<br /> �EE�] �� TI�LJST
<br /> Loa�n No e 'i�'��8a�7� ��on���lu�d� F�age �
<br /> such Eaw. vrdinance� or regula�ion and withhold campliance during any pro���ding� including appropriat� appeals,
<br /> so I�ng as Trustar has notified Lender in wri�ing prior�o da�ng so and sa long as� in Lender's sale vpinion, Lender's
<br /> interests in the Praper�y are nv� jevpardizedn Lender may �equire Trusta� to post adequa�e securi�ty or a sure�y
<br /> bond, reasonahly satisfactory to Lender, to profiecfi Lender's interest.
<br /> ❑uty �v Protect. TrustQr agrees neither �o abandan vr I�ave unattended the Praperty. Trustvr shall �o all o�her
<br /> a��s, in addition to th�se a�ts set farth abo�e in this section, wh�ch from �he character and use of the Praperty are
<br /> reasonably ne�essary�a protect and pres�rue the Property.
<br /> DL1E ON SALE-C�NSENT 6� LENDER. Lender may� at Lender's optian, deClare immediately due and payab�e a!I sums
<br /> secured hy this De�d vf Trus�upon the sale or trans�er, wi�hout Lend�r's p�ivr�written cQnsent, af afE or any part of the
<br /> Rea! Prvper�ty, ar any inter�s� in�he Rea1 Propertye A "sale or transfer" means the c�nveyance af Real Prvperty ar any
<br /> right, �iti� �r interest in the Rea1 Praperty; wh�ther �ega1. bene�ic�al ❑r equitable; whether �oluntary or in�vluntary;
<br /> whether by outright saEe, de�d, insta[Imen� sale cantra�t, land cantract, �ontract for dee�, ieasehold interest v�i�h a
<br /> term gr�ater than three (3y years, iease-option c�ntract, or by sa�e, assignment, or�ransfer vf any heneficial interest in
<br /> flr to any land trust haid�ng titie to #he R�a� Prape�ty, or by any other method of conveyance vf an int�rest in the Real
<br /> Property. HoweWer, this option sha�j nvt be exercised �y Lender if such exercise is prohi�i��d by federa� law or by
<br /> lVebraska lawo
<br /> TAXES A1VD LIENS. The fo�lowing provisivns r�Eat�ng to the taxes and liens an the P�r�perty are part of th�s Dee� of
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. `Trustar sha11 pay when due {and in a[1 �vents prior to delinquency� all taxes� spe�ial�axes, assessments,
<br /> charges �inc�uding water and sewery, fines and irnpasitions levied against or �n ac�ount vf the Property, and shall
<br /> pay when due all claims f�r work done an or far s�rvices rendered �r mat�rial furnished to �he Pro�erty, Trustor
<br /> shall maintain the Property free of all ii�ns having priority aver��equal to�he interes�of Len�er und�r this Desd of
<br /> Trust, ex�ept for the lien vf taxes and assessrnents not due and except as o-�herwise provid�d in this Deed of
<br /> Trust e
<br /> l�ight ta �an�est. Trustor rnay withhQld payment of any taxr assessment, or claim in conne�tion with a goad faith
<br /> dispute�Wer�he obligation ta pay, so �ong as Lender's interest in the Praperty is no�jeapardized, �f a lien arises ar
<br /> is �i[ed as a result of n�npayment, Trustar shall within �ifteen �15� days a�ter the lien arises vr, it a lien is �Filed,
<br /> within �i��teen {15y days after Trustar has notice af the fi�ing, se�ure the dischar�e �f �he iien, or i�F r�quested �y
<br /> L�nder,deposft with Lend�r cash or a suff�cient�orporate surety bond ar other securifiy satis�actory to Lender in an
<br /> amount suff�cien�to discharge�he lien p�us any casts and attnrn�ys' fe�s, vr o�her charges tha� cnuld accrue as a
<br /> re�ult nf a for�closure or safe under the liene In�ny c�n�test, Trustor shall de��nd i�sel�and Le�der and shall satisfy
<br /> any ad�erse judgrnent befor� �nf�rcement against�he Propertye Trustar sha[1 name L�nder as an additional o�ligee
<br /> under any surety bond furnished in the contesfi proceedings.
<br /> Eviden�� �f Paymen�o Trustor shafl upon derr�and furnish �� Lender sa�isfac�ory svid�nce af paym�nt o�the taxes
<br /> or assessmen�s and shaEl autharize the apprvpriat� ga�ernmental of�icial to deli�er to Lender at any time a writt�n
<br /> statemsnt vf�he�axes and assessments against�he Praperty.
<br /> Nafii�e �� �onstruct�vn. Trustor shal! na�fify Lender at least�Fifteen {'f 5} days he�ore any work is cammenced, any
<br /> serWices are furnish�d, or any mafierials are suppl�ed t� the PrQperty, if any mechanic's lien, ma�er�aimen's lien, �r
<br /> other lEen cou�d be asser�ed an a��ount vfi the w�rk, ser�ices, or materials. Trustor will upon request af Lender
<br /> �urn�sh ta Lender advance assurances satisfactary �❑ Lender that Trus�ar ean and wi�l pay the �ost �f such
<br /> improvemen�s.
<br /> P'RDPE�TY 1]►oINiAGE lNSUR►4NCEo The follawing pro�isior�s relatin� to insuring�he Prop�rty are a part of this Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust,
<br /> IlJlaintenance of Insuranc�a Trus�or shall pro�ur� and main�ain poliGies ❑f fire insurance with standard extended
<br /> co�erage endvrsem�nts vn a �air �alue hasis far the ful� insurable value co�ering a�l lmpro�ements on the Real
<br /> Pt�aperty in an amoun� sufficien� �o a�oid applicatian of any cainsurance clause, �nd with a standard mortgagee
<br /> clause in fauor o�Lenders Trustar shall also procure and mainta�n compreh�ns�We general liability ins�rran�e in such
<br /> co�erage amvunts as Lender may requesf w�th Trustee and Lender �eing named as additiana� insureds in such
<br /> liability insurance policies, Additionally, Trustflr shal� maintain such other insuran�e, including but nvt limited to
<br /> hazard, business �nterruption, and bviler insu�ance, as Lend�r rnay reasvnably require. Policies shall be writt�n in
<br /> farm. annaunts� ca�erages and basis reasor�ab[y acceptable �to Lender and issu�d �y a corr�pany ar campanies
<br /> reasonably a�cep#able tv Lender. Trustar, upon request af L�nder� ►rvill deliver to Lender �rom time to time the
<br /> p�licies or certi�Fi�ates of insurance in form satisfactory to Lender. in�luding stipufatians that co�erages vvil[ not be
<br /> cancelled vr diminished withaut at I�ast ten {1�y days prior wri�ten notice ta Lender, Each insurance pvlicy a1s�
<br /> shall include an endarsement prv�iding tha�coverage in fa�ar o�Lender will nat be impaired in any►rvay by any a�t,
<br /> omissi�n ar defau��t of Trustor ar any �ther persvno Should �he R�ai Property be locafied in an area dssi�nated �y
<br /> � the Adminis�rator of�he Federa! Emergency {I�anagement Agency as a special fl�vd hazard area, Trustor agrees to
<br /> vbtain and maintain Federal Flood Insurance, i� a�aila�l�, vuithin 45 days a�ter notice is gi�en by Lender that the
<br /> Praperty is Iocated in a speciai flaod hazard area, for th�#ull unpaid principal �a�ance of the Ivan and any prior liens
<br /> on the property securing th� Inan� up to�he maximum palicy limits set und�r the Natiana� Flood Insurance Program,
<br /> a�as otherwise required b�Lender, and�t4 main�ain such insurance�or the term of the Ivano
<br /> lapp�icati�r� of Pro�ee�is. Trustvr shall p�omptly noti�y Lender of any loss or damage to th� Praperfiye Lender may
<br />