in the Rea� Property; whe�her legal, beneficial flr equitable; whether Woluntary or in�oluntary;
<br /> whether by outrigh� safe, deed, insta�finent sale cvntracfi, land cantract, cantract fo� deed, ieasehold interest wi�h a
<br /> term �reater than three {3} years, lease--option �ontrac�, or by saie, assignment, or trans�er �f any benefieial in�erest �n
<br /> ar to any �and trust halding title to the Real Proper�y, or by any other methvd of con�eyan�e of an interest in the Real
<br /> Pr�perty. I� any Trustor is a corporation, partnership �r limited liability c�mpany, transf�r also includes any change in
<br /> ov►rnership of more than twenty-fi�e �er�ent {Z5°/v} of the va�ing sto�k, partnership in�er�sts ar limited liability company
<br /> interests, as the case may be, of su�h Trustar. HoweWer, this ap�ion shall not be exercised k�y Lender if such exercis�
<br /> is prohibited �y�ederal law ar by Nebraska law.
<br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The foi�owin� prv�isians �elating t� the �axes and �iens on the Praper�y are part v� �his Deed o�
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Trustar shall pay when due tand in all ��ents privr tv delinquen�y} al�tax�s, spe�ia��axes. assessments,
<br /> charg�s �in�luding ►rvater and sewery, fines and impnsitions l��ied agains�or vn account ofi the Pr�per�y, and sha�f
<br /> pay when due a!! c�aims for work don� on ar far ser�i�es rendered or material furnish�d to �he Prvperty. Trustor
<br /> shall maintain the Prap�rty free �#af� liens having privrity a�er or equal to the �n�erest o'�Lender under this Deed of
<br /> Trust, �xcep� fvr the lien vf taxes and assessments not due and except as o�herw�se pra�ided in this fleed o�
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Right�o Cvntest. Trustor may withhald paymen�t of any fiax, assessment, ar�laim in cannect'ran wi�h a goad fai�h
<br /> dispute a�er the ohligation to pay, sa long �s Lend�r's �n�erest in th� Property �s no�jeapardized, �f a [ien arises ar
<br /> is filed as a r�sult ❑f nanpaym�nt, Trustor shaff within �if��en �15} days after the lien arises ar, if a lien is filed,
<br /> wi�hin �i�teen �15y days after Trus�or has notice af �he filing, secure the discharge of �he ��en, or if requested by
<br /> Lender, d�posix with Lender cash or a sufificien�corporate surety bond or oth�r security satisfactory to Lender in an
<br /> amaun�su#�icient ta discharge the lien plus any costs and attarneys' fees, or other�h�rges tha� could a�crue as a
<br /> r�sult af a foreG�asure or safe under th� lien. [n any contest,Trustor shall defend itseff and Lender and shall satisfy
<br /> any ad�erse judgmen�befvre�nfor�ement against fih� Prop�rty, Trustvr shall name Lender as an add�tional o�ligee
<br /> under any surety bond furnished in the contest proc�e�ings.
<br /> E�id�n�e v#Payment. Trustor shai� upon demand �urnish to Lender satis�actory e�idence vf paymen� o�the taxes
<br /> or assessments and shall authorize �the appropriate go�ernmental o�fi�ial tv deli�er to Lender at any time a wri��en
<br /> statement of�he tax�s and assessmen�s against the Pr�per�y.
<br /> Natice of Construction. Trustar shall nati�y Lender a� f�ast fifteen �15y days b�fore any work �s cammenced, any
<br /> ser�ices are �urn�shed, ar any materials are supplied �o �he Proper�y, if any mechanFG's �ien, mat�rialmen's lien, o�
<br /> other lien �ould be asser�ed on accoun� vf �he wflrk, s�r�ic�s, or ma�erials. Trustnr �vill upon request vf Lender
<br /> furnish �o Lend�r ad�ance assuran�es sa�isfaGtory �a L�nder �hat Trustvr can and wiil pay the cost of suGh
<br /> impro��ments.
<br /> PR�PERTY ❑AMAGE iNSURANCE. The foffowing pro�isivns �elating to insuring 'the Prop�r�y are a parr a�this ❑eed o�
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> Maintenan�e a# insuran�e. Trustvr sha�l procu�e and mainta�n policies o� fire insuran�e w�th standard extended
<br /> co�erage �ndorsements vn a replacement hasis for the #ull insurab�e �alu� co�ering all lmpro�ements an �he Real
<br /> Prvperty in an amoun� su��icient to a�vid applicati�n of any cvinsurance clause, and with a standard mortgagee
<br /> �fause �n fa�or of Lender. Trus�ar shall also procure and main�ain comprehensi�e gene�al liability insurance in such
<br /> cv�erage amounts as Lender may request with Trust�e and Lender being named as addi�iona� insureds in such
<br /> fiability insurance p�licies. Additianaffy, Trustor sha�l maintain su�h ather insurance, in��uding hut not fimited to
<br /> hazard, business interruptivn, and boiler insurance, as Lender may reasanably require. P�licies shai� be written in
<br /> form, amaunts, �a�erages and basis r�as�nably a�ceptable t� L�nder and issued b� a company vr companies
<br /> reasvnah�y a��eptable to Lender. Trustor, upon reques� of L�nder, will d�liver ta Lende� from time '�o time th�
<br /> policies or certifi�ates v� insurance in form satisfa�t�ry t� Lender, including s�ipula�ians that ca�erages wilf not �e
<br /> can�elled �r diminished withvu�at I�ast thirty �30y days privr w�rit�en notrce to Lender. Each insurartce poliCy als�
<br /> shall include an endorsement pro�iding that cv�e�age in fa�or af Lender wil! not be impaired in any way by any act,
<br /> omissian ar de�ault of Trustor or any o�her persan. Should th� Rea1 Property be fo�a��d in an area designated by
<br /> �he Administrator af the Fed�ra[ Emergenc}� Nianagerr�e�t Agency as a special flvad hazard a�ea, Trus�ar agrees to
<br /> obtain and maintain Federal Fload Insurance, if a�ailab€e, for the full unpaid principa[ balance o�the �aan and any
<br /> priar liens �n the property securing the Ioan, up to the maximum policy I�mits se't und�r the National Fiaad
<br />