<br /> �a� Any suc�agreements�i11 n�t aff�c�the amounts tbat Barrnw�r has a�reed to pay for Ni�rt�age
<br /> Insur�nce,�r�ny otber terms of the Loan,Su�h agreements will not increase the amount
<br /> Bvrrawer will owe fo��Iartgag���sura�.ce,and�hey will nn�#�entitle Barrtivv�e�ta an�y refund,
<br /> �bj Any�u�h agreements will not affect th�rights B�rrvwer has-if any-with�espect ta the
<br /> Mortgage Insurance under the Homeawners P'ratect�vn Act af 19�$�r any ather��w.These rights
<br /> may�nclude the right ta receive certain disc�osures,to request and��t�in�ancellati�n�f the
<br /> Mvrtgage Insurance,to�.ave the M�rt�age InsuranCe term�nated autvmatic�lly,andlar tv receive
<br /> �refund�f an�Mortgage Insuran�e p�r�m�ums that wer�unearned at the tim.e of such
<br /> cancellation or terminatian,
<br /> �1�I. Ass�gnmentvf Ilili�cel�aneousProc�eds;Farfeiture.A�l Miscellaneous Froceeds are hereby assigned to
<br /> and shall be pa�d to Lender.
<br /> If the Property is damagedg such Miscelianeous Proceeds sha1l be agp�ied�o res�oration or repair of th.e
<br /> �'roperty,if the restoration or repair is economica�ly feasib�e and Lender`s security is not less�ned.Uuring
<br /> such repair and restoration period,Lender sha11 have t�ie right to hold�uch Misce�laneous Pra�eeds unt��
<br /> L.ender has had an opportunity ta�nspect such Property to ensure the vvork has been comp�eted to L�nder's
<br /> sati�faction,provided that such inspection shall be undertaken promptly. Lender may pay for the repairs and
<br /> rest�ration in a s�ngle disbursement or in a series of progress payments as the work is cample�ed. Unl�ss an
<br /> agreement�s made in writing�r Applica�le Lavv requires interest to be paid on such Miscellaneous Proc�eds,
<br /> Lender sha11 not be required to pay Barrower any interest or ea,rni.ng�on such Mis�ellaneous Proceeds. If the
<br /> restoration or repair�s not ecanomically feasible or Lender's security would be tess�ned,the Miscellanevus
<br /> Pro�eeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Ins�rument,whether or not then due,with the
<br /> excess,if an�r,paid to Borr�wer. Such lltiisce��aneous Pra��eds sha11 be applied in.the or�er pro�ided far i�
<br /> S ectiQn 2.
<br /> In the e��nt of a tota�taking,d�struction,or loss in value of the Property,the Misce��aneaus Froceeds shal�
<br /> be app�ied to th�sums sect�red by this Secur�ty Instrum�nt,whether or not then due,with the excess, if any,
<br /> pa�d to Bonower.
<br /> In t�e event of a pa�ial taking,destruc�ion,or Ioss in�a�ue af the Praperty in which�he fair market�a�ue of
<br /> the Propert�y irnmediately before the partial�king,des#ruction,ar loss in�a1ue is equa�to or greater than the
<br /> amount af the sums se�ured by this Security Instxument immediately before the paitial taking,destruction,or
<br /> loss in value,un�ess Borr��er and Lender otherwise agree in writing�the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument sha��be reduced by the amount of the Misce�laneous Praceeds multip��ed b�the follaw��g
<br /> fraction: �a)the tota�amaunt of the sums secured immediate�y before the partial taking,destruction.,or lass
<br /> in value divided b�r[b)the fair ma,rket va�ue of the Property i�mmediately before the pa,rtial taking,
<br /> dest�rru�t�an,or loss in�alue.Any balance shall be pai�to B�rrower.
<br /> In the event oF a partial ta,�ing,destruction,or loss�n�ralue of the Property in which the fair market value of
<br /> t�ie Proper�y�mmediate�y befare the partial taking,destructian,or�oss�n value is less than the amount of the
<br /> sums secured immediately before�he par�ial taking, destruction,ar loss in�a�ue,u��ess Barrower and
<br /> Lender other�vise agree�n wr�.ting,the Miscellane�us�'�'oceeds sha��be applied to the sums se�ured by this
<br /> Seeurity Instrument whether or not the surns are then due.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Ban�wer,or if,ai�er notice by Lender to Borro�ver that the�pposing Party
<br /> �as de�'tned in the n�xt s�ntence)offers to make an a�varc�to settle a claim for damages,�orrower fails to
<br /> respond t�Lender within 3�days after the dat�the notice is g�ven,L�ader is autharized to collect and apply
<br /> the 1Vl�scellaneous Procee�s either to restoration ar repair of the Property or to the sums secured by�his
<br /> NEgRASKA�ingle Fam��y-Fannie MaelFr�eddie Mac UNlFQRM IN�TRLIMENT WITH MERS Farm 3028 1I�1
<br /> VMP� VMPBA(NE}(13�2).44
<br /> Wolte�K4�we�Fi�a�c�a�Se�vices Page 1�o��7
<br /> qU3339915z91 4 33 375 1�17
<br />