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��15�3�59 <br /> ��V} "Mvrtgage I nsurance" means �nsurance pr��ec�ing Lender aga�ns��he nonpa�ment�f, or default on, the <br /> L�an. <br /> ��]} "Periadic Payment" means the re�ulariy scheduled amaun�due for��}pr�nc�pal and �nterest under the <br /> No��, plus (ii} any amoun�s under Secti�n 3 of�his Securit� Ins�rument. <br /> {p} "RESPA'" means�he R�ai Es�ate Sett�ement Procedures Act��Z U.S.�. Section�6�� e�seq.} and its <br /> implemen�ing regulation, Regulat�an� �I Z�.F.R, Par� ��24}, as the�migh�be amended from t�me�o��rne, <br /> or an� additional nr successor legisiation or regulation�hat go�erns�he same subject matter. As used in this <br /> Securi�� �nstrument, "RESPA" r�fers to al� requ�remen�s and res�rictions that are impase� in regard�o a <br /> "f�derally r��ated rnortgage Ioa�r�" even�f th� Loan does not qua�ify as a "federa�iy re�ated mor�gag��oan'= <br /> under RFSPA. <br /> �C�} "Successvr in Interest of Borr�wer" means any par��tha�has taken title�o the Pr�per�y, whe�her ar not <br /> �hat par�y has assumed Borrower's o����a�ions under the No�e andlor�his ��curi�y �nstru�nent. <br /> Transfer vf R�ghts in tne Prvperty <br /> This Secur�t� �nstrument se�ur�s to Lender: ��}the repa�ment of�the Loa�., and alZ renev�rals, �xtensi�ns <br /> and modifications af the No�e; and ��i}�he perfor�mance of Borrower's co�enants and agreernen�s under <br /> �his Secur�ty Instrumen�and�he Note. For this purpose, Borrower irrev�cab�y grants and conveys <br /> �o Trus�ee, in�rus�, wi�h power of sale, the foliowing d�scribed proper��r �ocated �n the <br /> Cou�ty {Type of R�cordirtg.Tr�r�isdictian} <br /> of H a 1� {Na��2�of RQcarding Jut isdictiort}: <br /> Lot Four C4] , B1ock Tv�o ��� , Por�derosa Lake Estat�s Third 5ubdi�ision, an <br /> Add�t�op to the City af Grand Island, Ha11 C�unty, N�bras�a. <br /> Parce[ ID �Vumber: �vhich currently has the addre�s of <br /> l37 Pflnd�rosa Dr �S�reet� <br /> G ra nd I s 1 a nd ��ity}, Ne�raska 6$8D3 �Zip �'ode� <br /> �"Proper�y Address"}: <br /> Tfl�ETH�R W�TH aI� the impro�emen�s nov�r or her�af�er erected on the praper��, and al� easemen�s, <br /> appur��nanc�s, and f��tures nov�r or hereafter a part of the�ropert�. AI� replac�men�s and addi�ions shaii a�so�e <br /> covered by this Securi�y �ns�rument. A1I of�he foregoing is referred to �n thxs Securit� �ns�rumen�as�he <br /> "Property." <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle�ami6y-�annie MaelFreddie MaG UNI�ORM iNSTRUMENT �arm 3D�8 1101 <br /> VMP� VMP6�N�){i 3QZ} <br /> Wafters Kfuwer�inancial 5e��ices Page 3 of�7 <br />