<br /> ax�d pay such amount and Borrower sha11 the be oblig�t��i und�r�e�tian�to repay to Lender any such�mount.
<br /> Lend�r ma�r�wok�the vrrai�rer as��any❑r a���scr�w Items at any time by a n�tice gi��n in accor�.a�nce wit�Se�tion
<br /> 15 and,upon su�h,r��a�a�ian,Borrav�er shall pay to I��nder all Funds�and in su�h amounts,that ar�required under
<br /> this��ctian 3.
<br /> Lender may,at any tim�,c;ol�ect and hat�Furrds in an am�unt�a�sufficient ta permit Len�er to appl}�the
<br /> Fun�s at the tim�sg��ifi�d under RESP�,and�b�n�t t�exce�d th�maximum amount a 1�n�er can require under
<br /> RESPA. L�nd�r shall estimat�the amaunt of Funds due�n the basis�f curr�nt data and ceas4nable estimat�s af
<br /> expenditures of future Escrovu Tt�rns or�therwise in acc�rd�nce with Applicabte Law.
<br /> The Funds shall be h�ld in an institution�vhose dep�sits are insur��by a f�deral ag�ncy,insfirumentality,ar
<br /> en�ity�including I.ender,if Lender is�n instituti�n wh�se d�pasits ar�s4 insured}ar in�n�Federal H�me Laan Bank.
<br /> L�nder shall app�y the Funds to pay th��scra�+Items nn lat�r than the txtn�specifi�d under RESPA. Lend�r sh�1t n�t
<br /> charg�BQrrower f�r hold�ng and�p�lying�e Funds,a�nt�a�ly analy�fng th��s�r�w accaunt,ar v�rifyin�the Es�r�w
<br /> Items,unl�ss Lender pays B�rr�vver in��rest on th�Funds and Applicabie L�w permits Lender to make such charg�.
<br /> Unless an agne�m�nt is made in writing 4r Applieab�e Law requir�s interest tn�Se�aaid on the Funds,Lender shall nat
<br /> 1ve r�quired to pay B�rr�w�r any interest�r e.arnings an th�Funds. Borr�wer and Lender can a$r��in writing,
<br /> h�w�Wer,that inter�st shail b�p�id on the Funds. Lender shall give to Barrawer,withaut a chaarge,an annual
<br /> ac�ountin�of th�Funds a�reyuired by RE�PA,
<br /> If there is a surplus af Fund�held in Escraw,as�e�ned under R.ESPA,Lender shall ac�ount to Sorr�wer f�r
<br /> the excess funds in acc�r�ance�with RE�PA. �f ther�is�sh�rtage�f Funds h�ld in escrQw,as defined under RESPA,
<br /> L�nder shall ao�.fy BorrQwer as required by RESPA,and B�rrawer shall pay ta L�nder the arnount necessa.r�ta make
<br /> u�the shortage in accardane�wi�h RESPA,�ut in no mor�tf�an 12 monthly�paym�nts. If there is��eficiency�f
<br /> Fun�s he�d in�s�row,as d�fined under RE�PA,L�nder shall notif�Borrawer�s r�quired�y RESPA,and Borrawer
<br /> �hall pay�o Lender the amount nec�ssary�o make up the defx�iency in acG�rdanc�with�SP�!but in na m�r�than
<br /> 1�m�nthly pa�ment.
<br /> Up�n pay�ment in full�f all sums secur�d��r this S�curity�nstrum�nt,L�ncier shall prampt��refund t�
<br /> Borr�wer atY�Funds h��d by L�nder.
<br /> �. Ch�rges;L��ns. �orra�rez�sh�l!pa�ali t�.xes,�s�essments,�har��ss f n�s and impasitions
<br /> �ttributabl��o�he Pr�p�rty wh�eh can attain priarity��ver this Sec�rity Ins#rum�n�,l�as�h�id payment ar�rQund r�nt�
<br /> an the Fraperty,if any�and��mmunit��ssoci�t��n]�u��,F��s,and Asse�sment�,�f an�. Ta t�he�xtent that thes�
<br /> it�ms are Escraw I#erns,B�rr�w�r shal�pay them ir�th�manner pro�ide�in Se�ti�n 3.
<br /> ��rraw�r shal�prompt�y�ischar�e any li�n�v�ich ha�priarity aver thi����urity In�trurnent unless B�rr�wer:
<br /> �a}agr�es in writin�t�th�paym�nt of the�bligatian seeur�d by th�lien in the mann�r ac��ptable to L�nd�r,but�nl�
<br /> ���ong�s Borra�er is perfarming suGh agreem�nt;��)cont�sts th�li�n in g�od faith by,a�r�efends a�ainst
<br /> enf�rc�rn�nt af the lien in,���al procee�ings v�rhich�n L�ader's apinivn operate ta p�e��nt th�enf�rcernent of the lien
<br /> whil�those pr�ceeding�are p�ndin�,bUt or�ly unt�l 5uch Fra�eeding5 ar�G4nC�uC��;ar�c�s�cures fram the holder�f the
<br /> lien ta this Secur�ty Instrum�nt. if Lender d�termines that any part of the prv�ert�►is su�ject to a l�ert which can attain
<br /> pciorit�avet��this security Lnstrument,Lend�r may�i�e�orraw�r a n�ti�e id�nt�fying the lien. 1�Vithin 1�days af the
<br /> da#�an�vhi�h that riotic��s gi�en,B�rrawer s�all satisf�the l��n or t.ake on�more of the action�set f�rth al��ve in thi�
<br /> S�cti�n 4.
<br /> L�nder may require B�rr�we�to pay a Q�e-time ch�rg�for a r�al estate t�x verifi�atiQn andl4r r�p�rting
<br /> serviGe used by L��rd�r in�unn�ction with his Laan.
<br /> 5. Pr4p�rty Ins�rance. �B�rr�w�r shall k�ep the�mprov�m�nts��w�xisting�r her�after erected on
<br /> the Pr��erty insured again�t luss by�re,ha.2ards included wit�in the term extend�d�overage,and any�ther hazar�s
<br /> including,hut not�imit��to,earthquakes�n�i fl�ods,far��rhi�h Lend�r r�qui�es insuranc�. This insuran���hall he
<br />