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• <br />through their employment, and any noncovered health- related expenses shall be paid <br />by the Petitioner for the first $1200.00 and then divided equally. <br />8. Concerning child support, the Court has insufficient evidence. Both parties are <br />unemployed. The Respondent indicates it is because of a disability but there is not <br />sufficient evidence to establish such disability but there is also insufficient evidence to <br />show his ability to earn. Petitioner indicates that she is unemployed with no further <br />evidence. The Court sets child support in the sum of $50 per month per child to be paid <br />by Respondent to Petitioner starting on the first day of June 2003 and on the first day of <br />each and every month thereafter until each child reaches the age of 19 or further order <br />of the Court. Child support payment shall be made to the Nebraska Child Support <br />Payment Center at P. O. Box 83307, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501. <br />9. In the event the Respondent/Obligor fails to pay any child support, spousal <br />support or other payment ordered to be made through the Payment Center as such <br />failure is certified each month by said Payment Center in cases in which the court- <br />ordered support is delinquent in an amount equal to the support due and payable for a <br />one month period of time, the Respondent/Obligor shall become subject to income <br />withholding and may be required to appear in Court and show cause why such payment <br />was not made. In the event the Respondent/Obligor fails to pay and appear as ordered, <br />a warrant shall be issued for his arrest. <br />10. The parties are ordered - furnish to the Clerk of the District •Court of Hall <br />County, Nebraska, their addresses, Social Security number and such other information <br />as the court may require time to time. The Petitioner shall also advise the Clerk of <br />the District Court of Hall County, Nebraska, in writing, of any change of employment, <br />address or telephone number between the time of the entry of this Decree of Dissolution <br />and the payment of the Judgment for Child Support entered herein in full. Failure to <br />comply with this Order shall be punishable by contempt. Each party shall provide to the <br />Clerk of the District Court whether he or she has access to employer - related health <br />insurance coverage and if so, the health insurance policy information. <br />11. Concerning property division the evidence is sketchy concerning the values <br />on property as well as debt to the parents of the Petitioner. The Petitioner indicates that <br />her parents have a debt of approximately $11,000 but offers no documentation and the <br />Page 2 . of 4 <br />201502985 <br />