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��15�3335 <br /> L�EED �]F TRLJ�1` <br /> i <br /> �Cantinued} pag� � <br /> reserved �v Trustee or Lender, is intended to be exc�usi�e of any o�her �emedy in this Deed of Trust or by law <br /> pro�ided or permi�ted, but each shal� be cumula�i�e and shali be �n addi#ion �a every other rem�dy g��en in �his <br /> Deed of Trus��r now or he�eafker existing a� taw vr in equity ar by s#a�ute. ��ery power or remedy gf�en by the. <br /> Gredit Agreement ar any of the Reiated ❑o�uments tfl Trustee ar Lender or #o which eith�r of ��am may be <br /> a�h�nn�ise entitled, m�y be exerc�sed, concurrently or independently, from time �fl �ime and as often as may be <br /> deemed expedienf by Trustee or Lender, and either v�th�m may pursue inconsistent remed��s. No�hing in this <br /> Deed af Trust shall be construed as p�-ahibi�ing Lender fram seeking a deficiency�udgment agains��he Trus�or to <br /> #he ex�ent su�h ac#�on i�permitted by law. <br /> Electian of Remedies. All of Lender`s rights and �emedies will be cumulati�e and may be exercised alone or <br /> tag�ther. �f Lender decides #o spend money or tv petfiorm any of Trust��`s ab�igafions under this ❑eed vf Tru��, <br /> after Trustor's failure to do sa, tha#decision by Lender will no�a�fec� Lender's right to declare Trustor in default <br /> and to exercise Lender's remedies. <br /> Request for Not�ce. Trustor, on behal�'of Trustor ar�d Lender, her�by requests�hat a capy o#any Na#i�e of De�ault <br /> and a capy of any Noti�e of Sale unde�-this Deed ��Trust be mailed to th�m at#he addresses set for�h in�he�irst <br /> paragraph of#his Deed o�Trust. <br /> A�torneys' Fees; Expenses. !f Lender institutes any sui� or actian to enfo�ce any af the �erms of �his De�d o� <br /> Trust, Lender sha�l be en�itled �o reco�er such sum as the cour�may adjudge reasonable�s at�orneys'#e�s a�tria� <br /> and upon any appeal. Whether or not any court action is in�oi�ed, and �v the extent not prohibi�ed by faw, all <br /> reasonable expenses L�nder �ncurs tha� in Lender's opinion are necessary at any time for the protectifln o� its <br /> in�erest or the en�arcement vf its righ#s shalf becom�a par�af#he Indebtedness payable on demand and�hall bear <br /> interest a� th� Credit Agreemen# ra�e from #he da#e of the expendi�ure until repaid. Expenses covered by this <br /> paragraph inciude, without lim��at�on, hawe�er sub�ec�t� any limits under app��cable law, Lender's attorneys'fees <br /> ; and Le�der`s legal expenses, wh�ther or n�t there is a fawsuit, inc�uding a�torneys` fees and expense� fror <br /> bankrupt�y pra�eedings tinc�uding efforts to modify or�aca�e any autama#ic stay or injunc��on}, appeals, and any <br /> anticipated post-judgment cn�lection services, the cost of sear�hing records, obtaining �itle reports �in��uding <br /> fore��asure reports}, surveyors' repor�s, and appraisa(fees, title �nsurance, and fees�ar the Trustee, ta the extent <br /> permitted by applicable law. Trustor alsa wi#f pay any court�as�s, in addition to all o�her sums pro��ded by law. . <br /> Rights o�Trust�e. Trustee shai�ha�e all of the rights and duties of Lender as se�forth in this section. <br /> R�WERS AND OBLIGATIaNS DF TR�STEE. The fol��wing pro�isions rela�ing tv the powers and obiiga#ions of Trustee <br /> are part of this❑eed tif Trus�: <br /> Pawers of Trustee. In addit�on to all pow�rs o�Trustee arising as a ma#ter o�'law, Trustee shall have the paw�r t� <br /> �ake the foll�wing ac��ons with respec��o#he Property upon the writt�n request af Lender and Trustor: �a}join in <br /> preparing and fi�ing a map ar pla� of the ReaI Prope�ky, including the dedication of streets or other �-ights �o the <br /> public; �b} join in granting any easement or creating any restriction on the Real Property; and �c} �oin in any <br /> suhordination or o#her agreement affec�ing this Deed of Trust or the interest of Lend�r under�h�s D�ed of Trust. <br /> Trustee. Trus�ee shal� mee# all qual�f�ations required for Trustee under applicable �aw. !n addition ta �he rights <br /> and remsdies se#fo�th above, with r�spect�a all or any part vf th� Properky, �he T�ustee sha�� have �h� right ta <br /> fareclose by notice and safe, and Lender will ha�e the �igh# to foreclos� by judi�ial forec�osure, in e�ther case in <br />� acco�-dan�e with and to�he fuil exten#pro��ded by applicable�aw. <br /> Su�cessar Trust�e. Lender, at Lender's aption, may��om time tv time appo�nt a successor Trustee to any Trustee <br /> appointed u�tde�-this Deed of Trust by an �nstrum�nt executed and acknowledged hy Lender and re�arded in the <br /> offce af the recorder of HALL County, State af fV�braska. The ins#rument sha�l �ontain, in addi�ion to alf other <br /> matters require� by state �aw, the names ofi #he o�igina� Lender, Trustee, and T�ustar, �he book and page �or- <br /> campu�er system reference} where �his ae�d of Trust is reco�-ded, and �he name and address a� the successor <br /> trustee, and�he ins�rument shall be execu�ed and acknawledged by a�l�he henefciaries under this Deed of Trus�or <br /> their successors in int�res#. The suc��ssor trustee, without con�eyance��the Proper�y, sha�! succeed to all the <br /> tit�e, power,and duties conferred upon#he Trustee�n�his Deed of Trus#and by app�icable�aw. This pro�edure for <br /> substitution of Trus�ee sha�l go�ern to the ex�iusion�f a11 v�her prv�isions�or subs�i�u�ion. <br /> NC]T[CES. Any notice required to be gi�en under this Deed of Trust, in�luding withaut lim��a��on any notice o�defau!# <br /> and any n�tice a€sale sha�� be g���n in writing, and shali be effecti�e when a�#ually deli�ered, wh�n actuaily �ec�i�ed <br /> by telefa�simile�unless a#herwise requir�d by law},wh�n�epasi��d with a na#ianal[y r�cognized o��rnigh�c�u�ier, ❑r, i� <br /> rna�fed, when depasited in�he United 5tates mail, as�irst class, certified or registered mail pos#age p�epaid, direc�ed to <br /> the addresses shown near the begi�ning of this ❑�ed af Trust. A#I copies o�notiees of foreclosu�-e�'rom the hoider�f <br /> any �ien which has priarity o�er this ❑eed of T�us� sha�� be sent �� Lender's address, as shown near the beg�nning vf <br /> this ❑eed vf Trust. Any person may change his vr her address �'�r no�ices under this Deed af Trus# by gi�ing �orma� <br /> written notiee ta the other persan or person�, speci�'ying that the purpose af the notice is to change the persan's <br /> address. For na��ce purposes, T�us�or agrees to keep Lender infa�med at a�1 times of Trus�or's current address. Unless <br /> o#herwise p�o�ided vr required by law, ifi th�re is more than one Trustor, any notice gi�e� by Lende�'�o any Trust�r is <br /> deemed to be natice gi�en tv al[Trustors. I�wiii be Trustor's respons�bil�ty ta tel�the others o�#he notice from Lsnder. <br /> M1S�ELLANE�ElS PR�VNS�nNS, The foilawing mis�e�laneous pro�isions ar�a pa�t���his Deed of Trust: <br /> Amendments. INh�# �s written in this Deed o�Trus�and in the Rela�sd Docum�nts is Trus#or's entire agreement <br />