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��15�3451 <br /> ���� �F T�L���' <br /> L�ar� 1��� ��'����'��� ����tir�[���1� p��� � <br /> I�v�r �ap�n th����urr�r����f�r���v��t�f��f�u[t� �1'��3L�C�C�t����f1��3�tQ��{�I'GI��tI'�� ��Vlf�l'��S�I�f <br /> ��� ���rr��r�c� �r� a����rt t� ��r��l���thi� a��� �f Tru�t�s� m�rt����� ap�aint a r���iv�r ar�p��ifi�alfy <br /> �r�far���r�y�f th� c��r�n�r��s F��r��f f �n� <br /> ��� D�riv�r��Tru����� �nrr���r����I�r�t€���f d����lt ar�� d�rr��n� f�r sal� �rr� a v�ritt�n n��i�� ��r d�f�ult <br /> a r�d ����ti�r��a �a���Tr��t�rr� ir���r�st in th� �r�p�r�r t� h�s���F �+r hi�h n��i���'ru�������I! ��us�t� �� <br /> �����i��c���r r���r�i ir��f��a�pr��r��t�a€�i��s ��ti�� ��u�ty in�vhi�h�h� �r�p�rty is la�afiedr and <br /> ��} Vl�ith r�s���t t� �ll ar �ny ��rt�f t}�� ��r��n�l �r���rtyr L�r���r�h��l h��� �Il th� ri�h�� anc� r�m�r�i�s <br /> �f a���ur��l p�rty�nd�r�h� ��brasC�a LJn�#�rrri C�mm�r�i�] ���1�. <br /> ��re���s ure f�y p��r�r�f��I�. l�F L�r�d�r�I����t� f����l�s� by���r�i s� ���h� P��rtir�����al� h�r�in ��nt�i���, <br /> L�r�d�r �h�[1 n�tify Tru�t�� �n�[ sha�l �����i� v�ri�h Tr��t�� �hi� E���� �f Trust �n� t1�� �r��rt A�r��m�r�� �r�� <br /> s�cf� r���i��s �r�d ��i d�n���f����r�ditur��rn��� a nd s�c�r�d Iay�his ���� ��Trust a�Trust�� m a�r r��uEr�. <br /> ��� [�p�� r���ipt�f s u�h n�ti c��r�m L�n��rr ����t��s h�l I ��u��tv b� r��Qr�J��f p��lis h�� �n� ��1 iv�re� <br /> �� Tr�,st�r s��h N�ti�� �� �ef�ult �r�� N��ti�e �f�a�� �s th�r� r��ui r�� ��r f aw an� by��tr� ���d �f Tru�t. <br /> Tru�t�� sl��lf, v�ri�h�ut ��m�nd an �r��t�rr af��r ���h tim� �s m�� tf��n b� r���ir�c� �y i�w an� �ft�r <br /> re��rcI�ti�n �����F� f���i�� �� ��f�u[t �n�] aft�r N ati c� �f ��I� h�a�ri r,� ���n �iv�r, �s r�q ui r�� by I a�rtir, ��I I <br /> tl�� Pr�p��ty at �h� ti�� �nd �I��� �� ��[� �i��� by it in ���h �V�ti�� �f ��l�r �itl��r �� � vv�r�le f �r ir� <br /> ���aara�� ��t� Qr p�r��ls ��it�ms �� Tru�t���I���I de�rr, ��p��i�r�tf 511� Cf��LJ��'l �f����� 1� I'1'1�1�����ffYl[�l�r <br /> at pu�l i����ti�n t� th� �n i�h��� �i��er f�r ca�[� i n [��nr��,l rr�Qn�y Qf�h� l��i��d �����s ��y�1�E� ��tl��ti rrti� <br /> �f �ale. Tr����� �h�ll ��li�r�r t� �u�h pur��t���r �r �ur�h���r� ��n�r�a� its ���d and �r�f�i���n� ���d �r <br /> �le�d� c�r�v�yin� t�i� p����rt�r s� �ald, ��at v�i�h��# �ny ����n�r�� �r �r�rr�r�t�rr �x�r��s �r irrr�Ei��� TI�� <br /> r��it��� i n �u�h ���d �f �r�y rri���rs �r ���t� �h�II b� ��r��l us iv� pr��f �f th� tru�h��In��� th�r�vf. Any <br /> ��rsan, in�[u�in�v�ri-th�ut limit�ti�n Tr����r,�`r�as���r�r L�n�l�r, rr��y�urcl�����t�uch��I�. <br /> ��} A� m��r b� ��rmi��ed b� I�vtirf �fter ���u�tir,� al� ��st�, f��s �n� ��cp�r�s�� �f �r��t�� �r�d �� thi� <br /> Tru�t� �n�[udi r�� ���t�of�vi��n�� �f tit[� i n ��n n��ti�r� v,�ith�al��Trust��s��[l ���ly tl�� �r�����s�f��[� <br /> t� p�ym�n� �f �i� �IC �ur,�s ��cp�r���� ur�d�r th� t�rm� �f th�s ���d �� Trust ar �ar�d�r th� t�rms �f #h� <br /> �r��it A�r��rt•t�r��t r��t th�n r��ai�, in�l�adir�� [��at n�� limi��� �� ���ru��l int�r��t ��� I�t� ���r���� �ii] ��I <br /> �th��sums �h�n s���r�� I��r�k�y, �r��[ {iEi} th� r�m�ir�d�rl i����r t� �€�� p�r�an �r�ers�n� I��al[�r�nti�[�� <br /> th�r�t�. <br /> ��} Trust�e m�y i n th� m�r�n�r pr�vi��� ����v�r p�����r��s��e�f a[] �r��y��rti�r,�f th�e Pr�p�rty. <br /> F��rri��li�� N�t Ex�l��iv�� Yr�a�t�� �ri�] L�r�d�rr �r�� ���1� �f th�m, �h�Il �� �ntitf�� t� �nf�r�� p�yrn�r�� �r�� <br /> p�r���-��n�� �f�r��it�d��t��n����r�bli��ti�n� ����r�� �y th�is �����f T�ust�r�d�� ���r�i���ll ri�l�t� �n� ���rv�rs <br /> un��r this ���� �f Tr�st, un�C�r ti�� �r�di�A�r��rr��ntl r�r�d�r any �fi th� R�lat�� ����m�n�s, �r �rr��r �r�y �tl��r <br /> ��r��m�r�� �r �r�y law� na�nr �� h�r�aft�r �n ��r��; n��rr+�rithst�n�in�r s�rr,� �r a�l �f ��cl� in���t�d���s and <br /> �b[i��ti�n� s��ur�� lay thi� ���� �#Trust m a��r r��v�r �r h�r��fte r �� ����r�r�ri��s��ur��f vu h�th�r f��r ma rt��g�r �C��d <br /> �f��u�t, �I�d��� [i�r�� a��i�nm�nt ����h��v�ris�. I��i�f��r the �������r��� ��tl�is a��� �f Trus�n�r its �nfarc�m��tr <br /> v�r��tl��r b� ��ur� ��ti�n �r p�����n��� ��� ���r�r �� s�Ee �r �th�� p�w�r� ��r��ai r��d i n #h�s ���� �f Tr�s�{ s I���I <br /> �r�j��I��� �r in �ny rr��r�r��r �ff���T�ust��'� �r L�nd er'� ri�ht �� r��liz� up�n �r �r�#�rc� ar�y ��[��r����rity n�vv ar <br /> I��r��ft�r h�ld �y Tr��t�� �r Le�r��rf it f��iri� �.�r���tl��t Tru�t�� �r�d L�n�err �r�d �a�h�f�h�mr �h�l� �� �ntitl��t� <br /> �nf���� tC�i� ���d ��F Tru�t ar�d a��r �th�r ���uri#� n��r �r ��r��i`��r h�Id l�y L��d�r �r Truste� in �u�[� ����r �r�d <br /> rr�ar�r��r �� th�y �r �ith�r �f �h�r�n m�y iri �l���r ����I�t� d�s�r�tian �]�t�rmir��, �[� r�m��y ��nferr�d �,��� �r <br /> r���rv�� #� �r�ste� �r L�r,d�r, is intenc��� t� l�� ���I��iv� �f �n� �th�r r�m�d� �n th,i� D��� a� T���� �r �y �aw <br /> �r��rid�� ar ��rmitk��ir ��t ���h s I��11 l�� �urrtu[�tiv� an� ��a I1 �� i n ���fiti�n t� �v�ry ��h�r r�rn�dy �iv�r� in thi� <br /> ���� �f Tru�t �r r��w �r h�r��ft�r exi�tin� a�1a�r �r in �quity �r �y st�t�t�. E�r�r� �aw�r �r ����dy�i�r�n �y th� <br /> �r��it A�r��m�nt �r an� a� �h� F��[�t�d ���um�nt� ta �r��tee �r ��n��r �r ta vvf�i�h �itl��r �� �I��m may b� <br /> ��h�rvwris� �n�itl�df rrt�y �� ��c�r�i��d, ��n��arr�r��1y �r �n����n����l�r{ �r�rr� tim� t� tim� an� �� �f��n as may �e <br /> d��m�d �����i�nt �y T������ �r L�rrd�rr �t�d �i�h�r af t�i�m rrt��r pursu� in��n�i�t�nt ��r�e�i�s. N�th�n� �n th�i� <br /> Dee� �€Trus��1�a[] �� c�n�tru�d �� �r��i�itin� L�n��r �r�rn ���I�i�� � d�fi�i�n�y judgm�nt���in�t �h� Tr��tor#� <br /> tl�� ����nt s u�h acti�n i� ��rr3-f i��d E��E��. <br /> El��t��r� �f F��m�die�. Al� ��F L�n��r's ri�l��s �r�d r�rn��i�s �v i II be �urriula��iv� �r�d m�y b� �x�r�i�e� a l�n� �r <br /> ����th�r. I�F L�nd�r ���i��s t� ���r�� m�n�� �r #� ���F�rt�rt �r�y �f Trus�t�r'� �1�li��ti�r�� �r���r �hi s ���d �f Tru�tf <br /> af��r Trust�r'� fail�r� �� �i� s�r �rl��t d��i�i�n �y L�nd�r �nrill n�t �ff��t L�nd�rr� ri�l��t� ���1��� Tru��ar in d�f��l� <br /> anr��a �x�r�Es�L��d�r'� r�m��i��. <br /> �tequest f�r N�t���. Tru�t�rf �n b���[f��Trust�r artd L�r�d�r, h�r��y requ��t��h�t� ���y�f�r,y N�ti���f a�f�ul�t <br /> an� a ���y�f�r�y �[�ti�� �f�a I� unoi�r thi� a��� �f 7fust ��rr��i��� t� th�m �t th�e �d�r����� �e���r�h i n tl�� �i rst <br /> ����gr��h�f this I����i �f Trust. <br /> At�t�rr��y�" ���sr Ex��r��es, If L���i�r in�ti��,��s �r�y �ui� ar ��tion �o �nf�r�� �rry �f th,� ���m� ��F �his a��d of <br /> �ru�t� L�r�d�r�h�l� �� �ntitl�� �� r�����r�u�� sur�t �s ��� �a�rt ma���f���i�e rea�on�bl� �s �tt�rr����' ���� ��tri�� <br /> �n� up�n �ny a���a�. VI�}t�t��r �r n�t ��y ���rk �cti�n i� in�ol��d r ��d t��t}�� ��c'�ent n�t ���hi E�ited by l�v�rr al l <br /> r�a��na�I� ����r���s L�n��r i�cur� �E�at in L�n�l�r's ���rt��� ar� n��es�ary �t �r�y tam� f�r tf�� �r�t��ti�n �� i�� <br /> ir�t�r����r-�h� �n��r��m��t�f�ts ri�ht� sh�[1 b�cam� a �art of th� I��et�t������ ��yabl��n ��ma�� �nd shall i���r <br /> interes� �� t1�� �r�dEt �gr��m�n� ra�� fr�rrt tl�� d�t� �� t�� ��cp�r��i#�r� until r�}�ai�J. Ex��r�s�� ��v�r�� by thi� <br /> p�r���aph i ncl uder 1N�tI'3�LI� �I CC�l��tl�fl r h��rv�v�r sub�ect t� any!i rrtiits ur��€�r ���I i��k��� I��r f L�nd�r'� atta rn�ys' f��s <br /> an�l L�r�d�r'� I���I ����n���r �rtirhefi��r �r r��t th�r� is � ]�v+r��i-kr i��lu�3ing attorr��ys' f��s �r�d ��c��ns�s ��r <br /> b�r�l�r��a��y p r���ed in�� �i r��l u�l�n� �i��rt� �� m�dify a r �raca�� �riy �ut�m ati� �t�y �� i r+�unc�ian], a�Real�, �n�l �r�� <br /> anti����t�� �a��j���m�n� ��Ilectiar� s�r�i��sr th� ���t �f ���r�hir�g r�card�, �k�tair�ir�� tit[� r��a�rt� �in�lu�iing <br /> ��r��I���r� r�p�rts}r s�rv�y�rs' r���r��f �nd ap�raisaC f���� �itl� i r��ur�rr��r �r�� f��� f�r th� Yru����r �� �E�� ��t�r�� <br /> ��rrr��tt�d by�p�[i��k�l� Eaw. Tru�t�r�3s�vtiri I[ ��y a ny���r����t�� i r���iditiar�t��I I �t}��r��am��r��ri��� �y lav�r. <br /> F���h���f TrU�t��, Trust��sl�a[I ha���11 �f�h� ri�ht� and �lufi���f L�r�d���� ��t��r�h in�hi5����i�n. <br /> P��JI��R� AN� ��L��ATI�N� �F T���TE�. �h� ��lla��r�� �r�vi�i�r�s r�l��in� �� t[�� ��v��rs an� ��Ci���i��� �f Trust�� <br /> ��� ��rt�f this ���� �f Trus�: <br /> P�v�r�r��f Tru�tee. lr� ���it��r�t� a[] p�w�r����rU�te� �risir�� �� a m�tt�r��l�wr Tru���e��aCl �t�v�tf�� p�w�r t� <br /> t�k� tl�e ��11�v�i ng ��ti�n� with re��e�t�� t}�� Pr���rt� ���n �h�wr�tten r�€�u�st�f L�t�d�r�r��l Tr�st�r: ��� j�ir� i n <br /> �f�p�ring �r�d �ilin� a rr�a� �r plat �f�h� R�a� �r�p�rtyr �rtc[tt�lir�� tl�e �I��i�����n o�r ��re��s �r ��h�r ri�h�t� t� t�� <br /> �u�li�i �1�} j�ir� in �r�n�ing any ����m�nt �� �r��� ��y r��tri�ti�r� �r� tf�� F��af �r�p�r�y; �r�d [�} jair� ir� �r��r <br /> ��k��rc�inatiar��r�tl��r��r��m�r�t�����irtg�his ���d a�Trt��t�r th�� irt��r�s�❑f�en��r und�r tf�i� a����f Tr���. <br /> Tru�t��. Tru���� �h�[1 m��� �I� qU�li�i c�ti�r�� r��ui r�d f�r �rr����� un��r a�pl i���I� I��rtir. I r� a��it[�n �� �E�e ri�ht� <br /> �r�d r�m��i�s ��� �a rth a�av�� vtir ith r��p��t �� �II �r an� pa� �f tf�� �r�p�rty, �h� Trust�� ��a[f 1���� ��� ri�h,# �� <br /> f�re�l�s� k�y r��ti�� �r�� ��i�r �n�i L�nd�r v�i fl ��v� th� ri�ht t� f�r��l��� by j ud��i al f�r��I��r�r�r i n �i�her �a�e i n <br /> �cc�rd��c� �nrith �n�t�tl�e�ulf��ct�nt pr��i�i�� by�p��ic��l�1��. <br /> ��ccess�r Tru�t��. L�r���rr �t��n�i�r'� aptianr m��r�r�rrr ��r��t�tim� ���Qin�a su��e���r Tru�t��t��n�Tr��t�� <br /> ����int��l �n�l�r thi� ���� �f Tru�t k�y ar� ir��tr�m��n� ���cut�d and ��f�r��wl����� �y L�r��l�r �n�i r���rde� in th� <br /> �ffi�� o� the r���r��r �f H�II ��unty, �t�te �f 1V��r�sl��. The [nstr�m.�n� �h�ll ��n�tainr ir� ��di�i�n t� ��1 �tl�er <br /> rr��tt�r� r���air�� b�r st�t� !�w r tl�� �r a m�� at th� �ri�irr�I Le nder, Trus���r �s�� Tru�tar, th� ���l� �n� p��e {�r <br />
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