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��15�31SS <br /> Any amoun�s d�sbursed by Lender und�r �his sec�ion shal� be�ame addit�anal debt of Sorrawer secured by �h�s <br /> Securz�y �nstrumen�. Unless B�rro�er and Lender agree �o ath�r �erms of�ayment, these amoun�s shall bear <br /> �n�erest fram the date of disbursemen� a� �he same rate assess�d an advan�es under �he Contract and sha11 be <br /> payable,vvi�h xn�er�s�,up�n noti�e from Lend�r�a Borro�ver requestxng paymen�. <br /> Inspectian. Lender �r ��s agen� may make reasonable entries upon and inspec�ions of�he Property. Lender shal� <br /> gzve Borrov�er notice at the time of or priar�o an inspec�ian spec�fying reasonab�e cause f�r�he inspec��on. <br /> �andemna�xon. The proceeds af any award�r cla�m far damages, direct or consequent�a�, in connec�ion v�i�h any <br /> candemnatz�n or o�her taking of any par�of�he Property, ar for conveyan�e in lieu of condemnati�n, are hereby <br /> ass�gn�d and shal��e paid�o Lender. <br /> In �he e��nt of a total taking af the Property, �he pr�ce�ds shall be appl�ed �o �he sums secured hy �h�s 5ecurity <br /> �nstrument, whe�her or n�� �h�n due, with any exc�ss paid to Barrower. �n �he event af a par��al �aking of�he <br /> Property �rz wh�ch th� fair market value of the Proper�y immedxate�y befare the �akin� �s �qua��o or greater�han <br /> �he amoun� of�he sums se�ured by �his Security �nstrumen� immediate�y before the taking, unless B�rroWer and <br /> Lender otherw�se agree in writing,�he sums secured by�his Securi�y�ns�rument shall be reduc�d by the am�un�of <br /> �he proc�eds mult�p��ed by�he fo��ov��ng frac�xon: �a}�he�o�al amoun�of�he sums secured immedia�ely before�he <br /> �aking, dxvzded by �b� �he fa�r market�alue of the Property �rnmediately �ef�re the taking. Any ba�an�e sha�l be <br /> paid to Borrawer. In the e�en� of a paz-�ia� ta�ing of�he Praperty in which �he fa�r mar�et va�ue of�he Proper�y <br /> �mmedia�ely before �he taking xs �ess fihan the am�un� of the sums secured immediately h�for� �he �ak�ng, un�ess <br /> Borrov�rer and Lender o�herv��se agree in writ�ng or unless App���ab�e Law atherv��se pravides, �he proceeds shall <br /> be app�ied ta the sums secured by�h�s Securxty Ins�rumen�whe�her or nat�he sums are�hen du�. <br /> �f the Propez�ty �s abandaned by Barrower, ar if, after no��ce by Lender�a Barrower�ha��he condemnor off�rs�a <br /> make an award or settle a c�axm for damages, Borrawer fa�ls to respond�o Lender vwi�hin the minimum numb�r of <br /> days esta�lished by App��cab�e Law after�he date�he no�ic��s g��en,Lender�s au�h�rized�a co���ct and apply the <br /> proce�ds, a� z�s option, either to res��ra��on or repair of the Pr�perty or �a the sums secured by th�s Securx�y <br /> �nstrument,whether or not�hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Barrovver othe�-v�ise agree in v�r�tzng, any app�ica�ian of praceeds�o princ�pal sha11 no�extend <br /> �r pas�p�ne the due date af�he paymen�s due under�h�Contrac�or change the amounf of su�h paymen�s. <br /> Bnrrow�r Not Released; Fvr�earance By Lender Nat a ''V�a�ver. Ex�ens�an of the tim� far payment �r <br /> mod��ca�ion of amor����n af�he sums secured by thzs Secur��y �nstrument granted by Len�er �o Barrov�er or <br /> an� successor in interes� of Borrower shall nat �pera�e �o re�ease �he ��abx��ty af the origina� Borrower or <br /> Borrovver's successors in in�eres�. Lender sha��not be requ�red to�ommence proce�dings aga�ns�any suc�essnr in <br /> �n�er�s�ar refuse to ex��nd�ime for payment or otherwise madify amor��zation of�he sums secured by�his Security <br /> �ns�rumen� by reas�n of any demand made by �he ariginal Borrower or Barrower's success�rs �n in�erest. Any <br /> forbearanc�by Lender in exerc�sxng any righ��r remedy sha11 nat be a waiver of or prec�ude th� exercise of any <br /> r�gh�or reme dy. <br /> Suc�essor� and A�sxgn� Bound; Jo�nt and Several Liab���ty; Acc�mmodation S�gners. The covenan�s and <br /> agre�ments af�his Securi�y �nstrumen�sha1l bznd and benefi�the successors and assigns af Lender and Borrov�er, <br /> sub�ec� �o the pra�isions of sec�i�n �itled Transfer of �he Pr�perty or a Benef���a� Interest in Sarrawer. <br /> Borrower's covenan�s and agreements shall be�oint and several. Any pers�n wha co-signs�his Securi�y Instrum�nt <br /> but has no personal liability under �he Contract �"Accommodat��n Signer"}: �a� �s co-signing th�s Se�uri�ty <br /> Ins�rument onl� �a mor�gage, grant and convey �h.a� Ac�ommadation S�gner's interes� �n �he Prop�rty under the <br /> terms of �he Secur�ty �nstrument; �b� is not personal�y �bliga��d to pay the sums secured b}� �his Security <br /> �nstrumen�; and�c} agrees�hat L�nd�r and any a�her Borrower may agree to ex�endy modify, forbear ar ma�e any <br /> ac�ammnda�xons v�i�h regard t�the terms of�his Security Instr�umen�or�he�ontrac�wxthou�that Accammodatian <br /> Signer's consen�. <br /> Loan Charges. �f�he ��an secured by �his Securi�y �ns�rum�n� zs subj ec� �o a �aw v�hich sets maximum �oan <br /> charges, and�hat lav� �s fnally �nterpreted so�hat�he int�rest or other laan Gharges col�e��ed or�a be cal�ected in <br /> cflnnectx�n vwx�h �he loan exceed �he permit�ed ��mits, then: �a} any such �oan charge shal� b� reduced by the <br /> amaunt necessary�o reduce the charge to the permitted lim.��s and�b� any sum.s already col�ec�ed from Borr�vver <br /> which exceeded permitted �xmi�s vvi�l be refunded to Borrov�er. Lender may chaos� �o make thzs refund by <br /> reducing�th� pr�nc�pal owed under the Con�ract or by mak�ng a direc�payment to BorravWer. �f a r�fund reduces <br /> prxnc�pal,�he r�duct�an w��1 be tr�ated as a partza�prepayment under�he Can�ract. <br /> Not��es. Any na��ce ta Barrower provided for in th�s Security �ns�umen� sha�� be given b� de��Wering �� �r by <br /> mai�ing��by first class max�unless App��cable Law requ�res use of ano�her method. The no�ice sha��be direc�ed�o <br /> �he Prop�r�y Address or any o�her address Borrower designates �y n���ce �o Lender. Borrower agr�es ta praW�de <br /> Lender�zth Borrawer's mos� current rnax�ing address, as it may change fr�m�im�-�o-��me. Any no�ic� �a Lender <br /> sha��be g��en by f rs�class ma��to Lend�r's address s�ated herein or any o�her address Lender desxgr�a��s by no��ce <br /> ta Borrower. Any notice�ro�ided far xn�his Security�nstrumen�shall be deem�d�a hav�be�n giv�n�o Barrower <br /> ar L�nder when giv�n as provided in th�s paragraph. <br /> Go�erning Law; Se�erabil�ty.Th�s Security�nstrumen�shall be governed by federa��aw and�he laws of the s�a�e <br /> of Nebraska. �n �he event �hat any pravxsion or c�ause of this S�curi�y Instrument or the Con�ract conflicts w�th <br /> App�icab�� Law, such conflic� sha�l not affect other provisians af this Security Ins�rumen� or the Contrac� wh�ch <br /> can be grven effec�w��hou�the conflict�ng pro�ision. To�his�nd the proviszans of�his Securi�y Instrument and the <br /> Contract are dec�ared to be severable. <br /> C�2d04-2DI4 C�mpliance Systems,inc.FD64-059C-2413LZ.I0.1.895 <br /> Cons��er Rea�Estate-Security Instnt.ment DL2�3d Page 3 of 5 ww��.campliancesystems.c�m <br />
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