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��15�3451 <br /> �EED �� �F�L��T <br /> ���n �i�4 �������i�� ����t[�tt���� I���� � <br /> ��m��t�r s�rs��m r�f�r�n��� vtirh�r� �I�i� a��� �f Tr�st i� r����t��dr �nd th� r�am� anc� addr��� af th� ��������r <br /> tru����, �r�d tl�� ir�strur��r��sl��ll t����c��u��� �nd ��kr��v�rl����� by�I[th� b�rt�#��i�r[�5 und��thi� a���f�f�rus��r <br /> ��r�ir �u����s�rs in ir�t�r�st. T�n� ��a����sor trus���� with���t��rtv�y�r��� ��tF�� �rap�rty� s1�a�l ������� �� �II �f�� <br /> �E#I�r p�w�rr and dutie� �anf�rr�€� up�n the Tru���� in�hi� a��r� ��Tr�st��� �y�p�[i��t�l� I�w� This pr��edur�#�r <br /> �u�stitu�3����T�������h�ll���ert�t�t[������u�i�n�f�I��tl������vi�i�r���ar 5ub��i�uti�n. <br /> ��}TI�FS, Any n�ti�e r�q uE r�� �� f�� �i��n un�er th�i� a��d �f Tr���� i r�cl ud ir�� with�ut [i m�tati.�n an� n�ti�� �f ��f�r�It <br /> and �ny n�ti�� o�s�l� �hall b� given in w�itingr �nc� �ha[I be �ff�c�iv� �f��n ��t��lly��liv�t'��r v�rl-r�� ��tu�lfy����i��d <br /> by��I�f���imil� {�an[����therwi�e r���ir�� by���rv}r v�l��n���a�it�� vtirith, �r���3�r��Cl�r r����niz�� ��r�rni��t���ri��', �rf if <br /> rnaif��lr wh�r� d�p��ite� in th� Unit��l �t�t�s m��l� a� �irst�I��s� ��r�ifi��I �r r��ist�r�� m�i� p�st��� �r���id, ciir��t��l ta <br /> tl�e ���r����� �h�v�rn r���r th� ���in ni n� �f��i� ���� �€Tr�a�-t. A[1 ���i�s af r��ti��� �f ��r��l���r� �r�m �h�� f��lcl�r �f <br /> �r,� li�n �+rh��� F��s p�i�rity �v�r thi� ���� af Trust s�all b� ��n� �� L���]�r'� ��dr�s�f �� sh��rr� r���r tf�� ����r�r�ir�g �f <br /> tl��� ���� �f Tr��t, �ny p�r�an ���r �k��n�� hi� �r h�r ad�r��� f�r r��ti��s ur�d�r��,�s ���d a�Trust by �i�rin� ��rr��l <br /> v�rr���n n�ti�� t� th� �th�r ��r��� �r ��r��n�, �p��i�,ring th�t ��� pr�rp��� �f �h� n��i�� is t� �h�r��� t�� ��rs�r�'s <br /> a�idr��s. F�r n��i�� ��r����sr�rr��t�r��r��s t� k��� L�n��r it���rrr��� �t�[1 �irr����f Tru�t�r'� ��rr�n�a�l�ir���. �Jn���ss <br /> �t1��rwis� �r�vid�� �r r��u�r�� �y ��v�rr i��kl��r� is m�re tC��r� �ne 7ru��Qr, �ny r��ti�� �iv�r� by L�n��r-t� �ny Tr�s�t�r is <br /> �i��m��f�k� k�� r���i���iv�n-k��Il Tr�ast�rs. [t�ril� ���i ru�t�rr� r�s�ar��if�i�ity�����I����t[��r��f tl��r�otiG��r�r�-f ��nd�r. <br /> NiI���L��I��[�� �I���lC�I�I'V�_ The fal��v�rin� mi���l��neau��r��i�i�n� �r�� ��rt�f tt�i� ����af Tr�st= <br /> �►rt-��ndm�nt�. l�h�t �s ,nrritt�r� in thi� ���d �f Tru��t an� in the �i�l�t�� D���m�nt� i� Trust�r's �n�2r� ��r��rr,��,t <br /> v�r€th L�nd�r ��n��rr�in� t�� m�tt�r� ��vered by�hi� D��� �f Trr���. �� �� ��F-f�c�i��r �.ny �h a nge �r�m�n�ir��r�t t� <br /> �khis ���� o�F Trus�t mu��b� in v3r�3�in� �r�d must ����gn�d �y vtirh��ver v�i[1 b� ����� �r�k�li��t�� k��r tl�� �h�r��� �r <br /> �mer��m�n�. <br /> �apti�n Headi���� �a�ti�r� 1���din�� in tF�is �e�� �f�C`ru�t ar� ��r canv�ni�n�� ��r����� �r�l� �t�€� �r� r��`t ta 1�� <br /> ���r�t� int�rpr�t�r c��fin��f�� �ar��ri�i�n��f th�� ���� �#Tr��t. <br /> €�I erger. `�her� �h�I� b� n� m�rg�r a-�the 2n�er��t�r�s�����r��t�� k��r��i� ���d ��Trust ��tl� ��y��h�r i nt�res��r <br /> �st��t� i� tl�� �roper�y a�an�ti�� h,�l� ��r�r�ar th� ����f��f L�n��r i� any c�pa�i��r v�rith�t�#���v�r�itt�n �ar�s�t�t <br /> a�L�nd�r. , . <br /> ���r��r�r��g L�w. T1�is ����I �� Tru�t �r�r�ll �� ����rr��� by�edera� �aw a���i���l� t� L���er �n�{ #o th� �xt�r�� r��t <br /> pr��m�ted by f��f�r�l lawr the l��rs�f�F�e����� �f N�����I��v�ith���t r���r�t�its��n�li�t��f fa�r pr�visions. T�i� <br /> ���c3�f Trr��t�r��}���������t��€k��r��r��i�r ir�t[���t�t���N�braska. <br /> � �3��i�� �f 1��n�a�. If th�r� f� a [�v�rsuitr Tr��t�r ��r��� u��n L�r�d�r'� r��u��t t� sul�mit �v t�� ��risdi��i�� ��tF�� <br /> c�urt���F Hall ��ur��r, ���t���N�I�r�sk�. <br /> N� ��i��r by L�nd�r. Tr�t�t�r un��r�t�r�d� L�n��r�ril[ r��t g iv� u� �r�y�� L�n��r`s ri�hts �n�er�his a����f Tru�t <br /> �nl�ss L�nder d��s s� i� �rvri�ing. Th� �f��t�h�t L�n��r ����y� �r �r�i�� t� ��c�r�is� any ri�1�� �ril� ��t m��n �h�� <br /> L�n��r I�as �iv�r� u� tf��t ri�ht. lf L�r,d�� �a�� ��r�� i r� �nr�itir�� t� g i�� �� �n� �� L�r�d�r�'s ri�F���r th�t ���� n�� <br /> m��n Tru���r �rtiri[� n�� h�v� �� ��mpl� v�i�h th� ��h�r �r�vi�i�r�s ��t�i� ���d �f Tr�s�. Tru�t�r �fsa un�ers��r��� <br /> tf��t if L�r�d�� d��� ��n��r�t t� � r��u�str t1��t d��s r��� m��n tha� TrU�t�r �nri�I n�� h�v� t� ��fi L�n��r's ��r�s�r�� <br /> ���in i��h��i���ti�n h�p��n����in. Tr��t��f��€�er un��r�������h�t just���aus� L�r�d�r��t�s�����C��r����m�r� <br /> �f Tru�t�r's r���e�ts� �h�� d��s n�t m�an L�r�d�r �ill �� r��uir�� �k� �����r�� t� �ny ���r��t�r'� futur� r��uest�. <br /> Tr�aSt�r�v�iv�S �r�s�r��m�n�r ��m�nd for��ym�n�r pr��estl and n�ti��a�disharr�r. <br /> ���r���t�i�i�. If � ��ur�C fi r��� ���� ���r �r�r�isi�r� ��t�i� a���l �f�r��t i� not �ral i� fl�sh�ul� n�t �� enf�r���F ���� <br /> �a�t by it���f v�ri[1 r�at rrt��n t���th� r�st a��thi� �eed �f Trust�rv�ll ��t ��v�lid �r�nf�r�e�. Yh�r���r�� a ���rt v�il� <br /> �r���r��tF�� r�s���tl�� �r�vi�i�r�� �f thi� ������`1`��st��en if a pr�vi�i�n of th is a��� ��Tru�t m��r��f��sri�t� �� <br /> in�r�[i��f un�nf������1�. <br /> �����ss��s �n�l A�s��n�� ������t t� a ny ]im it�ti�n� ��t�t��i i n th i� a��� �f Tru�t �r� tr����f�r�f Tru��o�-'� in��r��tr <br /> �h is a��� �f Trust shai l b� bind irr� up�r� �r�d i t�ur� t� tl�� ��r��fit ��.�h� �a�rti��r th�ir s�����s�r� an� ��si�n�. [� <br /> �vxrn�r�f�i� �f��� pr�p�r�y b���m�� v�s��� in � ��r��n �th�r than Tru��ar, L�n�i�r� v�itl��u����i��t�Trus��r� m��r <br /> ���I �ith Trust�r's�u����sars v�rith r�fer�n��t�th i� ���� ��F Tru�t�r�d�h� [n��bt�c�r��s� �y�nr ay�f��r�a�aran�� ar <br /> ����r��i�r� wi�l��ut r�[���ir�g Tr����r�r�m�h��E�I����i����f this ���d ��F TrU�t ar Ii��il�ty�r�d�r t1�� I���l�t��ir�ess. <br /> T'im�is �f th�E���n��. Tiim� i� �f fiF�� �s��r��� ir���t� ��rf�rm�n����F thi� ���d �#Tr��t� <br /> 1�ltaiv� .�u�y, All p�rti�s t�tf�i� F���d �f�r��t h�r���r w�iv�th� ri�l�t t� ���jury tri�l ir� ��y��#i�r�, �r��ee�in�� �r <br /> ��urrt�r�l��r��r��g h�by�ny par�y�gair�s�an�►���i�r��rty, <br /> Vlf�i�r�r �f �f�rr���t��d Ex�rr��ti�n. Trust�r ��r��y r�l��s�� ��� v�r�i��� aIl ri���s anc[ ��n�fit� �f th� ��me���ad <br /> ���mp�i�n [��r�Q�t����a���f I��l�raska ��t�al� Ir�d��t��ln��s s��ur�d by thi� ����1��f Tru�t. <br /> D�FI N ITI�N�. T��f�I[��rir�� v�r�r�ls���I� �r�v�t��f�I��vtiri ng m eani n��wh�r�����i in t[�i� ����i�f Tru�t: <br /> B�r��fi�i�rr�. T}��v�r�r� n E�$1���1�1dl�" rrt��r�� E��it�1�l� g�n kr �r�d its��GG�ssa r��n� ��$i�ns. <br /> ��rr�v�r�r. Th� v�r�r�i "B�rr�v�r�r" m��rts ��ry }� L�r�n�r� ant� in��u��s �ll ��-si�r��r� �r�d ��-rri�2��rs �i�nin� �h� <br /> �r�d��t A����r�-��r�t�r�� ��I������u c���s�r��r�����i�r��� � <br /> ���dit A�r��m�r�t. T�t�v�r�r�s "�r��it A����m�r��" m��r��1��cr�di� �g r��rri�r�t����� ��y��, ��7�, v�ri�� �r"��11t <br /> �i��t �� ���r���.�� �r�m Trust�r t� L�nd�r, t���th�r �itF� �I[ r�r,�v�al� �fr �����si�r�� �fr r�-r�difi��tian� �fr <br /> ��fin�n�i��� af� ��C1S�IC���C�C1S �f, ar�d �u�stituti�r�s f�r th� �r��i�s�ry r,��� �r ��r��m�rt�. Th� m���ri�r �l��t� �f <br /> this ���� v��r��t i� 1�11�� ��, ����. ��T[��T��RU�T�R; �HE �R���T A�REEiVIEI�iT ���TAll�l� A V�4F��A�LE <br /> 1 N�Tl�E�T RATi�. <br /> D��� �f Tr�s#. T�� �rv�r�� "���d �f Tr�a�t" m�an tl�i� D���i �f Tr��� �m�r,� Trust�r, L�n��rr �nd Tr�ts���� an� <br /> ir��l��l�� �nritl��ut I�rni������ ��I ���i�nrr��nt �nd ���uri�y int�r��� �ra�isions r�fating to th� P�r�ar�al �'rop�rt� and <br /> R�rtts. <br /> �nviror�mer��l L��rtirs� '1"he v�rar�s "�r�vir�nrrt�n�a] Lavtir�" rn��n �rty �n� �[I �����r ����r�l ar�� l���l ��a��t��r <br /> r��uEa�ti�n� and ardin�r���s �����ting fi� t[�� �rat���ian �f hum�n h,��ltl� ar th� �n�rir�r�r��r��� in�lu�i�r� .v�rit[���tt <br /> IEI�'11���E�E'I �f'I� ��1'1'1����'E$�I�tV� �5'I�I�QCII�I'1$[���I F�i�$��f�1�$, ��rr���n��ti�n� �n� �.i�l�ili�r��t �f ����, �� �m�nd��r �� <br /> 1�.�.�. ���tior� ����� �t �eq. �„�EF���"}, �h� ����rfun�i Arr��n�m�rtts an� ���u�h�ri��ti�r� A�o�F ����� P��. �. <br /> N�. 9�-��� {"�ARA"}r tk�� H���rd�u� M�t�ri�[�T���s��rt����r�Act,�� U.���. ����i�r� �$��{ �����., th� ������-�� <br /> ��nservati�n �r�t� R���v�r�r A�t, �� �.�.�. ���ti�r� ���'[, ����q.� ar��h�r ���[i c��1� stat� �r����r�l l��r�r r�l��, <br /> �r r��ul��i�r,s ad��t�d �ursu�r��tl�����r�. <br /> ��r�r�t�f��f��lt. Th�w�rd� "E�r�r�t�f�����It" m��rr �r�y af th� �v��ts�f���ault��t��rtl� ir��1�is ���� ���ru��k ir� <br /> �h��ven�s�f�l�f a�I�$���ia n�f�his ��e����ru��. <br /> F�cis�'sn� �r��J��t�c�r��s�. T�� �rtr�rds "E�i�tir�� Ir�d���t�dn�s�" rr���r� tt�� ir�d�l����r���� d��cri��� ir� t1�� ��i�tir�� Lier�� <br /> pr�vi�i�n��r�his �����f Tru�t. <br /> Ha���rd�r�s �uI�������s. �C�� vv�r�� "H��ar���s �ul�����c��" rr���r� m���ri�l� �h��r ������� �f �I��ir ���ntity, <br /> �an��r�tra�i�n ar pF�y�i��[, �h�mi�ai �� ir,���ti��� �har��t�risti��, m�y �au�� �r p�s� � �r���r�t �r �at�nti�[ h�zar� <br /> �� C�urri�r� Y��a�l�1��r tl�� �rivi r��m��t�Y��r� i��r��erly u���� tr��t��� �t�r��Cr �is����� �f, g�ri�r�t��f m�r�u-���tur�d{ <br /> tr�n�p�rt�� �r�th�rv�ri�� h�n�l��l. TF�� v�r�r�� "H��ar���s �u��t�n���" �r� u�ed in �h�ir v�ry �r���est s�n�� �r�d <br />
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