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��15�3�1� <br /> D�El3 ��` `����T <br /> 4C���i��l�+�� Pa e 6 <br /> g <br /> paragraph o�this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> ►�ttarneys" Fees; Exp�nses, �f Lender institutes any suit or act�on to enfo�ce any o� fh� terms af th�s Dee�d of <br /> Trust, Lender shafl be en���led�a recover s�uch sum as the court ma�adjudge reasor�able as a�tar�neys'fees at trial <br /> and upon any appeal. Vllhether ar nat any court action is involved, and to the exten� not proh�bited by la�nr, a�l. <br /> reasonable expenses L�nder incurs �hat in Lender's vpinion are necessa�y at any �ime for the protecfiion v�F its <br /> interest or tne en�or�emen�of its rights shaff become a par�of the �ndebtedness payable on de�an�i and shall ��ar <br /> in�erest at the Note rate firom�he date vf the expenditure until repaid. Expenses coWered by this paragr�ph in��ude, <br /> without limi�ativn, however suh�ect�o any�imits under applicable law, Lender's atfiarneys'f�e� and Lender's lega! <br /> e�penses, whefher ❑r not �here is a fawsuit, includ�ng aftorneys' fees and expenses �or bankr�upficy praceedings <br /> �inc�uding efforts to modi�fy or va�ate any autor�a�ic stay or ir�junc�ion}, appeals,and any anticipated posfi:judgment <br /> coll�ction ser�ices, the cost a�s�arc#�ing reeards, ob�aining #itle reports �includ�ng foreclosu�e reports}, surveyors' <br /> repor�s, and a�pr�isal �e�s, title insurance, and fees fnr �he Trustee, fo fihe extent permitted by app�icable �aw. <br /> Trustor alsa wilf pay any cour�costs, in addition fio ail��her surns pro�ided by law. <br /> Rights o#Trustee. Trus��e shal!have afl o�the r�gh�s an�du�'res of Lender as set forth in�his se�tian. <br /> P�VI�ERS ANl] QBLI�ATInNS�F TRUSTEE. The following pro�isions rel�ting�o�he powers and obliga#ions of Trustee <br /> are part�f this Deed of Trus�: <br /> P�rrvers�vf Trus�ee. In addit�on to a�l powers of Trust�e arisin�as a rnatter of�aw, Trustee shall have the povuer fo <br /> take the following actions with respect t�t�e Pr�per�y upon �h�vvritten request of Lender and Trustar: �a}join in <br /> preparing and filing a rnap or p�at of the Rea! Property, includirtg the dedica�ion of ��reets or afher rights to the <br /> public; (b} join in granting any easer�ent ar creating any res�ric�ion on �he F�eal P�-operty; and tc} join i� any <br /> su�o�dination ar other agr�ement a�Fecting this Deed a�Trust or the interest+�f Lender und�r this Deed of Trus�. <br /> Trus�e�. Trustee sha!! meet a�l qua�ificatians requir�d �For Trustee under applicable favu. In addifion �o the rtgh�s <br /> and rem�dies set forth abave, with respect fio all or an� part o�F the �roper�y, the Trust�e shall have the �ight�v <br /> foreclose by notice and sale, and Lender w��l have the right to fore�lose by judiciaf fiore�losure, in either case in <br /> accordance wi�h and#o�he full e�ctent provided by appli�able law: <br /> Succ�ssvr Trus�ee. Lender, at Len�er's opt�on, may�rorn time�o time appaint a successor Trusfe��o any Trustee <br /> appointed under�h is ❑eed ❑�Trus� by an ins�rument�executed and ackr�owledged by L�nder and recorded in �he <br /> office of the recorder o� Hall Cvunty, Sta�e o� Ne�raska. The ins�rurment s#�all contain, in add€tian to all other <br /> matters required by sta�e law, the names o� the original Lender, �rustee, and Trustor, the book and pag� �or <br /> camput�er system �eference} where this Deed of Trust is re��rded, and th� name and address of the successor <br /> trustee,and the instrumen�sha!!be executed and acknowfedged by all th�beneficiaries under this Deed o�'Trust or <br /> their suc�essors in in�erest. The successor�rust�ee, vvithou# can�eyan�� o��he Property, shall succeed to all the <br /> tr��e, power, and duties con€�rred upan�he Trustee in �his L�e�d of Trust and by applicab�e law. Thi� pra�edur�e�or <br /> substi#u�ion o€Trustee shafl gavern to the ex�lusion o�al�other pro�is�on��o�su�stitutivn. <br /> �tC�TICES. Any notice required to be gi�en un�Ier this D�ed of Trus�, including wi�hout lirr�ifation any notice of defau�t <br /> and any no�ice o�sale shall �e given in vvriting, and shal� be effecti�e �ruh�n actua�ly delivere�d, when actually re�eived <br /> by telefacsimile�uni�ss othervvise require�d by ta�rv},wh�n d�posited wi�h a nationally recognized nvernight courie�� �r, if <br /> maifed, vuhen depasi�ed in the LJnited S�ates mail, as firs�cfass; cert��ied ar r�giste�ed mail pflstage prepa�d, directed to <br /> the addresses shown near the beginning o�this Q�ed o�Trust: Alf copies of notices of�oreclosure from the ha�der of <br /> any Iten which has pr�arity o�er�his Deed ot Trust shall be s�n� �o Lende�'s address, as shov�r� near the beginnin� of <br /> this De�d ot Trus�. Any person may �hange h�s or her address tor no�ices under�his Deed of Tru�t �y giving fvrmal <br /> written notiae to the other person or persons, specifying fiha� the purpo�� of th� no�ice is �o change t�e person's <br /> add�ess. Fa�notice p�urpvses, Trustor agr�es fa keep Lender in�o�med at al��imes of T�ustor's�urren#�ddress. LJnless <br /> o�henrvise pro�ided or requir��d by law, i��here is more�han one Trustor, any nofice gi�en by Lender fo any Trustvr is <br /> d�emed to be notiGe given fia all Trustors. it will be Trus�or's responsibi[it�to�el�th�others of the notice from Lender. <br /> �15CELLANEDUS PR�]111�iDNS. The falfowing miscel�aneou�provisions are a part of this Deed��Trust: <br /> AmendmQnts, What is w��tten in this Deed o�Trust and in the R�la�ed Documents is Trustor's entire agreem�nt <br /> wi�h Lender cvncerning the matte�s covered by this �ee� of Trust. To �e e�fecfii�e, any change or amendment ta <br /> this Deed of�frus�must be in wrifing and mus#he signed by whoe�er will be baund or obligated �y the change or <br /> amendment. <br /> C�ption Head�ng�, �aption headings in �his �eed of Trus� are �or convenience purpases only and are no� to b� <br /> used to interpret or defne the pro�ision�of this ❑eed of TrWst. <br /> l�lerger. There sha�€ be na merger af th� in�eres�o�estate �rea�ed by this Deed of T�ust v�ri�h any other interest or <br /> estat� in the Prop�rty at any fime heid�ay vr far the be�re�it af Lender in an�capacity, withou�tf��written cvnsent <br /> o�Lender. <br /> Governir�g Law. T�is �e�d gf Trus�wi�� be g�verned by �Edera[ !aw app�i�able fo Lender and, �o �he extent not <br /> preempted by fed�ral law,th� la�us of th�S�at�af Nebr�ska ervi�hout�egar+d ta i�s �vnflicts vf�arrv pr�u�si�ns. This <br /> ❑eed o�Trusf has been ac�ep�ed by Lend�r�n�he State v�Ne�ra�ka. <br /> Ja`rn�and SeWer�i Liabil��y. A!! obliga�ions of Trustor under this Deed o� Trus�shall h�joint and se�era�, and all <br /> �eferences to Trustor shall rr�ean each and every Tr�stor. This means thaf each Trusfor signing below is <br /> r�spansible�or alf obli�ations in�his Deed o�Trust.. <br /> Na V�aiver by Lender. Trus�ar unders�ands Lender will no�give up any of Lender's rights under�his �eed of Trust <br /> unless Lender does so in wrif�ng. The fact that Lender defays �r ornits t� exercise any right wi![ not mean �hat <br /> Lender has giuen up that ri�ht. ff Lender does agree �n wri#ing to give �p one of Lender's r�ights, tha� does not <br /> mean Trustor wf�l not have �o comp�y wi�h t�h� ot�er prov�sions o#this Deed o€Trust. Trustor alsa understands <br /> that if Lender daes consent to a request, fhat dves not mean #hat Trustor will not hav��o get Lender's cansent <br /> again if the s�tUation happer�s a�gain, Trustor furfher understands that aust because L�nder cons�nts#o�ne or more <br /> ��Trus�ar's �equests, that does not m�an Lender will be requi�-ed to �ansenf to any af Trustor�'s future reques�s. <br /> Trustor wa�ves presentrnen�, demand�or payment,protes�, ar�d notice of d�shonor. <br /> 5�ver�bil�ty. !f a court fnds fhat any provision ❑f this Deed af Trust is not va�id ar shaufd not be enfot��ed, that <br /> fact�y itself will not mean that the res�of this De�d ofi Tr�st wili no�be va�id or enforced. Therefore, a cour�w��l <br /> enforce fh�rest of the pro��sions af this Deed of Trust e�en if a provision ot�his De�d af Tr�ust may b�found to be <br /> �n�a�id ar u�enforceabl�. <br /> Successors and�Assigns. Subjecf�o any fi�n€fiations sta�ed in �nis Deed o�F Trust an t�an�fer o�Trustor°s int�rest, <br /> this ❑�ed of Trust sha�� be 4inding upon and inWre to the benefi� of t�e parties, their suc�essors and assi�r�s. f� <br /> ownership v�'ti�e Proper�y becomes ves#ed in a persor� afh�r than Trustor, Lender, without notice to Trustor, may <br /> deal with�rustor's successors►rvith re�erence to�hFs De�d o�Trust and�he fndebt�dness�y way o�forbearan�e or <br /> �x�ensian w�thout releasir�g Tr�stor frvm the obliga�ions vf�his D�ed of Trust nr liabilit�under�he[ndebtedn�ss. <br /> Time is of the Essence. T�rne is a��he�ssen�e in�he performance of fhi� Deed of Trus�. <br /> VIlai�e Jury. Ali parties to this De�d af Trus# hereby wairre the right to any jury frial in an�aGtion, praceedin , or <br /> caun#erclaim brou h�b an � <br /> g y y par�aga�nst any t�ther party. <br />