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��15�335� <br /> sentences sha�l not app�y to the pre�en�e, use, or storag�on the Proper�y of sma11 quantities af Hazardaus <br /> Substanc�s that are generaily recogn�zed tQ be appropr�ate�o n�rmal residentia�uses and to maintenance of <br /> �he Prop�r�y �inc�ud�n�, but nat limited�o, hazardous substances �n cansumer produc�s}. <br /> Borrower shall prom�pt�y gi�e Lender wr�tt�n no��ce of�a} any in�e��igation, cla�m, demand, Iawsu�t or�t�er <br /> action by any governm�ntai �r regu�a�ory age�cy or private party �nwo���ng�he Praperty and any Hazard�us <br /> Substance or En�ironm�ntal Law of which Barrower has actua� kn�w��dge, �b} any Env�r�nmenta� <br /> �ond���on, �n��ud�ng but no���m�ted�a, any sp����ng, leak�ng, discharge, reiease or threat nf re�ease of any <br /> �azar�.aus Substance, and �c} any Gond�t�on caused by the pre�ence, u�e ar release af a Hazardou� Subs�ance <br /> which ad�erse�y affects the value af�he Proper��. If B�rrawer learns, �r�s n��ified hy any g�v�rnmen�al or <br /> regula�ary authority, or any pri�ate par�y, tha�an� remavai or other remediat�on af any Hazardaus Su�stance <br /> affecting the Proper�y �s necessary, Borrower shal�pr�mpt�y�ak�a�� nec�ssary remed�a� ac�ions �n <br /> accorda�ace w�th En��ronm�n�a� Law. Noth�ng here�n sha�l create any obi�ga�ion on L�nd�r for an <br /> �nv�ronmen�ai �leanup. <br /> Nnn-Unifarm Cv�enants. Borrawer and Lender covenant and agree as fa��ows: <br /> ��. A��elerat�vn; Rem�d�es. Lender sha�l gi�e no�ice�o Borrower prior ta acceieratian fo�iowing <br /> Borrawer's breach af any covenant vr agreemer�t in this Security Instrument �bu�not prior to <br /> acceleration under Sec�ion 18 un�ess Applicabie Law prov�des o�herw�se�. The no�ice sha��spec�fy: �a} <br /> �he defaul�; �b� the ac��an requir�d�o Cure�he defau�t; �c} a date, not�ess�han 3D days froxn �he da�e <br /> �he no��ce is given�o Borrowers by wh�ch the defau��must be cured; and�d� �hat failure to cure the <br /> defau��on or befare�he da�e specif�ed�n�he n���ce may r�sul�in accel�ra��on of�he sums secur�d by <br /> �his Security Instrumen� and sale of�he Praper�y, Th�not�ce sha��further�nform Borrow�r vf the <br /> r��ht to reins�at�af�er a��e�erat�on and�he r�ght to hr�ng a court ac�ion�o assert�he non��xis�ence of a <br /> defau��or any other d�fen�e oT� Barrawer�a acce�erat�on and 5ale. If the default is not cured an or <br /> before�he da�e spe�if�ed�n the n�tice, Lender at its aption may require immed�a�e paymen�in fu��of <br /> a��sum�secured by�his 5ecurity Ins�rument without further demand and may in�vake the po►�ver of sa�e <br /> and any a�her remedies permitted by Applicable La�v�v. Lend�r sha��he en�i��ed to co�lect al� expenses <br /> in�urred in pursuing the remedies pro��ded�n this Sect�on�Z, �nc�ud�ng, but no�l�m�ted to, reas�nab�e <br /> attorne�s' fees and cos�s oF��t�e ev�den�e. <br /> If the pawer of 5a�e is invaked, 'Trustee shall record a notice of defau�t in each�ounty in which any <br /> part of the Property is�acated and shal�mai���pies of such no�ice�n�he manner prescr�bed by <br /> Applicable Lavv to B�rrower and�o the vther persons prescr�hed by App�icab�e Law. After�he time <br /> requ�red by Appl�cabie Law, T'rustee sha�� g�ve pub��c no�ice of sa�e to the persuns and in the mann�r <br /> prescr�bed�y App��cable Law. 'Trustee, with�ut demand on Borrow�r, shail se�i�he Prop�r�y at pub��C <br /> auc��an to�he highes�bidder at�he�ime and place and under�h�terms d�s�gna��d�n th�no��ce of sa�e <br /> in one or more parcels and�n any ord�r Trustee determ�nes. Trustee ma�postpvne sale of a��or any <br /> par�e�of�he Proper�y by pub��c annauncQm.en� at�he�ixne and p�ace of any previously 5chedu�ed saie. <br /> Lender or i�s des�gneQ nr�ay purchase the Prope�ty a� any sale. <br /> Upon re�eip� af paym�n��f�he prxce bid, Trus�ee shall de��v�r�o the purchaser Tru��ee's d�ed <br /> Convey�ng the Praperty. The rec�ta�s�n�he Trus�ee'�deed shali be prima fa�ie evidence of the tru�h of <br /> �he�tat�men��ma��there�n. Trus�ee sha��apply the pro�eeds of�he saie in the fo��ovving vrder: �a� �o <br /> all cos�s and e�pens��af e�cercising the pawer of sale, and�he sa�e, includir�g�he paymen� of�he <br /> Trustee'� fees ac�ua��y in�urred and reasonable a��orneys' fees as permi��ed by Appl�cab�e Law; �b} �o <br /> alI sums secured by th�s Secur�ty Instrumen�; and �c} any e�cess�o�he person or persons�ega��y <br /> ent�tled to��. <br /> NEBRASKA-Singte Family-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNI�ORM INSTRUM�NT �orm 3028 71�37 <br /> �r�r a Wt�r�tr���t��n�� <br /> Wa�ters Ki�awer Financial Ser�ices Page 14❑f 17 <br />
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