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DIANE L. DIMMITT, <br />action. <br />IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />Petitioner, <br />VS. <br />THOMAS R. DIMMITT, <br />Respondent. <br />Page I _. o 9 <br />Case No. CIO2 -1371 <br />DECREE <br />r <br />201502985 <br />L /Z <br />FILED 1 <br />MAY 1 4 2003 <br />VALORtE RENDIXEN <br />L CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT ...� <br />NOW on this 12th day of May, 2003, this matter comes on for trial; the Petitioner <br />is present with her attorney, Earl D. Ahlschwede and the Respondent is present, pro se <br />and advises the Court he is ready to proceed with trial; evidence is received, and the <br />Court takes this matter under advisement; NOW on this 13th day of May, 2003, the <br />Court being fully advised in the premises, FINDS, ORDERS, ADJUDGES and <br />DECREES as follows: <br />1. The Court has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this <br />2. The marriage is irretrievably broken and it is hereby dissolved. <br />3. The care, custody and control of the minor children, Latasha Lynn Dimmitt, <br />date of birth, March 30, 1988; and Sarah Rose Dimmitt, date of birth, November 26, <br />1996, shall be in the Court with physical custody placed in the Petitioner. The Court <br />retains legal custody of the children pending further order of the Court due to testimony <br />concerning chemical abuse which, although not rising to the level of probative evidence <br />shows concern to the Court which was not sufficiently addressed. <br />4. The Respondent has the right to reasonable visitation. <br />5. Each parent shall continue to have full and equal access to the education and <br />medical records of his or her child unless the court orders to the contrary. <br />6. Either parent may make emergency decisions affecting the health and safety <br />of his or her child while the child is in the physical custody of each parent. <br />7. Each party shall carry health insurance on the minor children, if available <br />, <br />,5?, <br />