<br /> DEED �F T�U�T
<br /> Laan No: '�'�'l'[74�3 ��an�i�tu�d� Page 4
<br /> reimburse Lender for all expenses �ncu�-red in per�ec�ing�r cont�nuing�his se�u�ity in#erest. Up�n de€ault, Trustor
<br /> shaf[ nat remv�e, se�er o�-de�ach �he Persnnaf Property from �he Property. Upan defau[�, Trustvr shall assem�fe
<br /> any Persona[ Prop�rty nv�a�Fixed t�the P�-operty in a manner and a�a place reasonab[y conWenien��a Trustor and
<br /> Lender and make it avai�ab�e �o Lender wi�hin three �3} days after receipf vf wri�ten demand from Lender ta the
<br /> extent permitted by applicab[e[aw.
<br /> Addresses. The mai[�ng addresses af Trustor �deh�or} and Lender �secured pa�ty� �rom whi�h informa�ivn
<br /> �oncerning the security in�erest granted by this Deed of Trust may b� oh�ained �each as required by�he Uniform
<br /> Commer�ial Ctide}ar�as s�a�ed on�he f rs�page of th is Deed af Trus�.
<br /> F�RTHER ASSURAN�ES; ATTaRiVEY-�N-FACT. The follvvving prflvisions re�a�ing �� further assuranGes and
<br /> attorney-in-fa��are a par�af�hiS L�eed of Trus�:
<br /> Further Assurances. At any time, and from��me ta firne, upvn reques��f Lender, Trusfor will make, execute and
<br /> deli�re�, or will cause�a be made, exe�uted or-defi�ered,tc�Lender ar to Lender's design��,and when requested by
<br /> Lende�, caus��a be filed, re�orded, refiled, vr rerecorded, as�he case may be, at such �imes and in su�h off�ces
<br /> and p�aces as Lender may deem apprapriate, any and al[ such morkgages, deeds of trust, securi�y de�ds, se�urity
<br /> agre�men�s, financing sta�ements, cvn�inuati�n s�a�ements, instruments af further assuran�e, certifica�es, and
<br /> other dvcuments as may, in#he sa�e op�nion af L�nder, be necessary ar des�rable in order�a efFectua��, �vmple�e,
<br /> perFect, cantinue, or preserve �'f} Trus�or's ab�igatians under�he Note, this D�ed of Trust, and �he Re�a�ed
<br /> flocuments, and {�} the �iens and se�ur��y in�er�sts created by this Deed of Trus�as firs�and privr liens an fhe
<br /> Prvpet�y,whe�her n�w awned ar hereaft�r a�quired by Trust�r. Unless prvhibited by law or Lender agrees�a the
<br /> �an�rary in writin�, T�-usfiar shaf[ reimburse Lender for ali cos�s and expenses incurred in conne�tion with the
<br /> matters referred�o�n this paragraph.
<br /> A#tvrney-in-Fact. if Trus�ar fails�a da any af the fhings referred tv in �he preceding parag�aph, Lend�r may do so
<br /> �or and in the name vf Trustor and at Trustor's expense. For such purpvses, Trustar hereby irre�ocably appoin�s
<br /> Lender as Trusfar°s attorney-in��act fo�-the purpvse vf making, execu�ing, delE�ering,f€�ing, recard�ng, and doing all
<br /> o�he�-thin�s as may be necessary vr desirable, in Lender's safe ap€nion, to a�complish the matters �eferred t� in
<br /> �he preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. If Trustor pays al� the lndebtedness when due, and �fiherwise perForms a�l �h� abliga��ons
<br /> impased upon Trus�vr unde�- this Deed of Trus�, L�nde� shall execu�e and deli�er ta Trustee a request fnr full
<br /> re��n�eyance and shall execute and de[i�er fia Trustor suitab[e statements of�erm�na��on vf any finan�ing s#atemen�vn
<br /> f��e�iden��ng Lender's security inter�sf in the Rents and the Personal Properiy. Any reconv�yance fee required by law
<br /> sha[[be paid by Trustor, i�permitted by appl�cable law.
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFA�LT. Each �f fhe f�rflavvirtg, at Lender's ❑ption, sha�� cvns�i�tute an E�ent o�De�ault under this Deed
<br /> o�Trust:
<br /> Payrr�ent Defau�t. Trusfor faiEs to make any payment�nrhen due under th�lndebtedness.
<br /> Dther Defaudts. Trustor fai�s tn Gomply wfth ❑r �o pe�fiorm any �ther term, obliga�ians co�enan� ❑r condi�ion
<br /> Gantained in �his Deed o�Trust or in any o�the Re�ated i]vcumenfis or to comply with or �o pee-Form any te�m,
<br /> obliga�ion,covenan��r cvndition contained in any o�her�greemen�be�ween Lender and�rus�or.
<br /> Campl�ance De�Faulfi. Failure t� camply wi�h any o�her term, �b[igat�on, ca�renant ❑r �ondifion contained in this
<br /> Deed ot Trust,the No�e or in any af�he Rela�ed Documents,
<br /> Default an ather Payments. Failure a�F Trustor wi�hin�he t�me required by�his Deed of Trus�to make any paymen�
<br /> �or�axes or insurance,or any o�her payment necessary�o p�-e��n�fifing of or to e�Fe�f discharge v�any[ien.
<br /> Default�n Favor of Third Pa�ties. Shou�d Grantvr default under any�van, ext�nsion of cred��, securi�y agreemen�,
<br /> put�chase or sales agreemen�, or an�other ag�eernent, in fa�ar o�any ather creditor or person tha�may materially
<br /> af�ect any af Gran�or's property or G�rantor's abi[�#y ta repay the Indebtedness ar Grantor's ability �o pe�far�m
<br /> Grantor's oh�igat�ons under�his❑eed of Trus�or any of#he Re�ated Documents.
<br /> False Sta�ements. Any warran�ty, represen�a�ion ❑r sfatement made ❑r furnished fio Lender by Trus�vr ar on
<br /> Trus�or's behalf under this Deed af Trust ar the Related Documents is fa[se vr mis�ead�ng in any rnaterial respeci,
<br /> either now or at the tirr�e made or�urnished ar becom�s false❑r misleading at any�[m��her�af�er.
<br /> D�fec�irr� Cv�la�eraliza�ion. This Qe�d of Trust or any o�the Rela�ed Documenfis ceases �a be En �u�� �orce and
<br /> efF�c� �inc�uding failure of any collateral document to create a �alid and pe�fected secur[ty fnferest ar�ien} at any
<br /> �ime and fvr any reasan.
<br /> Dea�h ar fnsolvency. The death of Trus�or,fhe insv��en�y af Trustvr,the app�intment of a receiver for any pa�o�
<br /> Trus�ar's proper�y, any assignment fQr '�he benefit af creditars, any �ype v�f creditor wvr�cou�, or the
<br /> cammencernent af any pro�eeding under any bankruptcy or insol�ency Iaws by or a�ainst Trustor.
<br /> �r�d�tor or Forfeitur� Praceedings. Commencement of forec�osure or for�eiture pro�eedings, whe�her by fudicial
<br /> pro�eeding,self h�1p,repossession or any ather method, by any c�editar of Trust��-vr by any go�ernmen�al agency
<br /> against any prop�r�y securing the lndebtedness. This includ�s a garnishment of any of Trus#or's a�caunts,
<br /> including deposit ac�oun�s, with Lender. Howe�er, this E�ent of Default shall nat apply if there is a good fai�h
<br /> dispu�e by Trustor as �o the�alidi�y or r�asonableness o�r�th� claim which is the bas€s �f the credi�or ar for�ei�ure
<br /> praceeding and 6�r Trustar gi��s Lende�w�itten nvtice o�the �redito�or farfei�ure proceeding and deposi�s with
<br /> �ender monies os�a sure�ly bond�or the cr�ditor ar fvr�eiture prviceed�ng, in an amount defe�m�ned by Lender, in i�s
<br /> so�e discre��on,as being an adequate reserve vr band far the di�pufe.
<br /> 6reach af��her Agreemen�. Any breach by Trus�or under the�ermS af any a�her agreement between Trustor and
<br /> Lender that is not remedied within any grace period p�o��ded �here�n, �ncluding without [imi�a�ion any agr�emen�
<br /> conc�rning any inde���dness or o�her obfigatian af Trusto�to Lender,whether existing nvvv or later.
<br /> Events Aifecfiing Guarantvr. Any af the preceding e�ents occurs with respect to any guarantor, endorser, surefiy,
<br /> o� accommodativn par�y,of any of the lndebtedness or any guaranfvr, endorser, sure�y, ❑r accommodativn par�y
<br /> dies or becomes incompefenf, o� re�okes or disputes the �a[Fdity af, or [iabiEity under, any Guaran�y of the
<br /> lndeb�edness.
<br /> Ad�erse Change. A mater�al ad�erse chang� occurs �n Trustvr`s f nancial candition, ar Lender be[ieves the
<br /> prospec�af pa�mer�t ar�erFarmance of the[ndebtedness is impaired.
<br /> lnsecurity. Lender in gaod�Faith bel�eves itse�f insecure.
<br /> ��GHfTS AIVD IRE�[EDIES aN �EFAI�LT. [f an EWen�v��e�ault a�curs un�er�his Dsed vf Trus�, a�any�ime�hereafter,
<br /> Trustee ar Lender may exercise any vne ar mare of the�ollvvving righ�s and remedies:
<br /> Acce�e�ation Upon �efaul�;Addi�ianal Remedies. 1�any E�ent o�F Defaul�occurs as per�he terms o�f�he N��e
<br /> secured hereby, Lender may declare a[1 Indebtedness se�ured by�his Deed o�Trus�to be due and payab[�and
<br /> fihe same sha�l thereupon become due and payable with�uf any presentmen�,demand, p�atest or nati�e of any
<br /> kind. Therea�ker, Lender may:
<br /> �a} Either in persvn or by agent, with ❑r without bringing any actian or praceeding, ❑r hy a r�cei�er
<br /> appointed hy a caurt and withau�regard to the adequacy af its securi�y, enter upan and take pass�ssion
<br />