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��15�3��1 <br /> sat�sfactian, pro��ded�hat suc�. inspe�t��n sha�� be under�aken prnmptly, Lender may pay for�he repairs <br /> and restora�ion in a s�n��e d�sbursement or�n a s�ries of pr�gr�ss payments as the�c�var� is comp�eted. <br /> Un�ess an agreem�nt �s made �n v�rit�ng�r App��cab�e Law requ�r�s interest �o be paid nn suCh <br /> Misce�lan��u� Proceeds, Lender sha�� not be requ�red ta pay Borrow�r any in�eres�ar earnings�n such <br /> Miscellaneous Proc�eds. If the restarat�an or repair is nat ecanamical�y feas�b�e or Lend�r's s�curi�y vv�u�d <br /> be lessened, the Miscellaneous Proce�ds shali be applied t� the sums secured by �his Secur��y �nstrumen�, <br /> wh�ther or nat then due, with the excess, if any, p�id to Borrawer. Such �iscei�anea��s Pr��eeds shatl b� . <br /> appli�d�n the order pra�ided for�n Secti�n 2. - <br /> �n the e�ent of a tata� taking, des�ructian, or�os� in value af the Property, the Misce��aneous Pr�ceeds shali <br /> be applied ta�he sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether�r n�t then due, w�th the excess, if any, <br /> pa�d ta Borrow�r. <br /> �n th�ev�nt of a par��al �ak�ng, de��ruct�Qn, or�nss �n va�ue of the Praperty �n�vh��h the fair market va�ue Qf <br /> the Proper�y immediat�iy b�fare the par�iai �aking, destruction, �r�oss �n value is equa� ���r greater than the <br /> amount af the sum� secured by this Securi�y Instrument immediately before the par�iai tal�ing, destructian, ar <br /> l�ss in va�ue, unless Bnrr��v�r and Lender��herwise agree in v�riting, th�sums secured by this S�curity <br /> �nstrument shall be reduced by the amflun�of the N��sce�lane�us Pr�ceeds mu�tipl�ed�y �he following <br /> fract�on: �a}th�tota� amaun�of the sums s�cured �rn�med�a���y befare the part�al tak�ng, destruct��n, or Ioss <br /> in�alue divide�.by ��} �he �a�r mark�t�a�ue of the Prflpert�r immediately�efor�the par��a� tak�ng, <br /> destruction, or�nss in�alu�. Any balance shall be paid to Borr�wer. <br /> �n the event af a par��a� taking, destruction, or��ss �n value of the Proper�� in whiGh the fair mark�t value of <br /> the Property �mmed�a�e�y before the par��a� �ak�ng, destruc��on, or lass �n value �s�ess than the am�un�of the <br /> sums se�ured imme�iiately before the par�iai �aking, destructiony or Ioss in vaiue, un�ess Bflrr�v�er and <br /> L�nder o�h�ru��s�agr�e in vwriting, the Mis�ellan��us Proceeds shali be applied to the sums secur�d by this <br /> Secur�t� �nstrumen�whether or not the sums are th�n due. <br /> �f�he Prop�r��r �s a�andoned by Barrovver, or�f, af�er notxce by L�nder to Borrower�ha�the apposing Par�y <br /> tas�efined in the ne�t sentence}�ffers to m�ak�an award to se�t�e a e�a�m for damages, Bflrrow�r fails to <br /> respond to L�nder wi�hin 3�days after the da��the noti�e is given, Lender is authoriz�d t�coilec�and app�y <br /> �he Mis�ellan�aus Prace�ds�ither to restorat�on or repair of�he Propert� or���he sums secured by�his <br /> SeGurxty �nstrum.en�, whether or n�t then due. "�ppas�ng Par�y" rneans�he th�rd par�y tha�owe�Barrow�r <br /> Misc���ane�u� Praceeds or the party against wh�m Barrower has a r�gh�of act�on in regard�o M�sce��aneous <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Barrawer shal�be in default if arty a�tion or pr�c�eding, vvh�tM�r c��ii ar criminai, is begun�hat, in Lend�r's <br /> judgment, �ou�d resui� in forfeiture�f�he Prnp�r�y or o�her material impairment of L�nder's interest in th� <br /> Prop�r�y or r�ghts und�r this Securit�r �nstrument. Borrow�r can cure such a default and, �f acce�erat�on has <br /> occurred, reinstat�as provided in Sec�ian �9, by causing the act�an or proceeding ta be disnu�sed w��h a <br /> ru�ing tha�, in Lender's judgment} pre�Iudes forfeiture�f the Pr�per�y ar other material impairment of <br /> Lender's �nterest in the Proper�y or rights under this Securi�y �ns��. The pr�ceeds af any av�ard ar <br /> ciaim for damages��a� are attributab�e ta the impa�rmen�of Lender's interes� in the Proper�y are hereby <br /> ass�gned and shall be pazd to Lender. <br /> A�I Miscellane�us Proceeds that are not applied ta restaratian or repair of�he Prop�rty shall b�applied in�he <br /> arder prov�ded for in SeCtion�. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNI�URM 1NSTRUM�NT �arrr�3Q28'1J07 <br /> VMP� VMP6{N�y 413D2y <br /> Wvlters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 1 D vf�7 <br />