<br /> in�he Proper�y and r�gh�s under this Securit}� Instrum�n�; and �d} �akes such ac�ion as Lender ma�
<br /> reasonably r�quir�tfl assure that Lender's interest in��e Proper�� and rights under�his Security �nstrument,
<br /> and Borrawer's obi�ga�ion to pa� the sums secured��this Security Instrumen�, shail cant�nue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may requir�that Borrower pa}� such r�instatem�nt sums and expens�s in one or more of the fo��ow�ng
<br /> forms, as selected b� Lend�r: �a}�ash; �b}mone� order; �c} certi�i�d check, �ank�heck, �reasurer'�check or
<br /> cash��r's check, provided any such check is drav5rn upan an �nsti�ution whose deposits are insured by a
<br /> federa� ag�ncy, �nstrumen�ali�y or en�ity; or�d� �lectronic Funds Transfer. Upon r�ins�atemen�b� Borrawer,
<br /> �his Security�nstrument and obli�at�ons secured h�reby shall remain fully effect�ve as �f no acce�eration had
<br /> occurred. H�v�►le�er, �h�s righ�to reinstate sha�l not apply �n�he cas�of acceler�tion under Sec��on �S.
<br /> ��. Sale of Note; �hange vf Loan Serv�cer; Natice vf Grievartce. The Note or a par��a1 interest in the
<br /> No�e�together��th���s S�cur��y �ns�rument�can��so�d�ne ar more times wi�hout pr�or no�ice�o
<br /> Borrawer. A sale migh�result�n a change in�he en�i�� �known as the "Loart Servicer"} �ha��o��ects Periodzc
<br /> Payrnen�s due under the Note and th�s Secur��y �ns�rum�n� and perforxns ath�r m�rtgage l�an ser�icing
<br /> obl�ga�ions under th� Note, �h�s Securi�y �ns�rument, and App�icab�e Law. There a�so m��ght�e ane or more
<br /> chang�s of the I,oan Servicer unre�a�ed to a sale of�h�No�e. �f�here is a change of the I..�oan Serv�cer,
<br /> Borr�wer vv�li b�given wri��en nat�ce of the change wh�ch wil� state the name and address of the new Laan
<br /> Ser�r�cer, the address to w�ich payments should be made and any other informatian RESPA requ�r�s in
<br /> connection w�th a no��ce of transfer nf serv���ng. �f the N�te is s�1d and thereaf�er fhe Loan��serviced b� a
<br /> Loan Servic�r other than t�e purchas�r of the N�te, the mor�gage lflan s�r�icing�bliga�ions to Borrower wi�I
<br /> rema�n wi�h the Laan Ser�i�er or be�ransferr�d to a successor Loan Serv�cer and are not assu�rned b�r�he
<br /> No�e purc�aaser un�ess o�herwise provided by�he No�e purchaser.
<br /> Nei�her Borrower n�r Lender may commenc�,j�in, or be j o�ned t� any jud�cial ac�i�n�as���her an
<br /> xnd��idua� �iti�ant�r the member of a class}�hat ar��es fram the other par��'s actions pursuant to�h�s
<br /> 5�curity�nstrument ar that alleges�hat�he other par��has breached any prflv�s�on of, flr an�du�y�wed by
<br /> reason of, this Securit�r �ns�rum.ent, unti� such Borr�wer or L.�nder has noti�ed�he o�her par�� �with such
<br /> no�ice gi�en�n compliance wi�h the requir�ments of Se�t�an �5}of such a�leged breach and aff�rded�he
<br /> o�her par�y hereta a rea�onable period af�er the gi�ing af such not���to take correct�ve action. If Applicable
<br /> Law pro��des a�im�per�od wh�ch must elap�e bef�re certain a��ion cax� b��aken, �hat time period v�i�l�e
<br /> deemed to be reasonable far purposes af th�s paragraph. The notice af ac�e�era�ion and opportun�ty t�cure
<br /> giver���B�rrower pursuant ta Section 2Z and the natice of accelerat�on gi�en�� Borrower pursuanf to
<br /> Section �8 sha��be deemed to sa�isfy�he notice and oppor�unit��o take corr�c�ive acti�n provisions of�his
<br /> Sec�ion��.
<br /> Z�. Hazardous Sub�tances. As us�d �n th�s Sec�ian�1: �a� "Hazardous Su�stances"are thase substanc�s
<br /> d�fined as�ox�c or hazardous su�stances, pollu�ants, or was��s by �n�riron.�mental Law and the follnwing
<br /> substances: gasol�ne, kerosene, flther flarnma��e or toxic petroleum produc�s, toxic pest�c�des and h�rbicides,
<br /> �olati�e s�l�en�s, ma�eria�s contain�ng asbestos�r f�rma�d�hyde, and radioactive materials; �b�
<br /> "�r�virarz�nental L,��v"means federal �aws and Iaws of�he jur�sd�c�xfln where the Property �s located that
<br /> relate to heal�h, saf��y or en�irflnm�ntal protection; ��} "�rzvirar����ental Cleanup" inc�udes any respons�
<br /> ac�ian, rem�dial a��ion, or renzoval action, as def�ned �n�n��r�nmen�a� Law; and �d} an "Ejavir���r2er��ar
<br /> �o�2d��ion"means a�andition that can cause, contribu�e to, or o�he�-v�ri�e�rigger an En�ironmen�a� �leanup.
<br /> Borrovver shai� no�caus�or permi��he presence, use, disposa�, s�orage, or re�ease�f any Hazardous
<br /> Substances, or threaten�o release any �azardous Substances, on or in the Prope�y. Borraw�r shall not do,
<br /> nor a�iow anyone e�se�o d�, anything affecting�he Pr�per�� �a}that �s �n�v�olation�f any En�ironxnen�al
<br /> Law, �b}v�hich creates an�n�ironmentai Condi�ion, or�c}which, due�o the presence, use, �r release of a
<br /> Hazard�us Substance, creates a can��tian�ha�adv�rsely aff�cts�h�value af�he Proper�y. The preced�ng tv�o
<br /> NEgRASKA-5ingle�ar�iiy-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNI��RM fNSTRUMENT Farm 3428 11��
<br /> VMP Q VMP�tNE;[13�2y
<br /> Walt�rs Kluwer�inancial Ser�ices Page�3 of 17
<br />