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��15�3��1 <br /> �on��nu��o pa� to L.ender the amount of�he separate�y designated pa�ments tha�were du�v�rhen the <br /> insurance co�erag�c�ased to b�in effec�. L�nder w�l� accep�, use and retain these pa�men�s as a <br /> non-refundabi�loss reser�e�n lieu of Mor��age Insurance. Such loss res�r�e shall be non-refundab�e, <br /> no�withstanding�he fact that the L.�an is ult�mat�Iy paid in ful�, and Lender sha11 not be required �o pa� <br /> Borravver an� in�eres�or earn�n�s fln such Ioss reser�e. Lend�r can no �on��r require Iass reserv�paym�n�s <br /> if MQr�gag��nsurance co��rage��n the a�mount and far the per�od that Lender requires�pro�rided b� an <br /> �nsurer selec�ed by Lender again becomes availabl�, is obtained, and Lend�r requires separate�y designa�ed <br /> paymen�s toward the premiums far Mor��a�e Insurance. �f Lender required Mortgag��nsurance as a <br /> c�ndition�f making the Loan and Borr�wer was required �o make separately des�gnated payments tov�rard the <br /> premiums f�r Mor�gage�nsurance, Barrower shall pa�r�he premiums r�qu�red to main�ain Mortgage <br /> �nsurance in effec�, or�a provid�a n�nwrefundab�e loss reserve, unt�� Lender's requirement for Ninrt�age <br /> �nsurance ends �n accflrdance wi�h any v�ri�ten a�reemen�between Borrower and Lender pra��ding for such <br /> ��rmination or unt�1 �erminat�on�s requ�red�y Ap��icable Law. Nothing �n this Section �0 affec�s <br /> B�rr�v�rer's��I��at�nn�o pay �nteres�afi the rate prav�ded �n�he No�e. <br /> Mor�gage�nsurance re�mburses Lender�ar any en��ty that purchases the No�e} f�r certain�osses i�ma� incur <br /> �f Borrower does not repay �he Loan as agre�d. Bo�row�r�s na�a par��t� �he Mor�gage�nsurance. <br /> Mart�age insurers e�alua�e�heir total risk on a11 such znsurance�n farce from t��ne to tim�, and may enter <br /> intn agreemen�s vv��h ather par�ies �ha� share or mad�fy�heir r�sk, or redu�e I�sse�. These agreements are on <br /> ��rms and condit�ons�hat are sat�sfactor��o �h�n�or�gage insurer and�he other par�y �or par�ies} �o these <br /> agreements, These agreemen�s xna� requ�re the mortga�ge�nsurer�o make pa�n�ents using an�source of funds <br /> tha�the mor�gage insu�-er may ha�e available�which may include funds ahta�ned from Mor�gag� �nsuran�e <br /> premiums}. <br /> As a resuit of�hese agreem�nts, Lender, any purchaser of�he Note, anather�nsurer, any re�nsurer, any o�her <br /> en�ity, or any af���ate of an� of the foreg�ing, ma}�receive�directl�or ind�rectiy} amounts that deri�r�from <br /> �or m�gh�be�haracter�zed as} a por��on of Borravver's payments for Mor�gage Insurance, in exchange for <br /> shar�ng or m�dif}�ing the mor�gage insurer's risk, or reducing Insses, If such agreement pro�v�des tha�an <br /> af�i�a�e�f Lender takes a share flf the insurer's ri�k in exchange fflr a share of the premiums paid�o the <br /> insurer, the arrangement ��of�en term�d "cap�i�e reinsurance." Fur�her: <br /> �a� Any su�h agreements ►�v���no�affect�he amounts tha�Borro�ver has agreed to pay for 11�Iortgage <br /> Insurance, or any other�erm�vf the Loan. Such agreements will not increase the amoun� <br /> Borrower wii�owe for N�ortgage InsuranCe, and they w���no�ent���e Borrower to any refund. <br /> ��} Any such agreemen�s w���not afFect�he rights Barrov�er has-if any- ��vith respec�to�he <br /> Mor�gage Insurance under�he�iomeowners Pro�ec��on Act of 199$or any o�her�aw. These r�gh�s <br /> rnay�nciude the righ�ta recei►ve c�r�ain disc�o�ures, to reques�and ob�a�n cance�la�ion of�he <br /> Mor�gage Insurance7 t�ha�e the Mvr�gage Insurance�ermina�ed au�amaticaily, andlar�o recei�e <br /> a refund af any Mor�gage Insurance premiums that were unearned at�h�t�xne of such <br /> cancel�a��an or ternn�ina�ian, <br /> ��. Assignment vf N�isceflaneous Prviceeds; Fvrfeiture. AlI Miscellan�aus Proceeds are hereby assigned to <br /> and shall be paid to L.�nder. <br /> �f the Property is damaged, su�h Miscellaneous Froceeds shail be applied to restoration or repair of�he <br /> Proper��r, �f the res�ora�ion ar repair�s e�onom�call� feasible and Lender's secur��y xs not lessened. During <br /> such repair and r�stora�z�n period, Lender shall have the right to hold such M�scellaneous Proceeds untii <br /> Lender has had an oppor�unit�to inspect such Property�o ensure the vv�rk has been compie�ed to Lender's <br /> , . , . . <br /> NEBRASKA-5i�gle Family-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUM�NT Form 3D28�1�1 <br /> VMP[� VMPfi[N�f[i 3Q2} <br /> Wa�ters K(uwer�inancial Ser�ices Page 9 of�7 <br />