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��15�3�1� <br /> DEEa �� �'�L���" <br /> ��o�����ed� Pa e �5 <br /> g <br /> concerning any ind�b�edness or other❑bligation of Trustor to Lender,whether exis�ing novv or later: <br /> Events Af�ecting Gua�antar. Any o�fhe preceding events �ccurs wi�h res�aect fio any guaran�or, en�dor�er, si�rety, <br /> vr accomm�dation party of any of th� Indebtedness or any guaran�or, �nd�rser, surety, or accflmmodativn party <br /> di�s ar becomes incompetent, or revokes or dispu�es the �alidit� vf, or liabili�� under, any �uaranty of the <br /> �ndeb#ed�ess. <br /> lns�cur'rty. Lender in��aod fai�h��lieves i�se�f insecur�. <br /> Existing lndebtedness, The payment ot any ins�allr�ent o�pr�ncipal �r any interest on�he Existing Inde�#edness is <br /> not made within the��me re�uired by th�promiss�r� note e�idencing such indeb#edness, o�a de�ault o�cu�s under <br /> �he inst�ument securing such indebtedness and is no�cu�ed durin� any applicab�e grace per��d in such instrumen�, <br /> or any suif or other action is commenced to�oreclose any existing lien on the Proper�y. <br /> RIGHTS►4N❑ REME�IES �N �EFAULT. If ar� E�ent o�De�Fau�t oceurs under this Deed o�F Trusfi, at any time therea#'ter, <br /> Trustee or Lend�r may exer��se any❑r�e or more❑f the�al�ove�ing �igh�s and remedies: <br /> Ac�ele�ativn lJpon �efaul�;Additi�na! Re�medies. !f any E�en�of Default occwrs as per the terms o�the Note <br /> secur�d hereb�, Lender may de�iare all Inde�tedness secured by�his❑eed of�rust fo be due and payab�e and <br /> the same shall thereupan become due and payable wi�hout any presentment, demand,protes�or notice of any <br /> kind. Thereaft�r, Lender m�y: <br /> �a} E�ther �n person or by agent, wi�h �r witnout �ringing any► action or proc�eding, or by a receiver <br /> appo�n�ed by a�ou�and without regard �o�h�adequacy af its security, enter upon and tak� pvss�ssian <br /> of the f�roper�y, or any part thereof, in i#s awn name ar in the name of Trustee, a�d�do any acts which it <br /> deems necessary a�desir�ble�o preserv�the v�alue, marke�ability vr rer�tability of the Proper�y, �r par�of <br /> the Praperty or interes#in the Property; �ncrease the income from the Property or pro�ec�the security of <br /> the Property; and, with or uvithout �aking passession vf the Prop��ty, sue for vr otherwise calfecf th� <br /> �ents, issu�s and profi�s of the Property, including those past due and unpaid, and apply the sam�, ��55 <br /> co�ts and expenses of operation and collection attorneys'fees, fo any indebtedness secured by this C]eed <br /> of Trust, a!I �n such o�der as �ender may determine. The entering upon and �aking possession vf�he <br /> Property, fhe cal�ectivn of su�h rents, issues and prvfiits, and the application fhereof shall not cure or <br /> v�►ai�e any de�aul�or notice o�default under fhis De�d of Trust or invalidate any act done �n r�esp�nse to <br /> su�h default or pursuant to such notice of default; and, na�rvithstanding th�con�inuarrce in possess�on of <br /> �he Prop�rky ar�he col�ection, rec�ipt and applic�tian af ren�s, issues or praf�ts, Trustee ❑r Lender shall <br /> �e�ntitled#o exercise e�ery right provided �or in the No�e or the R��afed Documents or by �aw upon the <br /> o��urrence af any e�ent o�d��aui�, includrng t�e right to�xercise th�pow�r of sale; <br /> �b} Gommence an action to forecfose this Deed of Trust as a mortgage, appo�nt a receiver or spec���eally <br /> enf�rce any ofi the cavenants hereof; and <br /> ��} Deli�er to Trustee a wriften declaration o�€c�e�au�t ar�d demand for sa��and a vwri��en �otice o�default <br /> and ele�tion to�ause Trusfior's inter�sf in fhe P�oper#y�o �e sald,which natice Trustee shall cause ta be <br /> du����led for record in fihe appropriate of�ices of the County in which the Property is located; and <br /> �d} V�ith respect#a all or ariy part of the P�rsonal Property, Lender shall hav� afl the r�gh�s and remedies <br /> a�a secured party under�he Nebraska Uniform Commer�ia��ade. <br /> Fore�i�sure hy Power of Sa�e. !f Lender elec���Q foreclose by exercise of the Power of Saie here�n contained,. <br /> Lendec shall notify Trustee and sha!! de�osit wi��h Trustee this Deed o�Trust and the Note and such rece�pts <br /> and evidenc�of expenditures made and se�ured�y fhis Deed o�Trust as Trustee may requi�e. <br /> (a} Upon receipt af such notice from Lender, Trustee shall cause to be recorded, published and deliWe�ed <br /> to Trust�or such Na�ice a�F�efault and �lotice c�f Sale as t�en requir�d by �aw and by this ❑eed ofi Trust. <br /> T�ustee shal�, ►ivithou� demand on Trus�or, af�er su�h �ime as may then be requi�-ed by la�v and af#er <br /> reco�dation o€such IVotice of�efault an� aft�r N�tice o�S�le having heen given as r�quired by law, sefl <br /> the P�operty a� the ��me and pla�e o� sal� fixed by i� in such N�tice of Sale, �ither as a wf�o#e, or in <br /> separate lots or parcels or items as Trustee shall deem expedi�n�, and in such order a� it may d�t�rmine, <br /> a�publie auction to the highest�idder for casf� in lawful maney of th�e Llnited Stafies payabfe at the#ime <br /> o� safe. Trus�ee shall de�iver to such pur�haser ar purchasers �hereo� its good and su�Ficient deed or <br /> deeds conueying the property sv sofd, bu�withou� any c�uenant or warranfy, express or implied. The <br /> r�citals in such deed of any matters or facts shall be conclusive p�oof o�the truthfu�ness thereo�. Any <br /> pe�sar�, �ncluding withou�I�mitation 7rustor,Trust�e, or Lende�, may pur�hase a�such sale. <br /> (b} As may be permitted by law, after� deducfing al� costs, fees and expenses o�Trustee and of this <br /> Trust, including costs of evidence vf fi�le fn connecti�n with sale,Trus�ee shall apply�he proceeds of sale <br /> to pay�nen�of �i}a!�sum�expended under the ter�ms of this Deed o�Trust vr under the terms a�the No#e <br /> not then repa�d, inc�udin� but nat �imited to accrued interest and ia�e �harges, �i�} afl other sums then <br /> sec�red hereby, and �ii�}the rer��inder, if any, to the person or persons lega(ly entitled thereto. <br /> tc} Truste�may in the manner provided by law pastpone sale of all or any portian o�the Proper�y. <br /> Remedies hlat Ex�lus�ve. Trustee and Lend�r, and each a� them, shal[ �e entifled to en�orce payment and <br /> performance❑�any inde��edness or obligations secured by this Deed vf Trus#and tc�exercise all righ�s and powers <br /> under this ❑eed ofi T�ust, under the Note, under any af the Related ❑acumen�s, or under any other agreement�r <br /> any laws now❑r here�fter in force; not�rvi�hstandin�, sorne or all of su�h indebtedness and abligations secured by <br /> �his Deed of Trust may+ now �r herea#ter he otherwise se�ured, wnether b� mor�gage, deed o�'�rust, p��dge, lier�, <br /> assignment or o#herv��$e. Neither the a�ceptance Q� thiS Deed o� Trus# no� ifs �n€or`�em�ent, vvhefher �y courf <br /> action ar pursua�f to �he power�f sale or other po�rvers contaired in �his Deed of Trust, shafl prejudice ar in any <br /> manner a�fiec�Trustee's ar Lender's righ� to reafize upan or�nfor�e any o�her securi�� now or herea�ter held by <br /> Trustee or Lender, it be�ng agre�d�hat 1-rRisfee and Lender, and each of fhem, shall be enti�ied to enforce�his I7�ed <br /> of Trust and any �other security now or hereaft�r held by Lender or Trustee in such �rder and mann�r as they or <br /> either o�them may in their a�so�ute discrefion deterr�nine. No r�medy c�nferred upon or rese�ved �o Trustee or <br /> Lender, is intended to b��xclusi�e �f any other rem�dy in �his Deed vf Trust vr by !aw pro�ided or permit�ed, but <br /> �ach shall be �umula�iv� and shall be in addition �a eWe€�y other �emedy given in this Deed of Trust v� nov►� a� <br /> h�reafter existing at law or in equity or by statute. E�ery power nr remedy gi�en by fhe Note�r any o��he Re�ated <br /> �]acument� to �rustee o� Le�der or to �rvhic� either v� them may be otherwise enti�fed, may �e �xercised,. <br /> concurrentl� or independentl�,firom tirne to tim� and as o�ten as may be deemed expedien� by Trus�ee or Lender, <br /> and either of #hem r�ray pursue inconsist�nt remedies. Nathing in this De�d of T�us� shall be construed a� <br /> prohib�ting Lender from seeking a deficiency judgment a�ainst the Trusfvr to th�ex�ent su�h action is perrr�it�ed by <br /> �aw. <br /> El�etion of Remed�es. AII of Lender's righ�s and remedies wi�l be curnula���e and may be ex�ercised alone �r <br /> together. ��Lena�er decides to �pend money or#o �erform any o�Trustor's abliga�i�ons under�his ❑eed o�Trust, <br /> a�ter Trustor's failure to do so, �hat decisiorr by Le�der will nof a��ect Lender's righ�to de�lare Trusto�in defau�t <br /> and to ex�rcise Le�de�4s remedies. <br /> R�quest�or IVvtice. Trus�or, on behaff of Trustor and Ler�der, �ereby requests�ha�a copy afi any�lotice of D�f�uft <br /> and a copy of any Nq�ice of 5ale under#his fleed of Trust be mailed ta them at�he addresses set forth in the fr�st <br />