<br /> The Funds sha�I be held zn an ins�i�u��on�vhose depos��s are insured by a federal agency, �ns�rumentali�y, or
<br /> en���y�inc�ud�ng L�nder, if Lender is an institut�an who�e d�p�s��s are so insured} or in any Federal Home
<br /> Laan Bani�. Lender sha11 app��r the Funds�o pay�he Escrow I�ems na�ater than the time speci�ed under
<br /> RESPA. Lender shal�no�charge Borro�ver for ho�ding and app�ying the Fur�ds, annual�y analyzir�g the
<br /> escraw account, �r-verifying the Escrow Y�ems, uniess Lender pays Borrower interes�on�he Fur�ds and
<br /> Appl�cable Law permits Lender to make such a charge. �[In�ess an agreement xs xnade in�rrr�ing flr
<br /> Appl�cabl�Lav�requires in�eres��o be paid on the Funds, Lender shal�not be requ�red��pay Borrower a�.y
<br /> interest or earnings on�he Funds. Borrourer ar�d Lender can agree xn writing, haweve�-, that interes�shall be
<br /> pa�d on�he Funds. Lend�r shall gi�e to Borrovver, w�thout charge, an ar�nual accoun�ir�g of the Funds as
<br /> required by RESPA.
<br /> �f there is a surplus of Funds held in e�crow, as defned under RESPA, Lender sha1� accoun�to Borro�ver far
<br /> the excess fur�ds ir�accorda�ce wi�h RESPA. If there�s a sha�tage of Funds heid�n escro�v, as def�ned under
<br /> RESPA, Lender shali no��fy Borr�wer as requ�r�d by RESPA, and Borrovver sha11 pay t�Lende�the amount
<br /> ne�essary to rr�al�e up�he shor�age ix�accordance�rith RESPA, but in no more�han I2 mon�h�y payments. If
<br /> �here is a de�cie�.cy of Funds held in escrow, as t�efi�ed under RESPA, Lender shall.notify Borrower as
<br /> requ�red by RESP.A�, and Borro�ver sha�l pay to Lend�r�he amour�t r��cessa�•y�o mak�up the def�cien�y i�
<br /> a�cordance wxth RESFA, �aut in no more tha� �.2 rnonth�y paymeri�s.
<br /> Upan payment�n full af a�� sums secured by this Security�r�strumen�, Ler�der sha11 promptly r�fund to
<br /> Borrower any Funds held by Lexader.
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrov�er sha�X pay a��taxes, assessments, charges, fines, a�d irnposi�ions att�rbu�ab�e to
<br /> �he Proper�y which can at�a�r�priori�y over th�s Sec�.�ri�y��strum�nt, �eas�hold paymen�s or grnund rents on
<br /> �he Proper�y, if ar�y, ar�d Cflmmur�i�y Assacia�iori Dues, Fees, and Assess�ents, �f any. To�he extent that
<br /> these items are Es�row Items, Borrower shal�pay them�n�he mantler provided i� Sec�ion 3.
<br /> I3arrow�r sha��p�ro�nptly discharge any lien which has p.riority o�rer�his Securi�y Iristrumen�un�ess
<br /> Borr�wer: (a� abrees rn�v�•��ing��the payment of�he ob�iga�ion secured by the�ien�n a manner acceptab�e
<br /> ��L�r�der, bu���ly so �o���s Borr�w�r is pe�•for�ning such agreemen�; (b}�an�es�s�he Iien in good fa�th by,
<br /> or defends agaznst enforcement of the l�en�n, �egal pt•oceedings�vh��h in Lender's op�nion�pera�e�o pre�ent
<br /> the enfarcement af the�ien vvhile�hose proceedings are pend�ng, bu�aniy un�il such proce�dings are
<br /> ��r�c�uded; or�c} secures from�he holder of the lien an agreemen�sa�isfa��ory to Lender subardina�ing the
<br /> ���n to this Securi�y�nstrumen�. If Lender de�ermine�tiha�any part of the Proper�y is sub�ec�to a lien�vhzch
<br /> can at�ain pri�ri�y aver�hi� SeCuri�y In�trument, Lender may gz�e Borrower a n�tic�identxfy�ng the Iien.
<br /> �7Vi�hin IO days of the da�e�n which that nat�ce is gi�en, Borrower shall satisfy�he�zen or�al�e one or mare
<br /> �f�he ac�ions s�t fo�-�h above in�his Sec�ion 4.
<br /> Ler�der may�-eqL�i�•e Bar�-ower�o pay a one-tim�e charge fo�•a real es�a�e�ax verif�ca�ion aridlor rep�rting
<br /> ser��ce used by L�nd�r in connection vv��h th�s Loan.
<br /> 5, Proper�y �nsur�r�cee Borrower sha�i l�eep the impro�emen�s now existirig ar hereaf�er erec�ed on the
<br /> Praper�y insured aga�ns��oss by f�re, hazards inc�uded with�n the ter�m"ex�ended coverage," and any ather
<br /> hazards �ncludir�g, but rio�limi�ed ta, ear�hquakes and floods, for wh�ch Lender requ��•es�nsurance. This
<br /> znsurance shall be xnain�ained ir�the amou��s�including deduc�ible levels} ar�d fo��he periods�ha�Lender
<br /> requir�s. '�V�hat Lend�r requires pursuar��to�he precedzng ser���r��es can char�ge during�:he term of the L�an.
<br /> The ir�surance carr�er pr�v�ding�he insurance sha�X be�hosen by Borrower sub�ect t� Lender's righ�to
<br /> disapprove Borra�ver's choice, �vh�ch rxght shall not be exerczsed unreasozaab�y. L,ende�•�may require
<br /> Borro�ver to pay, in connection�nrith�h�s Loan, either: �a}a ane-time charge for flaod�one de��rm�r�a��an,
<br /> cert�f�catian and�racking ser�ices; or�b� a oneW�ime charge for f���d�ane de�errnina�ian and ce�•�z�cat�on
<br /> 88��703�6a $8��7�316�
<br /> NEBRASKA-Singfe�'amily-Fannie M aefFreddie M ac L1NI�ORM INSTRUM ENT WITFi M�R5 Farm 3D28 11�1
<br /> VMP� VMP�A{N�}{13�2]
<br /> Walters Kluwer�'inancial Services Page B�f�7
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