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201503433 <br /> sentences shall no#apply to tl�e presence, use, or storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous <br /> Substances that ara gee�erally racognized to be appzopxiate#o zzoz� resident�al uses and to maintenance of <br /> the Property(including, but not limited to, hazardous substances in consumer products}. <br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of(a)any investigation,, demar�cl, lawsui#ox other <br /> ac�on by auy govez�u�.ex�tat or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous <br /> Substance or Environmental Law af which Borrower has actual knowledge, {b) axty Enviroxunental <br /> Condition, including but nat limited to, any spilling, leaking, discharge, release or t.�reat of release vf auy <br /> Hazardous Substance, and(c) any condition caused by the�resexzce, use or release of a Hazardous Subs�ance <br /> wluch adversely affects the value of the Property. If BorrovcTer learns, or is notified by any govazxumental or <br /> regulatory authority, or any private pariy, #ha#aay removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance <br /> affecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shal�promptly take a11�ecessary remedial actions in <br /> accordance wztta�nvi.rozaxxzental Law. Nothing herein shall create any obligation on Lender£oz an <br /> Environmental Cleanvp. <br /> Non-Un1fo1'm CoVenat�fs. Borrower and r,en.der covcnaizt and agree as foJ.J.ows: <br /> 22. Acce[eration; Remedies. Lender shall give notice fo Borrower prior to acceleration fo�owing <br /> Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreeucent in this Sec�-ity Instrument(bnt not prior to <br /> acceleration under Section 18 w�less Applicable Law prov�des otherwise). The notice shall specify: (a) <br /> the default; (b}the action required to cure the default; (c) a date, nc�t less#han 30 days fcom the date <br /> the not�ce is givem to Borrower, by which the default must be ciu-�d; and(d)that failure to eure the <br /> default on or before the date specified in the no�ice z�ay result in acceleration of the su�ns sec�-ed by <br /> this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall f�rther inform Borrower o�the <br /> right to reinstate after acceleraiaon and the right to bring a court action to assert tfie non-existence of a <br /> defauit or any other defeaase of Borrorver to acceIeration and sale. I�the default is not cured on or <br /> before the c�ate specified in the notice, Lender at its option may require im�uediate paymeat in fi�ll of <br /> all sums secured by#his Security�nstrurnez►t wii#hout further deuaand and may invoke the power of sale <br /> and any other remedies pert�it�ed by Applicabie Law. Lender s3�all be entit�ed to collect alt expenses <br /> incurred in pzu-sning the remedies provic�ed in this Section 22,, but not Iimited to, reasonable <br /> attorneys' fees and costs of title ev�dence. <br /> If the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice o�de�ault iu eac�x counfy in which any <br /> part af the Property is located and shall mail capies of snch notice in the manner prescribed by <br /> Apglacable Law to Soa�rower and to the othar persons prescribed by Applicable Law. After the time <br /> required by Applicable Law, Trustee shaII give pnblic no�ce of sale to the persans and in tl�e maz�uer <br /> prescribed by Applicable Law. Trustee, without de�and on Borrower, shall sell the Properiy at public <br /> auction to the highest bic3.der at the time and p�ace and under the terms designated i�n tbe�o.otice of sale <br /> in ane or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone saie of a�or an� <br /> garcal of the Property by public az�ouucemuemt at�e tixrae and glace of any previously sc�eduled saie. <br /> Le�der or its designee ma�p�rchase tlie Properiy at an�sa�e. <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deiiver to t�xe purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> conveyang the Pro�erty. The recitals iu the Txustee's deed sba� be par�izna facie evidence of the fruth of <br /> the statements made thereiu. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the fo�o�cving order: (a) to <br /> all costs and expenses of exercising the power of sale, and the sale, including the payment of the <br /> Trustee's fees ac�ually incurred and reasonable attorneys' fees as pernzitted by Applicable Law; (b) to <br /> all sums sec�u-ed by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the persan or persans legally <br /> enhtled to it. <br /> 24098622 <br /> NEBR45KA-SingleFamiry-FannieMaelFreddieMac VNIFpRM 1NSTRIJMF7+f7 Form 3028 1109 <br /> VM P� VMP6(NE){1302) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Finaneiaf Services Page 14 of 17 <br />
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