<br /> []�E� �� T�LJ�T
<br /> Loan IVo: '1�'l����5� ��o�$Inu�c�� Page �
<br /> wh�ther by outright sale, deed, ins�ai�ment sale can�ract, land Gontrac�, con�ract �a� deed, leasehold inter�s� wi�h a
<br /> term grea�er �han three {3} years, lease-option �on�ract, ar by safe, assi�nment, ar trans�er of any beneficiai interes� in
<br /> or to any land trust ho[dEng �i�le �o the Real Proper�y, ar by any other method o� con��yance of an in�e�es� in the Real
<br /> P�oper�y. However, this option sha�[ not be exercis�d by Lender if su�h exercise is prohi�it�d by federa� law or by
<br /> Nebraska {aw.
<br /> TAKES AND LIENS. The falf�wing pra�isions rela�ing to �h� �axes and liens on the Property are part �f th�s �]eed of
<br /> Trust;
<br /> Payment. Trustar shal[ pay when due �and �n all e�ents pr�vr�o del�n�uency� alf �axes, special�axes, assessmen�s,
<br /> chargss {inc[uding wa�er and sewer�, fines and impasitions �eWied against ar an acc�unt ❑f the Property, and shaiE
<br /> pay when due al� claims for work dvne on or for s�rWices rendered or material furnished to �he Praper�y. Trus��r
<br /> sha�� maintain the Prop�rty fr�e vf a[� liens ha�ing priority o�er or equal to the in�erest of Lender under this ❑eed o�
<br /> Trus�k, exc�pt far �he lien ❑f taxes and assessments not due and except as ❑therwis� pra�ided in this Deed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Righ�to Cantest. Trustor may withhold payment of any�ax, assessment, or �faim in canne�tion with a gaod faith
<br /> dispute a�er the ob�iga�ion to pay, so Iong as Lender's interest in�he Proper�y is not j�opardi�ed. If a i�en arises �r
<br /> is filed as a resuE� af nonpayment, Trustar shall wi�hin �ifteen t�57 days af�er the li�n arises or, i� a lien is �iled,
<br /> within �i�fte�n ��5� days af�er Trus�or has no�ice of the fiiling, secur�e the disGharge af the lien, ar if reques�ed by
<br /> Lender, dspasit with Lender cash❑r a sufficien�corparats surety band ❑r other security satis�actory to Lender in an
<br /> amaun� su��icien��o discharge the lien plus any costs and a��orn�ys' fees, or oth�r charges tha�could ac�rue as a
<br /> result of a farec�osure or sale under the lien. In any con�es�, Trustor shall defend itself and Lender and shalE satisfy
<br /> any ad�ers�judgment before enforcement against the Property. Trustor shall name Lender as an additianal ob�igee
<br /> under any surefiy bond furnished in�he con�es�proceedings.
<br /> E�idence af Payment. Trustvr shail up�n demand fiurnish �a Lender sa�isfac�ory evidence �f payment of the taxes
<br /> ar assessmen�s and sha�� authori�e the appropriate gavernmental official to deliv�r�v Lender at any�ime a writ�en
<br /> s�atemen�❑f the�axes and assessmen�s a�ainst�he Praperty.
<br /> Noti�e of C�nsfiruc�ion. Trus�or sha�! not�fy L�nder at I�as� fiffeen ��5} days befare any work is commenced, any
<br /> ser�rices are furnished, �r any ma�erials are supplied to the Pr�perty, i�any me�hanic's li�n� materialmen's lien, or
<br /> a�her lien c�uld be asserted on a�caunt of the vtirork, s�rvices, or ma��rials. Trustar will upon r�quest of Lender
<br /> fiurnish to Lender ad�ance assurances sa�isfactory �o L�nder that Trus�vr can and w�ll pay the cvst �f such
<br /> impro�emen�s.
<br /> PRC3PERTY DAlll[AGE INSURa4NCE. The fo�lowin� pr��isions �ela�ing to insuring th� Property are a part�f this Deed af
<br /> Trust.
<br /> lVlaintenance of Insurance. Trustar sha�l prvcure and maintain policies af fire insurance with s�andard extended
<br /> co�erage endvrs�ments on a fair �alue basis for �he �u11 insurable Walue covering all Improvemen�s nn th� Real�
<br /> Pr�operty in an amount su'�ficient to av�id app�icatian of any cainsurance clause, and with a standard mvrtga�ee
<br /> clause in fa�or nf L�nder, together with such other hazard and liability insurance as Lender may r�asanably require.
<br /> Policies shall be wr�t�en in �F�rm, am�unts, co�erages and basis reasonab[y acceptab�e �o Lender and issued by a
<br /> company or companies reasonabiy acceptable ta Lend�r. Trustor, upon requ�st of Lender, will deliWer to Lender
<br /> from �ime t❑time �he palicies or certi�icat�s o� insurance in form satisfactory ta L�nder, including stipuiations tha�
<br /> co�srages wi�l n�� be �ancelled �r diminished with�u� at least �en t��} days priflr written notice to Lender. Each
<br /> insurance p�licy a1s❑ shall include an endarsement proWiding �hat c�Werage in fa�or of Lend�r wiE� no� �e impaired
<br /> in any way �y any ac�, omissian ❑r de�Fault of Trustor or any ��her person. Should the Real Property be loca�ked in
<br /> an area designated by th� Administra�or vfi�he Federal Emergency Management Agency as a special flood hazard
<br /> ar�a, Trust�r agrees tQ vbtain and maintain Federal Fload lnsurance, if a�ailable, ��r the full unpaid princ�pa�
<br /> balance o�the loan and any prior liens on�he property securin��he loan, up to�he maximum policy limits s�t under
<br /> the Na�ional Fload Insurance Program, or as vtherwise requir�d by Lender, and ta main�ain su�h insurance for�he
<br /> �erm �f�he {�an.
<br /> App['rcation ❑f Pro�eeds. Trustor sha11 promptly natify Lender af any I�ss ar damage �o �h� Property. Lender may
<br /> make prvo� of loss i� Trustor fails �o do so within fif�een ��5y days of the casual�y. VIlhe�her or n�t Lender's
<br /> se�urity is impaired, Lend�r may, at L�nder's election, �eceive and r�tain �he pro�eeds of any insurance and apply
<br /> �he prv�eeds ta the r�duc�ion a� th�: indebtedness, payment o� any lien affecting the Proper�y, ar �khe restara�ion
<br /> and repair of the Proper�y. �f Lender elec�s to appiy the praceeds �o res�aration and repair, Trustor shall repair or
<br /> replace the damaged or destrvyed Impro�ements in a manner sa�is�Fac�ary �o Lender. Lender sha�l, upon
<br /> satisfac�ory praof ❑� such expenditure, pay ar reimburse Trus�or from the pro�eeds �For the reasonable cas� af
<br /> repair �r rsstarativn if Trustor �s not in d�fault under this Deed Qf T�ust. Any proceeds which ha�e n�t been
<br /> disbursed with�n 180 days after their receip� and which Lender has no� committed to the repair or r�s�oration o�
<br /> the Property shall he used first�a pay any am�unt awing to Lender under this Deed af Trust, th�n �o pay accrued
<br /> interest, and the remainder, if any, shaE! be app��ed to the principa! balance of the Indebtedness. if Lender holds
<br /> any prv�eeds after payment in �Fu11 v� the Indebtedness, such proceeds shall be paid �o Trus�or as Trustor's
<br /> in�eres�s may appear.
<br /> Compliance with Exis�ing lndeb�ednsss. During the period in which any Existing [ndebtedness described below is
<br /> in effect, complianc� wi�h the insu�anGe prvv�sians con�ained in the ins�rumen� e�idenCing such Exis�ing
<br />