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��15�3�7� <br /> DEED �F TRU�T <br /> Loan Nv: �i�I'I'I�4a3 ��Ontinued� Page � <br /> Trustee. Trus�ee shalf ineet all qualifications requir�d far Trustee under applicab[e law. In addition �o the r��h�s <br /> and remedies se�for�h abo�e, w��h �espec��a all or any par� o��he Property, fhe Trustee shalf have �he righ��o <br /> forecfase by nofiice an� sa�e, and Lender shall ha�e �he right�o foreclose by judicial fflre�lvsure, �n either case in <br /> accardance wifih�nd to�he full e�tent pro�ided by applicab�e�aw. <br /> 5uccessar Trus�ee. Lender, at Lender's option, may frvm time�o time appoin�a successor Trustee ta any Trust�e <br /> appoin�ed under�his Deed a�T�ust by an �ns�rumen# executed and acknow[edged �ay Lender and recorded in �he <br /> af�ice of the recvrder of Hai[ County, Sfia#e of Nebraska. The instrumen� shall con�ain, in addition �o a�l v�her <br /> matters required by sta�e law, the names of the ariginaf Lender, Trus�ee, and Trustor, the boak and page �ar <br /> compu�er system re�erence} where this Deed of Trust is rec�rded, and the name and address of the suc�essor <br /> trus�ee, and�he ins�rumen�shall be executed and a�knawledged by al[the beneficiaries unde�-�his Deed of Trust or <br /> th�ir su�cessars in interes�. The successor trustee, v►�i-�hout canveyance vf the Proper�y, shall suc�eed �a a�f �he <br /> fii�le, pvwer,and duties conferred upon�h�T�ustee in�his❑eed af Trus�and by applicable law. This pr�cedure�ar <br /> subs��tu�ian of�rusfiee sha��govern to the exc[usion of all other pro�isivns�ar substi�ut��n. <br /> NDTICES. Any natice �required to be gi�en under�his Deed of Trust, inc[uding with�u�limifiation any n�ti�� af de�aul� <br /> and any notice o�sa�e sha[f be given in writing, and shall be effec���e when actua[ly de�i�ered,when actuaC�y�rece��ed <br /> by�elefacsimile�un�ess otherwise requ�red by�aw},when deposited�nri�h a natianally re�agnized vvernigh��ourier, or, �f <br /> mai�ed,when dep�sited in the United 5�afes maif, as first class, cer�ified�r regis�ered mail postage prepaid,dire��ed�o <br /> the addresses shown nea�the beginning o�F this Deed o�T�-ust. Alf �opies o�notices of�ore�losure from the holder a� <br /> any lien which has priority o�er this Deed �f Trus�shall be sent ta Lender`s address, as sh�vvn near the beginning a� <br /> this Deed af Trusfi. Any par�y may change its address for no�i�es under this Deed af Trust by gi�ing forma! written <br /> notice fio �he ofiher parties, speci�ying that the purp�se of the no�ice is ta change fhe par�y's address. For notice <br /> purposes, Trustor agrees tv keep Lender informed afi a[1 times of Trustor's curren�address. L]nless vtherwise pr�vided <br /> or required by[arrv, if there is m�re fhan on�Trus�or,any no�ice given by Lender�o any Trustor is deemed�a be no�ice <br /> giWen ta afl Trus#ors. <br /> N[[SCELLANEaUS P[��VISI�NS. The fo�lowing miscelfaneous pro�isions are a par�of this Deed af Trus�: <br /> Amendments. This Deed of T�us�,�ogethe�wi�th any Related ❑ocuments, �vns�itutes�h��ntire unders�anding and <br /> agreemenf af the par�ies as�o the mat�ers set forth �r�this Deed of Trus�. Nv al�era�ion of❑r amendment to this <br /> �eed of Trust shall be effectiWe un[ess given in writing and signed by�he par�y❑r parties s�ught�a be charged or <br /> b�und by fhe altera�ion or amendment. <br /> Annual Repor�s. If �he Property is used far purposes o�her than Trus�or's residence, Trus�or shall €urn€sh to <br /> Lender, upon request, a Ger�ified s�atement �f ne� operating income recei�ed from the Pr�perty during Trustor's <br /> previous �iscal year in such form and de�ail as Lender shall requ�re. "'Ne��perating income" shafl mean al[ cash <br /> receipts from the Praperty less all cash expendi�ures made in canne���on wi�h the apera�ian o�the P�oper�y. <br /> Gapt�on Headings. Caption head�ngs in this Deed af Trusf are for �onWenience purp�ses on�y and are na��o be <br /> used ta interpret vr define the pro�is�ons of�his D��d af Trus�. <br /> Merger. There shall be na merger of the in�erest or estate created by�his Deed af Trust with any o�her in�erest vr <br /> esta�e�n the Prope�ty at any time held by or for�he bene�fi�af Lender in any capacity,without the written consent <br /> of Lender. <br /> Governing Law. This aeed o�Trus�will he gvverned by federal law app[icahle �a Lender and, #o the ex�ent not <br /> preempfed by federal [aw,�he [aws o�th�Sta����1Nebraska rrv��hout regard�o i�s conf�i��s o�F l�rnr pr��risions. Th�s <br /> Deed of Trusf has been ac�ep�ed by Lender in the S�a�e v�1Vebraska. <br /> Chaice of Venue. If�he�e �s a lawsuit, Trustor agrees upan Lender's reque�t to submit tt� th�jurisd�ct�on af fihe <br /> cour�s of Ha[[Cvu nty, State af Nebraska. <br /> Jvint and Severa� Liability. Rfl vbfigations of Trusfiar under�his Qeed of Trus�shall be joint and several, and al� <br /> referen�es t� Trustar shal[ mean each and ��ery Trus�or. This means �tha� each T�-ustar signing belaw is <br /> �esponsible for al[obligafii�ns�n this Deed of Trus�. <br /> Nv�111ai►rer by Lender. Lender shall na�be d�emed to ha�e wai�ed any r�ghts under�his Deed of Trust un�ess su�h <br /> wai�er is gi�en in writ�ng and s�gned by Lend�r. Na de�ay�r vmission on the part af Lender in exercising any right <br /> shall opera�e as a wai�er of such right or any o�her righ�. A wai�er by Lender a�a provision af this Desd af Trust <br /> shall no�t prejudice or cvns�itute a wai�er of Lender's r�ghfi vthe�-wi�e ta demand strict compl�ance ervi�h that <br /> proWisian or any other prv��sion ��F �hi� Deed of Trus�. No privr vvai�er by Lender, nor any �ou�-se af dea�ing <br /> b��ween Lender and Trustv�, sha[I �onsti�u�te a vvai�er of any af Lender's righ�s or o��ny of Trus�or's�bli�ations <br /> as�a any fufure�ransactions. `lVhene�er�he consent a�Lender�s required under this �3eed of°T'rus�,the gran�ing <br /> o�su�h consen� by Lender�n any instance shall no�cflns�i�ut�cvnfiinu�ng consen��o subsequent�nstan��s where <br /> such cvnsen�is required and in a[I cases such cansent may�e granted or w��hhe�d in the so[e discretion of Lende�-. <br /> Serre�rability. lf a caurt�f campe�ent jurisdic�ion finds any pro�isian af�his Deed of T�-ust to fbe i[legaf, in�afid, ar <br /> unenfarceable as to any person❑r circumstance,tha�finding shall not make the o�Fending provision illega[, in�afid, <br /> vr unenfvrceable as to any ofiher person vr �ir�umstance. If feasible, �he o�ffending prvvision shall be considered <br /> modifed so that it becomes legal, �alid and enforceab[e. !f�he afi�ending pro��s�on cannvt be so modified, i�shall <br /> b� cansidered deleted from this D�ed af Trus�. Un[�ss o�henrv�se �-equired by law, the i�legality, in�alidi�y, or <br /> unenforceabi[ity o�r any pro�ision of th�s De�d af Trus� shall nat a�fect the legali�y, va[idity ar enforceabili�y of any <br /> other pro�isifln vf�his De�d of Trusfi. <br /> Successvr� and Assigns. 5ubje�t�o any limita�ions s�a�ed in �his Deed of Trust on transfer a�Trustor's in�erest, <br /> �his Deed o�T�-us�shall be hin�ing upon and �nure t�the bene�i� of fihe parties, #heFr successvrs and assigns. [t <br /> ovvnership a��he Property becomes vested in a persar�other�han T�-us�or, Lender=without no#ice ta Trus�or, may <br /> deal�vith Trust�r`s suc�essors with refe�ence�o this Qeed af Trust and the lndeb�edraess by way�f forbearance ar <br /> extension withou�releasing T�us�or from the ahl�ga�ions of this Deed of T�ust or liabiii�y under the�ndeb#edness. <br /> Tirr�e is af the Essence. Time is of fihe essence in the pe�ormance of�his Deed af Trust. <br /> �II�aiWer of Homestead E�cempfion. Trustor h�reby re[eases and wai�es al[ rights and benefits o��he homestead <br /> exemp�ion laws o�F the Sfiate vf Nebraska as t�all lndeb�edness se�ured by this Deed o�Trust. <br /> ❑EFIN[TI�NS. Th�follav+ring capi�al�zed wards and terms shall have the follawing meanings�vhen used in this Deed o� <br /> Trust. Unless spec��icafly sfiafied to the contrary, ail �ef�rences ta do�Ia�amounts shal� mean amaunts in lawful money <br /> of the Uni�ed S�a�es of America. �lllards and terms used in #he singu�ar shall include �he plural, and �he pluraf shall <br /> include �he singu[ar, as the cc�nfiexf may require. 111lo�ds and �erms nv�a�herw�se defined in �his Deed a�Trust shall <br /> haWe the mean�ngs attributed to such terms in�he Unifa�-m�omm�rcial Code: <br /> Bene�iciary. Th�word"Benefic�ary"means Firs�National Bank of�maha,and i�s successars and assigns. <br /> Barrawer. �he w�rd "Borrower°° rneans lllfinh Thu T Ho�ng and Jenny Tran and includes al[ �o-sign�rs and <br /> co-makers signing the fVot�and al�their successor�and assigns. <br /> De�ci o�Trust. `�'he wards "De�d o� T�-us�'° ra7ean this �eed o�Trus� among Trus�cor, Lender, and �rustee, and <br /> �nc�udes uvi�hau� limi�ation aIl asslgnment and se�u�ity in�eres� pro�isions relating �o �he Persanal Property and <br /> Ren�s. <br />