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��15�3�59 <br /> �C� "L�nder" is �{am� F�d�ra� Sa��ngS and �.oan Assn of Grand I s�and <br /> Lender i� a Savi ngs and Loan <br /> �rganized and ex�s��ng under the�aws nf Th� St�t� of Nebrask� . <br /> Lender's address �s 22l S�ut� Locus� St �rand Is�and NE �88�1 <br /> . <br /> Lender is the beneficiary under��ais Secur�t� �nstr�m�nt. <br /> �D� "Truste�" zs Arepd R Baa�k, Attorney <br /> �E� "N vte" means�h�promi�sory not�s�gned by Borrower and dated M ay l5, ��l5 . The Note <br /> states tha�Borr��v�r owes Lender �N E F�UN DRE D 5 I XTY FDUR THDLISAN D AN D a�I l4� <br /> Doliars �U.S. $l�4,��D.�4 }p�us �nterest. Borrnwer has pramised �n pay th�s debt in regular <br /> Peri�di� Payments and to pay the debt in fu�� n�t�ater than �upe l, ��34 . <br /> �F} "P�operty" means the prop�rty�hat is descr�be�i beiow under the heading "Transf�r�f Rights �n�he <br /> Property." <br /> �G 3 "Loan" means the deb�e�idenced by the No�e, p�us interest, any pr�paymen�charges and �ate charges due <br /> under th� Note, and aI� sums du�under th�s Secur�t�r �nstrument, p�us inter�st. <br /> �H� "Riders" means a�� R�ders t� �his Security Instrum�nt that are execu�ed by Borrourer, The fallavving R�der� <br /> ar�to be executed by Borrower �check bnx as app�icabl��: <br /> [� Adjus�able Rate Rider [� C�ndaxn�niurx�.R.ider � Second Home Rider <br /> � Balloon Rider � P�anned Unit De�elopment R�der 0 1�4 Fami��Rider <br /> �VA R�der � Biweekly Pa�men�Rider 0 �ther�s} �specify� <br /> 41� "Appl�cable Law" m�ans al� contralling appiicable fed�ral, �tate and local statutes, reguiations, ardinances <br /> and admin�strat��e ru�es ar�d arders ��hat ha�e the effect of law} as w�il as al� applic:able final, non--appealable <br /> �u�ic�ai apin�ons. <br /> �J� "�vmmunity Assaciation Dues, Fees, and Assessm�nts" means aI� dues, fees, assessments and oth�r <br /> charges that are impos�d on Borrower or the Property by a condaminium association, hameown�rs <br /> ass�c�ation or simiiar or�anization. <br /> �K� "Electrani� Funds Transf�r" means any transfer of funds, �ther than a transactz�n�r�ginated by�h�ck, <br /> draf�, ar similar paper�nstrument, which is ini��a�ed through an e�ectronic terminal, �e��phon�c �n�trumen�, <br /> computer, or magn�tic tape s� as to order, instruct, ar authorize a financiai institution to deb�t or cred��an <br /> accoun�. 5uch term inc�udes, but is not lim�ted ta, po�nt�of sale�ransfers, au�omated teller machine <br /> transac�ions, transfers �nzt�a��d b� teleph�ne, �vire transf�rs, and automa�ed clear�n�house transfers. <br /> {L� "Es�r�w �temsTT means thase�tems that are de�cri�ed in Section 3. <br /> ��V�� "Misc�l�anevus Prv�eeds" means any�ompensati�n, se�tlement, award of damages, or proc��ds paid b� <br /> an�third par�y ���h�r than insurance proceeds pa�d under the coverages de�cribed in Sectian S} far: �i} <br /> damage tfl, �r destruct�on of, the Pr�per�y; �ii} candemnati�n or oth�r taking of all or any par�of the <br /> Praperty; ���i} canv�yan�e in lieu of condemnat�on; or��v} m�sr�pres�ntatians of, or omaiss�ons as to, the <br /> value andlor conditian of the Pra ert . <br /> NEgRASKA-Singfe Family-Fanni�M��I�reddie Mac UNIF�RM ENSTRUMENT Fvrm 3d28 11D� <br /> VMP a VMP6�NE�t13�2� <br /> Walters Kluwer�inancia�Ser�ic�s Page 2 of'!7' <br />