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��15�3��1 <br /> B�RR�WER C�VENANTS�ha�B�rrow�r�s �avvfu���r s��sed of the estate h�r�by c�nve�ed and has�he r�ght to <br /> grant and convey�he Proper�y and�hat the Prflp�rty �s un�ncurnbered, except for encumbrances�f re�ord. <br /> Borrower u�arrants and wil� defend��nerally the t�tl�to the Propert�r against al� cla�ms and demands, sub�ect to <br /> any encumbrances of record. <br /> TH�S SE�UR.�TY �NSTRUMENT c�mbines uniform�ovenants for natiana� us�and n�n-un�form co�enants with <br /> limited�ariations b�jurisdiction to constitu�e a uniform secur��y instrument covering real prap�rty. <br /> Uniform Covenant�. Borrower and L�nder covenant a.nd agr��as fa��ows: <br /> '1. F�ayment af Prin��pa�, Interest, Es�rnw Items, Rr�payment �harges, and Late Charges. Barr�wer <br /> shal� pa�r when due�he princ�pal of, and in�er�st orz, the debt e�idenced by th� Na�e and any prepaymen� <br /> charges and �a�e char�es du�under the Nate. Bnrr�wer sha�I a�sa pay funds f�r Escrovv �tems pursuant ta <br /> Section 3. Paymen�s due und�r th�Note and this Securi�y Ins�runzent sha�� be made in U.S. currency. <br /> Hnvvever, �f any ch�ck or ather�nstrum.�nt received b� Lender as pa�m�nt under the Note or th�s Secur�t� <br /> �nstrument is returned to Lender unpa�d, Lend�r may require tha�any or ail subsequent paym�nts due under <br /> �he Note and�his Security Instrum�nt be made in one or more�f the fa��ow�ng farms, as selected by L�nder: <br /> �a} cash; �b}m�ney arder; �c} certi�ed checl�, bank check, t�easur�r's check or cashier's che��, pro�v�ded an� <br /> such che�k�s drawn upon an�nstitut�on whose depasits ar� insur�d by a fed�ral agency, �nstrumen�a���y, or <br /> en���y; or�d} Etectronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deemed receiv�d by Lender urhen rece�ved at the lo�at�on deszgnated in the Note ar at such <br /> o�her locat�on as may�e desi�nated�y Lender in accordar�.ce w��h�he no�i��pr�vis�ons in S�ctian �S. <br /> Lender may return any payment or par��a�payn�ent if th�pa�ment or par�ial payments ar��nsuf�c�en�t� <br /> bring�he L�an current. L�nder�may accep�any paym�nt or par�ial paymen� �nsuff�c�ent to bring the Loan <br /> current, �vithou�waiver of any rights h�reunder or pr��udi��t� �t� r�ghts�n refuse such payment or partia� <br /> payments in the fu�ur�, bu� L�nder is n�t ob�xga�ed�a app�y such payments a�th�time such paymen�s are <br /> accepted. �f�ach P�rz�dzc Paymen� �s app��ed as of its scheduled due da�e, then Lender need n�t pay in�erest <br /> on unappl�ed funds. Lender may ha�d such unapplied funds until Borrawer makes payments to br�ng�he <br /> Loan current. If Borrower daes nat do so within a reasonable p�ri�d of time, Lender shal� ei�her appiy �uch <br /> funds or return them ta Barrower. If na�applied earlier, such funds w�l� be app��ed to �he outstanding <br /> principal balance under the No�e immediately prior to forec�osure. Na affset or cla�m whi�h B�rrawer m�ght <br /> ha�e now or in the future against Lender shal� re��e�e Borrov�er from making paymen��due under the No�e <br /> and this Secur��y �nstrumen�or perform�ng the ca�enants and agreements secur�d by this Se�ur�t� <br /> �ns�rument. <br /> Z, Applicatian of Payments ar Proceeds. Exc�p�as ntherwise descr��ed in thzs Sect�on 2, all pa�ments <br /> accepted and applied by Lender shall be app��ed �n�he fo��owing ord�r of priority: �a} intere�t due under the <br /> Nate; �b}princ�pal due under the No�e; �c} amounts due under 5ect�on 3. Such paym�nts �ha��be app��ed t� <br /> each Per�od�c Payment in th�order in wh�ch it became due. Any remazn�ng amaunts shaxl be app�i�d first ta <br /> �ate charges, se��nd to any o�her amounts du�under this Securi�y �nstrurx�ent, and then tQ reduc�the <br /> pr�ncipa� balance of the Not�, <br /> If Lender receives a payment fr�m Borrower for a de�inqu�nt Periodic Payment whi�h includes a suf�c�ent <br /> amount to pay any �a�e charge due, the payment may be appiied tQ th�del�nqu�n�payment and�he late <br /> charge. If mar�than an�Periadic Pa�m�nt is outstand�ng, Lender may apply any payment received from <br /> B�rr�w�r�o the repayment�f th� P�r�adic Paym�nts �f, and�o th��xten��hat, each payment can be paid in <br /> fu11. T� the extent�hat any exces��xis�s af�er the paymen� i�applied to the full paymen�of�ne or mor� <br /> Perzadic Payment�, such exces�ma�be app�ied to any Iate charges due. Vo�untary pr�payments sha��be <br /> applied�rst ta any prepayment charges and�hen as described in the Note. <br /> NEgRASKA-5ingle Famity-Fannie MaelFrec�ciie Mac UNi�DRM INSTRUMENT Form 30Z8 1101 <br /> VMP� VMPS�N��t�3Q�} <br /> WaIters Kluwer Financia{Ser�ices Page 4 of 17 <br />
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