<br /> B arrawer and Lender c��enan�and agree as fo��ow s:
<br /> Payment�f Principa�and �[nterest; �ther Char�es.Borrower shal�promptly pay�hen due�he principal�f and
<br /> �nteres�an�he debt owed un�er the�ontract and la�e charges or any oth�r fees and charges due under�he Contrac�.
<br /> App��cabze Law. As used in thxs Secur��y �ns�rumen�, the ��rm "Appli�able Lav�" shal� mean a�� c�ntr����ng
<br /> app��cab�e federal, state and Iocal statutes, regu�atzons, ordinanc�s and adrriinis�ra�ive rules and arders �that have
<br /> �he effe��of Iaw�as v�el�as all applicable�inal,non-appealable�udi�ial opinians.
<br /> Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay aIl taxes, assessmen�s, charges, f�nes and impos�tions at�ributabl� to the
<br /> Prop�rry whi�h may at�ain priorit� over�his Secur�� Instrument, and �easeho�d paym�nts or grour�d r�n�s, �f any.
<br /> A�the reques�of L�nder,Borrower shall promp��y furnish to Lender receip�s evidencing the payments.
<br /> Borrower shal�prompt�y discharge any Iien v�h�ch has pri�rity over this Security �ns�rumen�un�ess Borrov�er: �a}
<br /> agrees in writing �o �he pa�ment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptab�e �o Lender; �b}
<br /> contests �n gflo�i faith the li�en by, or defends agaimst enfarcement vf the Iien in, 1egal proceedings which �n the
<br /> Lender's apin�on op�ra�e �� preven� �he enfor�ement af�he �i�n; ar �c} se�ures fram �he holder af�he �ien an
<br /> agreement sa�isfactory to Lender subordinating the �ien to th�s Security Ynstrument. Zf Lender determ�nes that an�
<br /> part of the Property is subj�c�to a l�en whi�h ma}� at�ain pr�ority o�er�h�s Security rnstrument, Lender may g�ve
<br /> Borrawer a natice iden��fying the �ien. Borrov�er shall satisfy the lien or tak� one or more of the actions set forth
<br /> ahove within �fl days of�he�i��ng of notice.
<br /> Hazard or Praper�y Insurance, Borr�wer shaX�k�eep th� im.provements n�W ex�sting or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Properry insured aga�nst�oss�y fire,hazards in�lud�d w�thin the�erm"extended coverage" and any other ha2ards,
<br /> including floods ar floodzn�, for which Lender requires �nsurance. This insurance shall be main�ained in the
<br /> amaunts and for the periods�hat Lenc�er requ�res. �he insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by
<br /> Bnrrower sub�ect ta Lender's approva� v�h�ch sha�l nnt be unreasonab�y v�rithhe�d. �f Barrower f�.ils �o maintain
<br /> co�erage described a�ave, Lender may, at L�nder's opt�on, ab�ain �o��rage �o prfl�ect Lender's r�gh�s in the
<br /> Propert�in accordance vvith sec�ron����ed�rote�tion of Lender's Rights in the Property.
<br /> A�� znsurance policies and r�nev�als shal� be acceptable to Lender and shall inc�ude a s�andard m�r�gage c�ause.
<br /> Lender shall ha�e�he r�ght to h��d the pfll�cies and renev�al�. rf Lender r�quires, Barrflwer sha��pramptly g��e�fl
<br /> Lender a�l re�e�pts af paxd premiu.ms and renewal notices. �n th� e�ent�f loss, Borrower sha��g��e prampt not�ce
<br /> to the insuranc�carrier an�Lend�r.L�nder may make proof af loss�f not made promptly by Borrflv�er.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borr�v��r o�herwise �.gree in wr��ing, �nsurance pro�eeds shal� be app�ied t� restoration or
<br /> repa�r of�he Prop�rty dama,�ed, �f, in Lend�r's sole d�scre��on, the restora�ion �r repair is economically feasib�e
<br /> and Lender's security is not Iessened. �f, in Lender°s sflle discretion, �he restora��on �r repair is n�� ecanomically
<br /> feas�ble�r Lender's se�urity v�ou�d be�essened,the insurance pr�ceeds sha1l b�appl�ed to the sums secured by this
<br /> Securi�y �nstrumen�, wheth�r or nat �hen due, wx�h any excess pa�d to Barrower. If Borr�wer abandons the
<br /> Proper�y,or does not answer v�ith�n�he nu.mb�r of days prescribed by Applica�Ie Law as se�for�h�r�a no��ce from
<br /> Lend�r�o Borrower�ha��he insurance carrier has �ffered�o set�Ie a claim, then Lender may co��ect the insurance
<br /> prflceeds. Lender may use �he proceeds �o repa�r or restore �he Praperty or to pay sums secured b�this Securit�
<br /> �nstrument,whe�her or na�t�en due.The period of�ime far Borrovver�o answer as se�t forth�n�he not�ce w�ll begin
<br /> when the notice is gx�eri.
<br /> Un�ess L�nder and Borrowe���herwise agree �n wr�ting, any appli�a�iQn of proceeds�a principal sha�l no��x�end
<br /> or pos�pone�he due da�e af�the paymen�s due under the �on�ract or chang�the amaun��f�he payments. zf under
<br /> �h� se�tion tit�ed Accelera�i�n; Remedies, �he Property is a�quired by Lender, Barrawer's right t� any insurance
<br /> poli�ies and proceeds resul��ng from damage �o the Property prior to the acquisition sha�l pass to Lender to th�
<br /> extent of�he sums secur�d b�this Security rnstrumen��mmed�ately prior t�the acquisx��on.
<br /> Preservation, Maintenan�e and Protect�on vf the Property; Borrawer's Loan App��cat�ony Leaseholds.
<br /> Barr�vv�r shall not destroy, damage or impa�r�he Prflper�y, allvw the Prapert�ta de�eriorate, or comm��r�aste on
<br /> �he Proper�y. Barr�v�er shall be in defau�t if any forfe�ture action or pr�ceed�ng,whether ci�il or criminal,is�egun
<br /> tha� in Lender's good faz�h j�adgmen� cou�d result �n forfeiture of the Properfiy or o�herv��se ma�erial�y impa�r the
<br /> �ien crea�ed by �his Securz� Znstrumen� or Lend�r's securi�y �nterest. Borr�w�r may cure such a �efau�t and
<br /> reinstat�, as prov�ded xn section titled Borrower�s l�igh� ta Reinstate, by�auszzag the actian or proceed�ng t� be
<br /> dism�ssed vv�th a rul�ng tha�, in Lender's good faith determ�nation,pre�ludes farfe�tur�af the Barro�er's in�erest in
<br /> the Proper�y or other materia� �mpairment of�he �ien created b� th�s Secur�ty Instru.ment or Lender's security
<br /> in�erest.Borrower sha��also be in d�fault�f Borrov��er,during�he��an appl�ca��on process,ga�e mater�a�ly false or
<br /> inaccura�e inf�rmation or st�.temen�s �o Lender �ar failed to pro��de L�nder u�ith any mater�al information� in
<br /> connec��on w�th�h.e Ioan evidenced b�the �ontrac�. If this Se�ur�ty �ns�rument is �n a Ieasehald, Borrower shal�
<br /> �ompl�vvi�h all the pr�visio�s af the lease. �f Borravv�r acqu�res fee�itle�o the Property,�he�easeho�d and the fee
<br /> title shal�not merge unless L�nd�r agrees to�he mer�ger in wri�ing. �
<br /> Pratecti�n af Lender's Right� in the Prop�rty. If Borrower fa��s t� perform the �ovenan�s a�d agreements
<br /> contained�n�his Secur��y�ns�rument, or ther� is a legal proceedi.ng that may signxf can�ly affec�Le�d�r's r�ghts in
<br /> the Property �su�h as a pro�eeding zn bankrup�cy, proba�e, for condemnation or forfei�ure Qr�o e�f�rce �aws ar
<br /> regula�i�ns}, �hen Lend�r may do an� pay for whatever is ne�essary �o pro�ec� �he value af�he Property and
<br /> Lender's rxgh�s in�he Pr�per�y. Lender`s a�tions may include paying any sums secured by a Ixen whi�h has pri�r�ty
<br /> a�er this Security�ns�rument, appear�ng�n cour�,paying reasonab�e at�orneys'fees and entering on�he Properfiy to
<br /> make r�pairs.Al�hough Lender may�ake actxan und�r�h�s section,Lender does no�ha�e to do so.
<br /> C 24Q4-24I4 Carnpliance Systems,Tnc.FD6D-Cd9C-2013L2.10,1,$95
<br /> Cvnsumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2fl35 Pa�e 2�f S www,campliancesystems.corn
<br />