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��15�3335 <br /> C��ED C]F �TRLJ��' � <br /> ��ontir�ued} pa�e � <br />� with Lender concerning the matte�s co�ered by�his Deed af Trust. To be effecti�e, any change or amendment�to <br /> this Deed of Trus#must be in writing and must be signed by whoe�er will be bvund or obiiga�ed by the change ar <br /> amendment. <br />� Capt�on Headings. �ap#�on headings in �his Deed of Trust are for con�enience purposes ❑niy and are no� to be <br /> used to int�rpret or def ne the pro�isions o�this Deed�f Trust. <br /> Merger. There shall be no merger of the in�eresfi or estate created by this ❑eed o�F Trus�with any o#her�nt�re��or <br /> es�ate in the Prope�ty at any��me held by ar for the bene�i�of Lender in any capacity, wi#hout the written consen� <br /> of Lender. <br />� �o►►erning Law, This Deed o�Trust wi�f be gvrrerned by federal [aw applicab�e to Lender and, to #he exten# not <br /> preempted by federal law,th� laws of the Sta�e vf Nebraska withaut regard to i�s canfli�ts of law provisions. This <br /> Deed of Trus�has been accepted hy Lender in#he 5ta�e of Nebraska, <br /> Joint and Se�eral L�abili�y. A11 obligatians of Trustor under this [�eed o�Trus�shall be join� and se�eral, and alf <br /> r�ferences to Trustar sha�l mean each and e�er� Trustor. This means �hat each Trustor signing belaw �s <br /> responsible for all obfigat�ons in�his Deed o�Trus�. <br /> N�Wai�e�r by Lender. Trustor unders�ands Lender will not gi�e up any of Lender's rights under#his Deed of Trust <br /> un��ss Lender dves so �n writing. The fact �hat Lender delays or omits to exer�ise any r�i�ht will n�t rr�ean that <br /> Lender has gi�en up that righ�. If Lende�does agree in writing ta gi�e up one af Lender's rights, that does no� <br /> mean Trus#ar will not ha�e �o camply w�#h the other provisions of this ❑eed a�Trust. Trusto� also understands <br /> that if Lender does consen�t� a request, that dnes not mean �ha� Trusta�wi�l no� h��e ta get Lender's consent <br /> again if the situafian happens aga�n. Trustor further understands that just because Lerider consents�o one ar more <br /> of Trus�ar's requests, that does nat mean Lender will be r�quir�d t❑ consen#to any of Trustor's future reques#s. <br /> Trustor wai�es presen#men�, demand�or paymen#, protes�,and natice of dishonar. <br /> Se►re�ab`rlity. I�a court fnds that any pro�ision Qf this Deed a�r Trust is not�alid or shau�d n�t be enfiorced, tha� <br /> fiact by itsel�wi�� not mean that the rest of this Deed of Trus#will nat be�alid or enforced. Th�refare, a court wi�l <br /> en�orce�he �-es�af the pr��isions o�this Deed af Trust e�en if a pr��isian o�this �eed of Trust may be�€ound ta be <br /> invalid or unenforceabie. <br /> Successors and Assigns, Subjeet ta any limitations sta�ed in this Deed af Trust on �ransfe�-of Trus#ar's in��rest, <br /> �his ❑��d o�Trust shal! be bindi�g upon and inure tv the benefit of the par�ies, their successors and assigns. lf <br /> ownership of the Prvperty h�cames�ested in a person ather than Trustar, Lender, withaut no��c�to.Trustor, may <br /> dea!with Trustar's suecessors with ref�rence to�his ❑eed vf Trust and#he Indeb#edness by way of farbearance or <br /> extension without releasing Trus�or f�om the❑�ligations of#his Deed�f Trust or liability under the lndeb�edness. <br /> Time is vf the Ess�nce. Time is of the essence in�he per�ormanc�of this Deed af Trust. <br /> Wai�er of Hom�st�ad Exemp�ion. Trustor her�by releases and wai�es al[ rights and benefits of the homestead <br /> exemp�ion laws of the Stat�of Nebraska as t❑ail Indebtedness s�cured by this Deed o�Trus�. <br />� ❑EFlNITlQNS. The#�ollowing words shall ha�e�he foflowing meanings when used in this C�eed o�Trust: <br /> Beneficiary. The word"Beneficiary"means BANK�F THE VIIEST,and its sucGessors and assigns. <br /> Borrower. The word "Borrower" means ERIC J M�SELEY and JENN(FER L M�SELEY and includes al� cowsigners <br /> and co-makers signing the Credit Ag�-eement and all their successors and assigns. <br /> Credit A reement. The words "Credit Ag�-eement" mean the c�edit ag�eem�n#dated May�, 2Q15, W�th credit <br /> �Imi� [7�$��,�Q�.�Q from Trustar to Lender, tagether wi�h alf renewa�s of, extensians vf, modifcations of <br /> , <br /> ref€nancings of, car�svfidat�ans of, and substitutions �or the promissory n��e or agreement. The ma�urity date of <br /> this Deed of Trust is May 7, 204�. N4TICE T� TRUST�R: THE CREDtT A�REEMENT C�NTAINS A VARlABLE <br /> 1NTEREST RATE. <br /> � Deed of Trus#. The words "Deed o� Trusfi" mean �his Deed v�f Trust among T�ustor, Lender, and Trus#ee, and <br /> incfudes wi�houfi limitation all assignmen# and security inter�st pro�isions relating to the Persnnai Proper�y and <br /> Rents. . <br /> En�iranmentai Laws. The words "En�ironmental Laws" mean arty and a�l state, federal and Iocal statu�es, <br /> regu�ations and ordinances rela�ing �a th� pro��c�ion of human h�alth or the en�ironmen�, inc�u�ing without <br /> limitatian the Comprehensive Envi�-onmen�al Respanse, �ompensation, and Liability Act of '198�, as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.�. 5ection 960'1, et seq. ("CERCLA"}, �he Supe�fun� Amendments and Reauthorization Act af 198�, Pub. L. <br /> No. 99-499�"SARA"},the Hazardous Materiafs Transpor�a�ion Act,49 LJ.S.C.5ection 18�]'�, et seq.,#he Resaurce <br /> Canservation and Reco�ery A�t, 42 U.S.C. Sec�ion 69n1, et seq., or other applicable state or�ederal laws, ru�es, <br /> or reguiations adopted pursuant thereta. <br /> E�en�o�De#ault. The words"E�ent of Defauft"mean any v�F the e�ents a�d�fauit set forth in this Deed�f Trust in <br /> the e�ents of defau(�section of�h�s Deed af Trust. <br /> Existing �ndebtedness. The words "Existing Indeb�edness" mean the indebt�dness described in the Existing Liens <br /> pr��ision vf�h�s Deed of Trust. <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances. The words "Hazardaus Substan�es" mean materials that, because of �h�ir quan���y, <br />